
【Celestial Love】 Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—1564) NO mortal thing enthralled these longing eyes When perfect peace in thy fair face I found; But far within, where all is holy ground, My soul felt Love, her comrade of the skies: For she was born with God in Paradise; Nor all the shows of beauty shed around This fair false world her wings to earth have bound: Unto the Love of Loves aloft she flies. Nay, things that suffer death, quench not the fire Of deathless spirits; nor eternity Serves sordid Time, that withers all things rare. Not love but the lawless impulse is desire: That slays the soul; our love makes still fairer Our friends on earth, fairer in death on high. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《灵与肉》】 米开朗基罗•博那罗蒂(1475生—1564卒) 我的眼睛不论远近, 都能看到你的倩影。 可是夫人啊,我止步不能前进, 只能垂下手臂不出一声。 我有健全的理智和纯正的心灵, 它们自由自在,透过我的眼睛 飞往你光辉之境。纵然一片痴心, 血肉之躯却无权和你接近。 天使还在飞翔时, 我们无法前去追寻, 凝眸看她已是莫大的光荣。 哎!要是你在天上好比人世, 让我整个躯体都变成一只眼睛, 使我身上每部分都能得到你的恩宠。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Pisa, the Leaning Tower of Italy(意大利比萨·斜塔)
2017: Braubach, Marksburg Castle of Germany(德国布劳巴赫·马克城堡)
2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-2(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之二) 
Palazzo Vecchio, Town Hall (旧宫──市政厅) 
Bargello National Museum & Badia Fiorentina (刺绣国家博物馆与花城崇拜教堂)

Bargello National Museum (刺绣国家博物馆 07-19-2018) 
Complesso di San Firenze (花城建筑群) 
Façade of Palazzo Vecchio (旧宫·外观 07-19-2018) 
Palazzo Vecchio Tower (旧宫钟楼) 
Piazzale degli Uffizi (办公室广场 07-19-2018) 
Michelangelo's Statue David (米开朗基罗雕像《大卫》 07-19-2018) 
Galleria dell'Accademia (艺术学院美术馆 01-05-1996) 
Loggia dei Lanzi (佣兵凉廊) 
Piazza della Signoria (市政广场 07-19-2018) 
Uffizi Gallery (办公室美术馆) 
Vasari Corridor from Palazzo Vecchio to Uffizi (从旧宫到办公室美术馆的画家走廊)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |