2023-12-08 National Blue Collar Day
【On the Road Home (1938)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) It was when I said, "There is no such thing as the truth," That the grapes seemed fatter. The fox ran out of his hole. You... You said, "There are many truths, But they are not parts of a truth." Then the tree, at night, began to change, Smoking through green and smoking blue. We were two figures in a wood. We said we stood alone. It was when I said, "Words are not forms of a single word. In the sum of the parts, there are only the parts. The world must be measured by eye"; It was when you said, "The idols have seen lots of poverty, Snakes and gold and lice, But not the truth"; It was at that time, that the silence was largest And longest, the night was roundest, The fragrance of the autumn warmest, Closest and strongest. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《回家路上》(1938)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 就在我说, “没有所谓的真理,” 葡萄才显得更肥。 狐狸窜出了洞穴。 你……你说, “真理有很多, 但并非真理的一部分。” 于是树木,在夜间,开始变化, 烟雾穿过葱绿而略遣微蓝。 树林里我们两个人物。 曾道彼此自成一体。 就在我说, “语言不以单个文字形式。 组成部分再多也只是组成部分。 必须肉眼判断世间万象”; 就在你说, “偶像们见过种种贫穷, 蛇和黄金以及虱子, 但没有看到真理”; 那时,寂静最深 而且最长,黑夜最圆, 秋香最暖、 最亲、最浓。 【注】地标性建筑有:帝国大厦、克莱斯勒“旋转陀螺”大厦、哈德逊“勇将之子”广场、联合国总部、中央车站、洛克菲勒“黑麦田”中心、百老汇、时代广场、韩国城、宾夕法尼亚“山林”车站、美国四大广播公司总部(ABC、CBS、NBC、FOX)…… Today in History(历史上的今天): 2023: The World Is A Commonwealth, NYC(纽约城中华公所·天下为公) 2023: Line of Phantasy in Chinatown, NYC(纽约城·唐人街虚拟线条) 2023: A Beacon for the Catholic Faithful, NYC(纽约城天主教的灯塔) 2023: NYC's Most Admirable Synagogue(纽约城·叹为观止的犹太教堂) 2023: Biggest Chinese Catholic Church in US(全美最大的华人天主教堂) 2023: Mahayana Temple in the Great Vehicle, NYC(纽约城·大乘寺) 2023: Times Sq, the Crossroads of the World(时代广场·世界十字路口) 2023: St. Bartholomew's Church, NYC(纽约城·农夫之子使徒圣公会) 2023: St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC(纽约城·高贵圣徒大教堂) 2023: Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree, NYC(纽约城·黑麦田中心圣诞树)
2023: Dior's Carousel of Dreams, NYC(纽约城·金色梦想转盘) 2023: Chinatown & Little Italy, NYC(纽约市·华埠与小意大利城) 2016: Argumentative─For the Flavor(议论文─利益) 2013: Top of the World, Dubai, UAE(阿联酋迪拜世界之巅) 2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY) Midtown Skyline (中城天际线)
Hudson Yards over Hell's Kitchen (地狱厨房区域勇将之子广场) 5th Ave w/ Empire State Bldg & Grand Army Plaza Edge Overlooked from Edge (从边际大厦鸟瞰第五大道、帝国大厦和军队广场) Midtown Skyscrapers (中城摩天大厦) Empire State Bldg (1931) in a Total of 1,454 ft/443.2 m Tall, Including the Antenna
(建于1931年的帝国大厦·包括天线在内、总高1,454英尺/443.2米) Empire State Bldg in the Art Deco Style w/ Antenna for Broadcast Stations atop
Interior of Empire State Bidg (帝国大厦内景 09-18-1993)
MetLife Bldg in International Style (1963) Viewed from W 44th St (西44街·建于1963年国际派的大都会保险公司) Chanin Bldg in Art Deco (1929) @ 122 E 42nd St (东42街122号·竣工于1929年装饰艺术式智者大厦 06-06-1998) Preschool-I @ Empire State Bldg behind 8th Ave @ W. 33rd St (第八大道与西33街远观帝国大厦·小幼童生 03-11-2006) Kindergartener @ Radio City Music Hall (无线电音乐城·学前班生 12-15-2008) Trump Tower on Fifth Ave (第五大道小号商大厦 08-29-2012) 7th Grader @ Carriages on Central Park South (南中央公园马车·初二生 04-30-2016) 8th Grader @ Pennsylvania Plaza (山林广场·初三生 06-03-2017) 9th Grader @ the Ed Sullivan Theater on Broadway (百老汇“财富·黑眼睛”剧院——高一生 05-12-2018) Javits Convention Center on 11th Ave (第11大道·克服障碍者展览馆) 14th Grader (Sophomore) @ 15 Hudson Yards & 35 Hudson Yards, the 1st LEED Gold Neighborhood Development in NYC (勇将之子广场15号与35号全城第一个国际性绿色建筑认证的黄金社区开发项目·大二生 08-28-2022)
Guardian for International Peace and Security Gifted from Mexico @ the United Nations (联合国·墨西哥赠送的雕塑《国际和平与安全卫士》09-25-2022)
Park Ave (公园大道 12-08-2023)
General Electric Bldg @ 570 Lexington Avenue (新法城大道570号·通用电器大厦) St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church in Romanesque Revival & Byzantine Revival (1903) (农夫之子使徒圣公会教堂·建于1903年,古罗马与拜占庭复兴式风格) Rear of St. Patrick's Cathedral (高贵使徒大教堂背面 12-08-2023) Villard Goldroom of Lotte New York Palace (乐天纽约宫酒店·战斗要塞黄金屋 12-08-2023)
Villard Restaurant's Lounge @ Lotte New York Palace (乐天纽约宫酒店·战斗要塞餐厅酒廊 12-08-2023) Cartier Fifth Avenue Mansion in the Neo-Renaissance Style (1905) (建于1905年的新文艺复兴风格“运货者”第五大道大厦 12-08-2023) Christmas Tree over the Channel Gardens @ Rockefeller Ctr (黑麦田中心·海峡花园上圣诞树) Dior's Carousel of Dreams Bedazzled the Front of the 10-Story Bldg w/ the Star, the Clover, Butterfly, & the Zodiac Signs in a Giant Installation as Wheel of Fortune (金色梦想转盘·覆盖10层楼面,是一个闪耀着车轴草、蝴蝶和星座的巨型装置,如同命运之轮)
Iconic Sculpture of Giant Needle & Button in Garment District (服装区标志性雕塑《巨针与纽扣》12-08-2023) Ktown on Korean Way (韩国路上韩国城) Grand Central Terminal in Beaux-Arts Style (1913) against Metlife
(建于1913年装饰艺术式中央总站与背面的大都会保险公司) On the Subway Home (回家地铁上) Crosslinks(相关博文): Wandering in Midtown Manhattan-I, NYC(纽约市·浪迹中城之一) USA·New York(美国·纽约州)
USA(出游美国) |