2024-06-23 National Typewriter Day
【Song: II】
Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)
〖Nobel Prize in Literature 1911〗
And if he should come again,
What am I to say?
– Tell him some one looked for him,
2024-06-23 National Porridge Day
【Song: I】
Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)
〖 Nobel Prize in Literature 1911〗
She has chained her within a grot,
Upon the gate a sign put she;
The maiden has the light forgot,
The key has fall'n into the sea.
2024-06-22 National Onion Ring Day
John Milton (1608-1674)
Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making.
—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
2024-06-22 World Rainforest Day
【Sesame and Lilies】
John Ruskin (1819-1900)
For all books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time. Mark this distinction - it is not one of quality only. It is not merely the bad book that does not last, and the good one that does. It is a distinction of species. There are good books for the hour, and good ones for all time; bad books for the hour, and bad ones for all tim
2024-06-21 National Smoothie Day
【My arm clasped your fragile waist
(Mon bras pressait ta taille frêle)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
My arm clasped your fragile waist
that's supple as a reed;
Your breast beat like the wing
Of a young bird!
2024-06-21 Wagyu Day
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Si vous n'avez rien à me dire,
Pourquoi venir auprès de moi ?
Pourquoi me faire ce sourire
Qui tournerait la tête au roi ?
Si vous n'avez rien à me dire,
2024-06-21 World Music Day
【The Genesis Of The Butterfly (Vere novo)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
The dawn is smiling on the dew that covers
The tearful roses; lo, the little lovers
That kiss the buds, and all the flutterings
In jasmine bloom, and periwinkle, of white wings,
That go and come, and fly, and peep and hide,
With muffled music, murmured far and wi
2024-06-20 National Vanilla Milkshake Day
【January 1st (1er janvier)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Child, you will be told later that the grandfather
adored you; that he did his best on earth,
That he had very little joy and much envy,
That when you were little he was old,
That he had no gruff words or morose airs,
2024-06-20 National Ice Cream Soda Day
【I love a little child, and I'm an old fool
(J'aime un petit enfant, et je suis un vieux fou)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
I want to go away.
To go where?
Wherever I want.
Let us leave.
I want to remain, Grandfather.
2024-06-20 World Tapas Day
【Yesterday Evening (Hier Au Soir)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Yesterday, the evening wind, whose breath caresses,
Brought us the scent of flowers that open late;
Night was falling; the bird slept in the thick shadow.
Spring was fragrant, less than your youth;
The stars were shining, less than your gaze.
2024-06-19 World Sauntering Day
【The Ocean's Song (Nous nous promenions à Rozel-Tower)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
We walked amongst the ruins famed in story
Of Rozel-Tower,
And saw the boundless waters stretch in glory
And heave in power.
O Ocean vast! We heard thy song with wonder,
Whilst waves marked time.
2024-06-19 National Garfield the Cat Day
【To A Woman (A une femme)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Child! if I were king, I would give the empire,
And my chariot, and my scepter, and my people on their knees
And my crown of gold, and my baths of porphyry,
And my fleets, for which the sea cannot suffice,
For a look of you!
If I were God, the earth and the air with the waves,
Angels, demons bowed before my law,
And the deep chao
2024-06-18 International Picnic Day
【To the Imperious Beauty (A la belle impérieuse)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Love, panic
Of reason,
2024-06-18 Sustainable Gastronomy Day
【To My Daughter Adele (A ma fille Adèle)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
As a child, you slept near me, pink and fresh,
Like a baby Jesus dozing in his manger;
Your pure sleep was so calm and lovely
That you didn't hear the bird sing in the shadows;
2024-06-18 National Go Fishing Day
【To Souls Flown Away (A des âmes envolées)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
These souls that you recall,
My heart, don't come back.
Why then do they persist,
Alas! to stay there?
2024-06-17 World Tessellation Day
【Written Beneath a Crucifix (Ecrit au bas d'un crucifix)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
You who weep, come to this God, for he weeps.
You who suffer, come to him, for he cures.
You who tremble, come to him, for he smiles.
You who pass, come to him, for he remains.
—— •
2024-06-17 National Take Your Cat to Work Day
【More Strong Than Time (Plus fort que le temps)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Since I have set my lips to your full cup, my sweet,
Since I my pallid face between your hands have laid,
Since I have known your soul, and all the bloom of it,
And all the perfume rare, now buried in the shade;
Since it was given to me
2024-06-17 National Stewart's Root Beer Day
【June Nights (Nuits de juin)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
In summer, when the day has fled, the plain covered with flowers
Pours out far away an intoxicating scent;
Eyes shut, ears half open to noises,
We only half sleep in a transparent slumber.
The stars are purer, the shade seems pleasanter;
2024-06-17 National Apple Strudel Day
【Sunset (Les Soleils Couchants)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
The sun set tonight in the clouds.
Tomorrow will come the storm, and the evening, and the night;
Then dawn, and its clarity of obstructed vapors;
Then the nights, then the days, not of time that flees!
All these days will pass; they will pass in crowds
On the face of the seas, on the face of the mountains,
On the silver rivers, on the forests where rolls
Like a confused hymn of the dead that we love.
And t
2024-06-17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day
【Tomorrow at Dawn (Demain, dès l'aube)】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Tomorrow, at dawn, when the countryside brightens,
I will depart. You see, I know that you wait for me.
I will go through the woods, I will go past the mountains.
I cannot remain far from you any longer.
I will walk, eyes set upon my thoughts,
2024-06-16 World Refill Day
【Variation (Variación)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The remanso of air
Under the branch of echo.
The remanso of water
Under a frond of stars.
2024-06-16 National Fudge Day
【Little Song of Seville (Cancioncilla sevillana)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Dawn is awakening
In the orange grove.
The little golden bees
Are looking for honey.
2024-06-16 International Day of Family Remittances
【Landscape (Paisaje)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
To Rita, Concha, Pepe and Carmencica
The mistaken afternoon
Dressed in cold.
Behind the windows,
2024-06-16 National Turkey Lovers' Day
【 Clock Clear (Claro de reloj) 】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
I sat
In a clearing of time.
It was a haven
Of silence,
2024-06-15 World Martini Day
【 Half Moon (Media luna) 】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The moon goes across the water.
How calm the sky is!
It slowly mows down
the old tremor of the river
2024-06-15 International Surfing Day
【 Suicide (Suicidio) 】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
(Maybe it was because you hadn't mastered Geometry)
The lad was going blank.
It was ten in the morning.
His heart
2024-06-15 World Juggling Day
【 Died at Dawn (Murió Al Amanecer) 】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Four moon night
And a single tree,
With a single shadow
And a single bird.
2024-06-15 Nature Photography Day
【 Song (Canción) 】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The girl with the lovely face,
Goes, gathering olives.
The wind, that towering lover,
Takes her by the waist.
2024-06-14 National Movie Night
【 I'm beginning to know myself (Começo a conhecer-me) 】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
I'm beginning to know myself. I don't exist.
I'm the space between what I'd like to be and what others have made me,
Or half of this space, since there's also life…
That's me, after all…
Turn off the light, shut the door, and get rid of the slipper noise in the hallway.
Just let me be at ease and all by myself in my room.&
2024-06-14 National Strawberry Shortcake Day
【 Odes (1933) 】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
To be great, be whole: nothing that's you
Should you exaggerate or exclude.
In each thing, be all. Give all you are
In the least you ever do.
The whole moon, because it
2024-06-14 National Cucumber Day
【 Odes, Book I - 02 (1924) 】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
Of the gardens of Adonis, Lydia, I love
Most of all those fugitive roses
That on the day they are born,
That very day, must also die.
Eternal, for them, the light of day:
2024-06-14 National Bourbon Day
【 Odes 】
Ricardo Reis, Heteronym of Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
Don't try to build in the space you suppose
Is future, Lydia, and don't promise yourself
Tomorrow. Quit hoping and be who you are
Today. You alone are your life.
2024-06-14 National Cucumber Day
【 I Am A Shepherd (Sou um guardador de rebanhos) 】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
I am a shepherd.
The sheep are my thoughts
And all my thoughts and sensations.
I think with my eyes and ears,
My feet and hands
2024-06-13 World Softball Day
【I Know, I Alone (Estar Sozinho)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
I know, I alone
How much it hurts, this heart
2024-06-13 National Weed Your Garden Day
【Every Day Without Joy Was Not Yours (Cada dia sem gozo não foi teu)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
Every day without joy was not yours
(The day you didn't enjoy wasn't yours):
You just had to stay with it. How much alive
Without enjoying it, you don'
2024-06-13 Saint Anthony Festival
【Like A Mist (Tenho em mim como uma bruma)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
I have in me like a mist
That nothing is or contains
Longing for nothing,
The desire for any good.
2024-06-12 National Loving Day
【Portuguese Sea (Mar Português)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
Oh salty sea, how much of your salt
Are tears of Portugal!
To get across you, how many mothers cried,
How many sons prayed in vain!
How many brides were never to
2024-06-11 National Corn on the Cob Day
【Crown Me with Roses (Coróname de rosas)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
Crown me with roses,
Crown me really
With roses -
Roses that burn out
2024-06-11 International Yarn Bombing Day
【Autopsychography (Autopsicographia)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
— Edwin Honig (Translator)
The poet is a faker. He
Fakes it so completely,
He even fakes he's suffering
2024-06-11 National Making Life Beautiful Day
【When I did not have you (Quando eu não te tinha)】
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)
When I did not have you
I loved Nature like a recluse as calm as Christ…
Now I love nature
Like a monk as calm as the Virgin Mary,
Religiously, in my own way, as before,
But in a different way by approaching life more.
2024-06-10 National Black Cow Day
【Silly Song (Canción tonta)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
I want to be made of silver.
2024-06-10 National Herbs and Spices Day
【Guitar (La Guitarra)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The weeping of the guitar
The goblets of dawn
are smashed.
2024-06-09 National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
【Desire (Deseo)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Only your hot heart,
and nothing more.
My Garden of Eden, a spot
2024-06-09 National Earl Day
【The Little Mute Boy (El niño mudo)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The little boy looks for his voice.
(The king of the crickets had it.)
In a drop of water
the little boy was looking for his voice.
2024-06-09 National Donald Duck Day
【Before The Dawn (Murió Al Amanecer)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
But like love
the archers
are blind.
2024-06-09 National Meal Prep Day
【Malagan (Malagueña)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
enters, and leaves,
the tavern.
2024-06-09 National Children's Day
【Every Song (Cada canción)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Every song
is the remains
of love.
2024-06-08 Best Friends Day
【Conch (Concha)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
To Natalia Jiménez
Somebody has given me a conch.
Inside, a sea map is singing.
My heart
fills with water&nb
2024-06-08 World Oceans Day
【The Interrupted Concert (El concierto interrumpido)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The cold and somnolent pause-mark
Of the crescent moon
Has broken the harmony
Of the deep night.
2024-06-07 National Donut Day
【In Vain I Migrate】
Abdellatif Laâbi (1942-Now)
I migrate in vain
In every city I drink the same coffee
and resign myself to the waiter's impassive face
The laughter of nearby tables
disturbs the evening's music
2024-06-06 National Yo-Yo Day
【My Mother's Language】
Abdellatif Laâbi (1942-Now)
It's been twenty years since I last saw my mother
She starved herself to death
They say that each morning
she would pull her headscarf off
and strike the floor seven times
cursing the heavens and the Tyr
2024-06-06 National Fish & Chips Day
【Dish Of The Day】
Abdellatif Laâbi (1942-Now)
For today's special
we'd like to recommend a very spicy
'killer' stew
The innkeeper
2024-06-06 National Eyewear Day
Abdellatif Laâbi (1942-Now)
If we could write
simply by placing
2024-06-06 D-Day for Normandy Landings
【I'm a child of this dreary century】
Abdellatif Laâbi (1942-Now)
I'm a child of this dreary century
a child who never grew up
Doubts that set my tongue on fire
2024-06-05 Global Running Day
【Sleepwalking Romance (Romance Sonámbulo)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Green, how I want you green.
Green wind. Green branches.
The ship out on the sea
and the horse on the m
2024-08-05 National Start Over Day
【The Crazy Boy (El niño loco)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
I said: "Late"
But it wasn't like that.
The afternoon was something else
that had already gone away.
(And the light shrugged
2024-06-05 National Attitude Day
【Schematic Nocturne (Nocturno esquemático)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
The fennel, a serpent, and rushes.
Aroma, a sign, and penumbra.
Air, earth, and solitariness.
2024-06-05 World Environment Day
【Song of the Rider (Canción de jinete)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Distant and isolated.
Black nag, large moon,
2024-06-05 Festival of Popular Delusions Day
【Absent Soul (Alma ausente)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Neither the bull nor the fig tree knows you,
Neither the horses nor the ants in your house,
Neither the baby knows you nor the afternoon,
Because you have died forever.
Neither the back of the stone knows you
Nor the black s
2024-06-04 National Cognac Day
【Dawn (La aurora)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
Dawn in New York has
Four columns of mire
And a hurricane of black pigeons
Splashing in the putrid waters.
Dawn in New York groans
On enormous fire escapes
2024-06-03 National Leave the Office Early Day
【Hunter (Cazador)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
A tall pine forest!
Above it, four doves flying.
Four doves
2024-06-03 Love Conquers All Day
【Farewell (Despedida)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
If I die,
leave the balcony open.
The little boy is eating oranges.
2024-06-03 National "Thank God It's Monday" Day
【Ditty of First Desire (Cancioncilla del primer deseo)】
Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)
In delicated green morning,
I will be a heart.
A heart.
2024-06-02 National Bubba Day
【 The Grave and The Rose (La tombe dit à la rose) 】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
The grave said to the rose:
"With the tears that dawn sprinkles upon you
What do you make, flower of love?"
The rose said to the tomb:
2024-06-02 National Rotisserie Chicken Day
【 The Poor Children (Les enfants pauvres) 】
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Take heed of this small child of earth;
He is great; he hath in him God most high.
Children before their fleshly birth
Are lights alive in the blue sky.
2024-05-31 National Smile Day
【 The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man (1923) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
One's grand flights, one's Sunday baths,
One's tootings at the weddings of the soul
Occur as they occur. So bluish clouds
Occurred above the empty house and the leaves
2024-05-24 International Tiara Day
【Arrival at the Waldorf (1942)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Home from Guatemala, back at the Waldorf.
This arrival in the wild country of the soul,
All approaches gone, being completely there,
Where the wild poem is a substitute
For the woman one loves or ought to love,
2024-05-12 Mother's Day
【Earthy Anecdote (1918)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Every time the bucks went clattering
Over Oklahoma
A firecat bristled in the way.
Wherever they went,
They went clattering,
2024-05-04 World Give Day
【Stars at Tallapoosa (1922)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The lines are straight and swift between the stars.
The night is not the cradle that they cry,
The criers, undulating the deep-oceaned phrase.
The lines are much too dark and much too sharp.
2024-05-04 National Bird Day
【Invective Against Swans (1923)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The soul, O ganders, flies beyond the parks
And far beyond the discords of the wind.
A bronze rain from the sun descending marks
The death of summer, which that ti
2024-05-04 Kentucky Derby
【The Plot Against the Giant - Third Girl (1917)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Oh, la…le pauvre!
I shall run before him,
With a curious puffing.
He will bend his ear then.
I shall whisper
2024-04-27 National Prime Rib Day
【The Plot Against the Giant - Second Girl (1917)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
I shall run before him,
Arching cloths besprinkled with colors
As small as fish-eggs.
The threads
Will abash him.
—— • —— • —— R
2024-04-27 World Veterinary Day
【The Plot Against the Giant - First Girl (1917)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
When this yokel comes maundering,
whetting his hacker,
I shall run before him,
Diffusing the civilest odors
Out of geraniums and unsmelled flowers.
2024-04-27 National Tell a Story Day
【Ploughing on Sunday (1919)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The white cock's tail
Tosses in the wind.
The turkey-cock's tail
2024-04-27 Independent Bookstore Day
【The Paltry Nude Starts on a Spring Voyage (1919)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
But not on a shell, she starts,
Archaic, for the sea.
But on the first-found weed
She scuds the glitters,
Noiselessly, like one more wave.
2024-04-27 International Marconi Day
【 Parochial Theme (1942 )】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Long-tailed ponies go nosing the pine-lands,
Ponies of Parisians shooting on the hill.
The wind blows. In the wind, the voices
Have shapes that are not yet fully themselves,
Are sounds blown by a blower into shapes,
2024-04-27 Intl Design Day
【 The Poems of Our Climate - III (1942) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
There would still remain the never-resting mind,
So that one would want to escape, come back
To what had been so long composed.
The imperfect is our paradise.
Note that,
2024-04-20 Volunteer Recognition Day
【 The Poems of Our Climate - II (1942) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Say even that this complete simplicity
Stripped one of all one's torments, concealed
The evilly compounded, vital I
And made it fresh in a world of white,
2024-04-06 Jump Over Things Day
【 The Poems of Our Climate - I (1942) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Clear water in a brilliant bowl,
Pink and white carnations. The light
In the room more like a snowy air,
2024-04-06 International Firewalk Day
【 The Glass of Water (1942) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
That the glass would melt in heat,
That the water would freeze in cold,
Shows that this object is merely a state,
One of many, between two poles. So,
In the metaphysical, there are these poles.
Here in the centre stands the glass. Light
2024-04-06 National Handmade Day
【 To the One of Fictive Music (1922) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Sister and mother and diviner love,
And of the sisterhood of the living dead
Most near, most clear, and of the clearest bloom,
And of the fragrant mothers the most dear
And queen, and of diviner love the day
And flame and summer and sweet fi
2024-04-06 National Student-Athlete Day
【 The Man Whose Pharynx Was Bad (1921) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The time of year has grown indifferent.
Mildew of summer and the deepening snow
Are both alike in the routine I know:
I am too dumbly in my being pent.
2024-04-06 National Siamese Cat Day
【 Tea at the Palaz of Hoon (1921) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Not less because in purple I descended
The western day through what you called
The loneliest air, not less was I myself.
What was the ointment sprinkled on my beard?
What were the hymn
2024-04-06 National Pajama Day
【 The Novel (1950) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The crows are flying above the foyer of summer.
The winds batter it. The water curls. The leaves
Return to their original illusion.
The sun stands like a Spaniard as he departs,
Stepping from the foyer of summer into that
Of the past, the rodomontadean emptiness.
Mother was afraid I should freeze in the Parisian hotels.
She had heard of the fate of an Argentine writer. At ni
2024-04-06 National Tartan Day
【 The Region November (1956) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
It is hard to hear the north wind again,
And to watch the treetops, as they sway.
They sway, deeply and loudly, in an effort,
So much less than feeling, so much less than
2024-03-31 Easter Day
【 The Wind Shifts (1917) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
This is how the wind shifts:
Like the thoughts of an old human,
Who still thinks eagerly
And despairingly.
The wind shifts like this:
Like a hu
2024-03-24 World Tuberculosis Day
【 Secret Man (1934) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The sounds of rain on the roof
Are like the sound of doves.
It is long since there have been doves
On any house of mine.
2024-03-10 Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent)
【 Large Red Man Reading (1950) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
There were ghosts that returned to earth to hear his phrases,
As he sat there reading, aloud, the great blue tabulae.
They were those from the wilderness of stars that had expected more.
There were those that returned to hear him read from the poem of life,
Of the pans above the stove, the pots on the table, the tulips among them.
They were those that would have wept to step barefoot into rea
2024-03-10 Pretzel Sunday
【 Table Talk (1935) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Granted, we die for good.
Life, then, is largely a thing
Of happens to like, not should.
And that, too, granted, why
Do I happen to like red bush,
2024-03-10 National Skirt Day
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-XII (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
A blue pigeon it is, that circles the blue sky,
On sidelong wing, around and round and round.
A white pigeon it is, that flutters to the ground,
Grown tired of flight. Like a dark rabbi, I
Observed, when young, the nature of mankind,
In lordly
2024-03-10 National Landline Telephone Day
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-XI (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
If sex were all, then every trembling hand
Could make us squeak, like dolls, the wished-for words.
But note the unconscionable treachery of fate,
That makes us weep, laugh, grunt and groan, and shout
Doleful heroics, pinching gestures forth
2024-03-03 National I Want You to Be Happy Day
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-X (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The fops of fancy in their poems leave
Memorabilia of the mystic spouts,
Spontaneously watering their gritty soils.
I am a yeoman, as such fellows go.
2024-02-25 Farewell to the God of Plague
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-IX (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
In verses wild with motion, full of din,
Loudened by cries, by clashes, quick and sure
As the deadly thought of men accomplishing
Their curious fates in war, come, celebrate
2024-02-18 Thumb Appreciation Day
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VIII (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
Like a dull scholar, I behold, in love,
An ancient aspect touching a new mind.
It comes, it blooms, it bears its fruit and dies.
This trivial trope reveals a way of truth.
Our bloom is gone. We are the fruit thereof.
2028-02-18 Pluto Day
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VII (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
The mules that angels ride come slowly down
The blazing passes, from beyond the sun.
Descensions of their tinkling bells arrive.
These muleteers are dainty of their way.
2024-02-18 National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
【 Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VI (1918) 】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)
If men at forty will be painting lakes
The ephemeral blues must merge for them in one,
The basic slate, the universal hue.
There is a substance in us that prevails.
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