2014-01-11 【Aiden in English】
The worst part of the vacation was always leaving. The experience was dreadful and bittersweet. I'd been through it many times before, but this was different. Never before had I been on such a long trip. The total get-away granted me almost six weeks of excitement. Even though it was only a month and a half ago, I thought Dubai seemed centuries away. After leaving home for so long, the school would sound like a horror movie, having to wake up early, learn lectures about not bullying, get detentions, and take tests. And worst of all, homework. Of the most terrifying and filthiest things someone has made me do. The long journey home began by flying from Johannesburg to London and from London to home. Hopefully, our luggage will stay on the same flight as we do all the way back home, unlike at the beginning of our trip when our luggage went to Washington, D.C., and we flew to Amsterdam, Netherlands. No problem, no worries. All good things have an ending, and so do my trips now. But I'll never forget the technology of Dubai, the ancient fortress of Oman, the business of India, the marine life of Maldives, the safari of Kenya, the Coco de Mer of Seychelles, the stone town, and the red colobus of Zanzibar, the game reserve of Tanzania, the black lemurs of Madagascar, the elephant's fetus development of Maputo, the sanctuary of South Africa, the beauty of Cape Town, the sights of Victoria Falls, the animals of the Chobe River, the Apartheid of Johannesburg. As the plane took off, I knew that it would be a while before I came back—a while, but not forever. 【红霞译】
好事终有结束,度假亦不例外。不管怎样,迪拜现代科技、阿曼要塞风光、印度商务理念、马尔代夫海洋生物、塞舌尔海椰子、肯尼亚猎游、桑给巴尔石头镇与红疣猴、坦桑尼亚禁猎区、马达加斯加黑狐猴、莫桑比克大象胚胎发育、南非动物天堂、开普敦自然景致、维多利亚瀑布、乔贝河生态环境、约翰内斯堡种族隔离,我将铭记在心。 从飞机启程那一时刻,我便意识到短时间内自己将不再故地重游。没错儿,短时间但绝不是永远。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Rio de Janeiro—Carnival City, Brazil(巴西里约热内卢—狂欢之城) 2011: 相逢何必曾相识(Come Across Old Pals) 2010: 澳洲蓝山国家公园和吉诺蓝岩洞(Blue Mtn NP & Jenolan Caves, AU)
Departure from Heathrow Airport (希思罗机场离境 01-11-2014)
London Suburb (伦敦郊区)
From LHR to PHL (伦敦至费城航班) LHR Airport Hwy (希思罗机场高速)
Windsor Great Park (温莎大公园)
The Thames (泰晤士河)
Windsor Castle (温莎城堡)
Complex (办公楼)
Drax Power Station, UK (英国·德拉克斯电站)
Nova Scotia (新苏格兰)
Connecticut (康涅狄格州)
New Jersey (新泽西州) Crosslinks(相关博文): Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |