2014-08-28 【Aiden in English】
Spoons is a fun card game that kids can enjoy. Although it may get a little rough, I love it. Except at GHCS Summer Camp, we tweaked it up a little bit. Around one this afternoon, just after lunch, my friends Kevin, Michelle, and I were playing Spoons when suddenly someone turned on the fan. The fan blew the cards everywhere. Kevin shouted: "Which Nincompoop turned on the fan?!" As I heard the word "Nincompoop" leave his mouth, I began trembling with laughter. Michelle soon began to laugh, too. Not a second after we started laughing, the whole class laughed hysterically. And so, we named the game Spoons Nincompoop. There were a few changes, though. The objective is to pass the cards around in a circle and collect 4 of the same number. For example, if you have three 3's, you pick up a 3. Then you swapped your 4th card out, so you have four 3's. Once you have 4 of one number, you pick up a spoon. If you see someone pick up a spoon, you pick up a spoon. There is always one less spoon than the number of players. The last person not to pick up a spoon loses. Here's what's different. If you fail, you get a letter. The letters spell Nincompoop. If you spell Nincompoop, you lose for good, and you must wear a sign on your back written with Nincompoop for the day. Sometimes, silly little moments happen, even if by accident. 【红霞译】
大家围做一圈按《勺子》打法发牌,每人试图收集四张相同号码的扑克牌。举例来说,如果你有三张“3”,那么仍需得到另外一张“3”。接下来,你设法换回第四张“3”。一旦手上四张牌数字一致,你得一只勺子。当看到别人拿勺时,你自己也要拿勺,可勺子的额度总是比打牌人数少一个,因此最后得不到勺子的人算输。在这里《淘气包》与《勺子》有所区别,倘若输了,你就要抽一个字母,所有字母都是“淘气包”的组字成分。假如收集到的字母恰好为“淘气包”的话,你彻底被淘汰出局,其背后还要贴上写有“淘气包”字样的标记。 有时候,恶作剧出奇不意,事先毫无准备。
Spoons, the Card Game (纸牌游戏《勺子》08-28-2014)
Graffiti (涂鸦 08-28-2014)
Playground (操场 08-28-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |