【Aiden in English】
Under the vast yellow sun, life in the Tala Private Game Reserve was remarkable. Everything was moving and had a role in the ongoing circle of life. Three of the African Big Five could be seen there: the black rhino, elephant, and Cape buffalo in the wild savannah outside of Durban, South Africa. As we drove through, the first animal we saw was a gun that was sitting in the middle of the road. Its short, pointy horns stuck out of the sides of the animal's head while it took its time crossing the road. The next animal we spotted was a black ostrich. It was a male and was dining in a garden of seeds. More animals came out one after the other. The impalas grazed in the tall grass, while Egyptian geese swan through the lagoon, searching for small fish. In the meantime, we noticed some new animals like the Kudus, which looked like a deer with long antlers, and the Gemsbok, an antelope with a white stripe down the center of its face. However, a Gemsbok had pointy antlers, whereas a Kudu had curved antlers. No matter how good the animals appeared, the scenery was always better. Endless rolling hills stretched into the distance. On the other side was a small pond with a jungle on the horizon. Not a cloud was in the sky, and the sun was shining brightly. As we went on, the animals began to repeat themselves. Sounders of warthogs flew by, and zebras just turned into a black-and-white blur. Rhinos lay down by the lagoon in the sun. Their large horns reflected the light, making it shine and gleam. All the animals seemed like those in a zoo. They had no predators because the people kept the lions and leopards away. The animals just stood there without anything to fear. They looked like statues that ate, slept, gave birth, slept, and ate. Sometimes, life needs a little danger to really make it interesting. 【红霞译】
我们继续向前,见到的都是已经熟知的动物:疣猪从眼前飞速闪过,斑马黑白条纹令人看得眼花缭乱,犀牛四仰八叉躺在泻湖旁晒著太阳,两个大牛角反射出刺眼的光芒。 这里所有的野生动物好像圈养在动物园的驯养动物一样没有任何天敌,因为狮子和豹子早已被人们拒之门外,所以它们无忧无虑逍遥自在,犹如一尊活雕塑养尊处优,整天吃饭、睡觉、繁衍後代,睡了吃吃了睡。有时候生活需要一点紧迫感,否则真觉得索然乏味。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2011: 报复心理(Revenge) 
Port of Durban (德班港) 
Tala Private Game Reserve Map (黄金私营禁猎区地图) 
Valley of Thousand of Hills (千山谷) 
Thousand of Hills (千山) 
Brothers from Vancouver (来自温哥华的兄弟俩 01-04-2014) 
Aloe Lodge (芦荟旅馆) 
Common Duikers (灰小羚羊) 
Duiker Head Rubbing, A Common Social Behavior (小羚羊擦头·常见的社交行为) 
Male Duiker (公灰小羚羊) 
Cormorant (鸬鹚) 
Egyptian Geese (埃及鹅) 
Egyptian Goose (埃及鹅) 
Common Elands (大羚羊) 
Female Eland in A Tan Coat (母大羚羊·棕褐色皮毛) 
Gnu (牛羚/角马) 
Hartebeest (狷羚) 
Female Hartebeest in A Tan Coat (雌狷羚·黄褐色皮毛)

Two Males Fighting for Dominance (两只雄高角羚争夺统治地位) 
Male Impala (雄高角羚) 
Male Greater Kudu (公大旋角羚) 
Juvenile Male Greater Kudu (年青的公大旋角羚) 
Ostrich Family (鸵鸟全家) 
Male Ostrich (公鸵鸟) 
Rhino Wallow (犀牛沙浴) 
Warthog (疣猪)

A Herd of Plains Zebras (普通斑马) 
A Zebra Harem within A Herd (群内斑马后宫) 
A Zebra Harem within A Herd (群内斑马后宫) 
Stripes, A Form of Protection from Biting Flies (斑纹·防止蝇咬) 
Zebra Genitalia (斑马外生殖器)

Hippo Hide (河马池塘) 
Growmore Dam (大坝) 
Weaves Dam (织坝 01-04-2014) 
Gift Shop (礼品店)

Gala Tea Time (节日茶点 01-04-2014) 
Gala Tea Time (节日茶点) 
Gala Tea Time (节日茶点 01-04-2014) 
Gala Tea Time (节日茶点 01-04-2014) 
Flower Bud (花蕾) 
Peacock Flower (金凤花) Crosslinks(相关博文): South Africa(出游南非) Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |