【Aiden in English】
I was really excited about today. This afternoon, Mom and I were to board the Nautica Oceania cruise ship to the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. But first, we went to the world's largest mall and the tallest tower in Dubai, known as the city of merchants. I couldn't wait to get started. When we arrived at Dubai Mall, it looked like the crowd of a parade inside. Hundreds of shops were lined up, selling everything from T-shirts to jewelry. I couldn't believe how many stores were in the mall. The Dubai Mall even had an "indoor" aquarium, an ice rink, and a movie cinema. If you were a shopper, you probably would've taken the whole day jumping from shop to shop. We were having lunch here, so we went to the food court. I wasn't surprised to see at least 30 different fast-food restaurants, and most of them were American. I tried to eat something non-American. Ultimately, however, I decided to settle with Burger King. If the restaurant wasn't American, then it was Chinese. Having local Arabians cook Chinese dishes would taste like an alien grilling your steak. After a meal made with pure fat and high calorie, Mom and I received tickets from our tour guide to ride the fastest elevator in the world to the tallest building on earth, Burj Khalifa or Khalifa Tower. It had a world record height of 2,722 ft/829.8 meters. When it was my turn to enter the elevator, I noticed it was pitch black. As the elevator started moving, I gasped at the ghastly sight until lights and pictures suddenly appeared. The images showed where we were in the tower. When I looked to see what floor we were on, I was amazed that the elevator was already past the 50th floor and continued to go up. A moment later, it stopped on the 124th floor. After I exited the door, I was so stunned that I almost walked straight into the glass that blocked visitors from falling off the edge. Looking down, I saw all the other buildings, including the 7-star Burj al-Arab, surrounding us, and they didn't even seem half as tall as the Burj Khalifa. The cars looked like ants crawling, and you couldn't even see people walking on the ground. At the top, some telescopes allowed you to spot what changes had occurred in the past, present, night, and day. It was a miracle that this city grew from a fishing village into one of the most fascinating cities in seven years. Apparently, money talked, and it made the world go around. 【红霞译】
电梯里伸手不见五指,阴森森的黑暗悄悄随高度骤然上升,令我不由得倒吸了一口冷气。突然楼层指示灯和图片显像屏交替闪现,我们神不知鬼不觉地已跃居50层琼楼玉宇;电梯继续向上,顷刻之间募然停在124层观望台。当走出电梯,眼前立刻展现出一幕幕惊魂场景,要不是透明玻璃挡板屏障保护,我肯定迷失在奇幻仙境之中。“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”。放眼望去,周围所有的高楼大厦包括七星级帆船酒店相形见绌,甚至连一半高度都没有,汽车看起来像蚂蚁蠕动,路面行人小得辨认不清,几架远程望远镜恰好为到访者提供今昔对比日转星移。 七年来迪拜由一个鲜为人知的小渔村打造成至今震撼全球的奢华巨头,不能不视作人间奇迹,同时极大地应验了“有钱能使鬼推磨”这个放之四海而皆准的真理!
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2010: 自己的事自己做(DIY)
Breakfast @ Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店·早餐 12-08-2013)
Dubai Mall, the largest in the World by Total Land Area (迪拜购物中心·世界上占地最大的购物商城 12-08-2013)
The City of Merchants (贸易之城)
Downtown Skyline (市中心天际线)
Dubai Marina (迪拜游艇码头) Infinity Tower (无限塔 12-08-2013)
Burj Khalifa (总督塔)
At the Top @ Burj Khalifa (总督塔·天顶)
The Observation Deck @ Burj Khalifa (总督塔·观景台 12-08-2013)
The Observation Deck @ Burj Khalifa (总督塔·观景台 12-08-2013)
Skyscrapers Viewed Burj Khalifa (从总督塔鸟瞰摩天大楼)
Skyscrapers Viewed Burj Khalifa (从总督塔鸟瞰摩天大楼)
Skyscrapers Viewed Burj Khalifa (从总督塔鸟瞰摩天大楼)
Burj Al Arab (阿拉伯塔)
Burj Al Arab (帆船酒店 12-08-2013)
Jumeirah Beach on the Coast of the Persian Gulf (波斯湾海岸美滩 12-08-2013)
Gateway of Souk Madinat Jumeirah (美城露天市场·牌坊 12-08-2013)
Souk Madinat Jumeirah (美城露天市场 12-08-2013)
Souvenir Shop @ Souk Madinat Jumeirah (美城露天市场·礼品店 12-08-2013)
Women Apparel @ Souk Madinat Jumeirah (美城露天市场·妇女服装 12-08-2013)
Al Maktoum Royal Family (酋长皇室)
Jumeirah Al Qasr (美堡酒店)
Atlantis, The Palm (棕榈岛天堂神酒店)
Al Kazim Towers (商务中心大厦)
Residential Area (居民区)
Townhouses (联栋楼)
Single House (独立屋)
Subway Station (地铁站) Dubai Kids (迪拜小学生) Crosslinks(相关博文): United Arab Emirates(出游阿联酋)
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |