【Aiden in English】
The holiday season is not over yet. The Washington, DC, Temple we visited yesterday hosted a unique performance at 7 p.m. that was famous in the area. Accompanied by dazzlingly decorative lights, the Festival of Lights was a nice way to end our Christmas celebrations. I fell asleep on my way in. So, I was stunned when it was time to get out of the car. It wasn't every day that you were way up in a light show. The temple seemed untouched except for some lights shining up at the walls, but the main focus was the part we drove in from and the visitor center. Nearly all the trees on the road had colorful lights hung on them, and hundreds of people arrived. The holiday performance started hanging out tickets at six, and everyone rushed for one. We came early and had my mom's friend wait in line as we took pictures outside. You may know Mr. Jack Yoask's house of Christmas lights, which I wrote about in Ambler, PA, last year. Well, this might have it beat. Multi-colored lights decorated the trees towards the front; the closer it got to the temple, the more golden lights appeared. It seemed as if the temple was somehow purifying the lights like it would for people. While my mom was searching for the perfect scene that included the temple, I looked around for … anything. There were many lights, trees, Christmas decorations, and people. Finally, Mom found a spot for the picture, right behind a passageway to the visitor center. And so, with Mom's stubbornness, we stood there for up to ten minutes. Let me tell you, if you’re waiting for a horde of people on Christmas to walk past or notice that you’re taking a photo, it doesn't work. No one even turned their heads in our direction. A couple even took a picture right before us, facing another direction. In conclusion, we went inside with a very unsatisfied mom and a tired me. The holiday show started with a video on the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ and how it became a bridge between us and God. Then, with that said and done, a family of musicians came out. The youngest, maybe even those aged three or four, played traditional songs like Joy to the World for us. The idea was to “touch our hearts” using music, as some things cannot be described with words. The performers invited us to sing through the second repeat, which the audience joined enthusiastically. I just hymned the tune, considering I wasn't the best with the lyrics. But I must say, some highly talented singers were in the crowd. Whether you're celebrating under the Christmas tree, in bed, at a party, or in Maryland, it is a time to be happy, and Christmas, if I know one thing, makes people happy. 【红霞译】
节日庆典开始先播放视频,重温耶稣基督诞生的重要性以及祂如何成为我们与上帝之间的桥梁。之后由家庭艺人登台献艺,其中最年轻的演员可能仅有三、四岁,他们为我们表演的都是一些像“普世欢腾救主下降”之类的传统曲目,通过音乐旋律来抒发难以用语言表达的情感,藉之打动“观众的心田”。末了,演员们还邀请大家一起高歌第二段重唱部分,观众个个情绪高昂。我不太熟悉歌词,只能跟着轻哼小调,但不得不承认,观众席上确有相当数量的人极富歌唱天赋。 无论你在圣诞树下、床铺上、聚会中还是心爱州欢度节日,一定少不了幸福满满,对之我向来坚信不疑,圣诞节是一个普天同乐的大喜日子。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Brookside Gardens, MD(心爱州溪畔植物园)
2014: Fairmont Park in Philadelphia(费城友好城公园)
2013: Stone Town of Zanzibar, Tanzania(坦桑尼亚黑海岸石头城) 2012: Antarctic Dream(南极梦) 2009: 新西兰峡湾国家公园(Fiordland NP, NZ)
Washington DC Temple (华盛顿特区圣殿)
Festival of Lights (光明节)
Christmas Lights (圣诞灯)
Reflection of the Mormon Temple (摩门圣殿倒影)
Some 650,000 Lights on the Grounds of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (耶稣基督后期圣徒教堂周围约65万盏灯)
Courtyard (庭院 12-27-2015)
Nativity Scene (耶稣降生场景 12-27-2015)
18th Constructed Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (耶稣基督后期摩门教堂第十八座圣殿 12-27-2015)
Family Concert (家庭音乐会) Crosslinks(相关博文):
7th Grade(初中二年级) |