2013-12-05 【Aiden in English】
This was it! I couldn't believe that I would actually go to the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Already I was imagining the endless desert and the leisurely animals. Just thinking about it, the trip made me so hyper that half of the time at the airport, I would run ahead of Mom and tell her to hurry. But I didn't know that today was going to be one of the worst days of my life. We arrived at Philadelphia International Airport at 11 O'clock sharp with plenty of time to spare. Our flight didn't leave until 13:56 and it was a connecting flight to Washington, D.C. From there, we would head for Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Mom and I blew by the security with no problem and arrived at our flight gate so quickly that the inbound airplane from Washington, D.C. didn't even take off yet! That's when things went wrong.
It was nearly departing time and still, there was no plane in front of us. I checked the update on TV to see what happened and almost had a heart attack. At the top of the screen in big bold letters that seemed to be mocking me said that the flight to Washington, D.C. was a whooping 3-hour delay and still no sign of a plane the United Airlines that was coming to take us away soon due to heavy fog in the northeast area. If this kept up, we would miss our connecting flight in Washington, D.C. With no other choice, we had to change our tickets to Dubai through Amsterdam, Netherlands via US Airways. That sounded okay with me until Mom said that we would arrive in Dubai around 3:00 am after midnight, which was delayed 11 hours. Just like it, my smile vanished.
When we arrived in Amsterdam, outside it was pitch black. I really thought the plane needed better seats so that I was able to tell the difference between my seat and a piece of concrete. And as for the entertainment, I had a heck of a time trying to guess what was going on with the characters speaking Dutch. As soon as I boarded the plane of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Dubai, I noticed that it was a tiny bit of 2-hour late again. But once I stepped in, I suddenly didn't care. Every seat was made of soft leather and had a TV! I toppled into my spot and turned on the screen. I saw an endless collection of movies and games. I was having so much fun. Before I knew it, we landed in Dubai.
Do you know how we say "the calm before the storm"?
We were waiting for our luggage to show themselves at the baggage claim area next. One of the two came out. And we only had one suitcase! Immediately, we shot toward the Lost/Found Service. There we met a gentleman who asked us a ton of questions about its weight, size, shape, color, etc. When he finally finished, I couldn't help but sigh with relief. The answer shocked me that our other luggage probably traveled to Washington, D.C. alone. It did surprise me so much that for a moment, I felt like I was dreaming. However, he told us that he would alert all airplanes we flew on and that our baggage should be with us by midnight no later than the following day. That reassured me a little with comfort. But I still couldn't believe one of our bags was on the other side of the world in Washington, D.C. After Mom and I were told not to worry, we left and found our service guy who was supposed to take us to the Raffles Hotel in Dubai.
It was a crazy day.
当抵达阿姆斯特丹时外面漆黑一团,但愿我们刚刚乘坐的全美航空公司能够讲究一点座位质量,不然照这样下去真令人难以区分椅子和水泥板之间的差别;娱乐节目更不敢妄加恭维,我费了好半天劲才猜测主人公所说的荷兰语到底是什么意思。糟心事接踵而至,从阿姆斯特丹飞往迪拜的荷兰皇家航空班机又推迟了两个多钟头,不过等我登上飞机,突然不再把飞机晚点一事放在心上。机上配置皮革座位安逸舒适,每位乘客前还配有一台微型电视!我一屁股坐了下去立马打开屏幕,里面电影游戏五花八门好玩至极,不知不觉地我们竟到了迪拜。 什么叫“风暴前的淡定”?
接下来我们赶到行李处提取行李,一个皮箱很快闪亮出台,但这仅仅是两件行李中唯一一个。我们二话不说旋即冲进拾物招领处,当班的男士询问了一连串诸如重量、大小、形状、颜色等问题,等好不容易结束应答我禁不住叹了一口气,查找结果令我吃惊,原来那件不知去向的行李按照旧路线由费城托运到华府,至今与我们远隔千山万水,听来简直不可思议,不过他表示马上向联合、全美、荷皇等各家航空公司发出紧急通知,要求在明天午夜时分将行李转送到我们居住的莱佛士酒店下榻,让我们彻底放心。 多么叫人抓狂的一天呵。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2009: 博爱(Philanthropy)
Façade of Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店正面观)
Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店 12-06-2013)
Lobby @ Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店 12-07-2013) Lounge @ Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店·休息室 12-07-2013) Christams Tree @ Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店·圣诞树 12-07-2013)
Lounge outside Suite @ Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店·客房外休息地)
Raffles Hotel @ Nite (莱佛士酒店夜景)
Dinner @ Raffles Hotel (莱佛士酒店·晚餐 12-07-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文): United Arab Emirates(出游阿联酋)
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |