New Year's Day,2014-01-01 【Aiden in English】
The first day of 2014 wasn't turning out so well. I felt queasy about the food eaten last night while crossing the Mozambique Channel from Madagascar to Mozambique. In addition, I also overslept at the golf tournament. If I were to catch up to a table tennis tournament, then I had to hurry. The problem wasn't "Am I going to make it to the game", but really "How am I going to do at the table tennis game". But for someone who wanted to throw up every second, I did quite well. In fact, I was even able to win against my opponent. As soon as I did, the queasiness came back to me. It felt as if my stomach was doing 360o off a trampoline. It got a lot worse at lunchtime and all that I seemed to be able to eat was a plate of grapes and oranges. That had me refreshed a bit. On our team trivia this afternoon, I was barely able to focus on the questions from the cruise director. When I came back to the cabin, I plopped myself on the bed and fell asleep.
I hoped that tomorrow would be a better day because I had learned my lesson. Watch what you eat and always keep your hands clean before they even think about touching your mouth.
问题不是“我能否参加比赛﹖”而是“我如何发挥水平﹖”比起随时都要呕吐的人,我的身体状况不知乐观了多少,我甚至能克敌制胜打赢对手。不过好景不长,比赛一结束,我又感觉不适,如同跳过360度腾空蹦床,胃内翻江倒海七上八下。午餐时分,食欲变得更糟,除了葡萄和桔子爽口东西外,我什么也不想吃。下午百科知识竞赛时,我甚至无法集中精力回答游轮总监提出的问题。回到房间后,我顾不上三七二十一倒身睡下。 希望明天将大有改观,从今往后无论如何,吃东西之前必须好好洗手。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2013: New Year's Eve on Mozambique Channel(莫桑比克海峡过阳历除夕) 2011: 拾金不昧(Lost Money Found) 2010: 澳洲仙企鹅游行(Fairy Penguin Parade, Australia) 2009: 孩子与我(Son & Me)
Bakery on New Year's Day (元旦面包坊 01-01-2014)
Table Tennis Tournament (乒乓球循环赛 01-01-2014) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |