【Aiden in English】
Wed. June 29, 2011 Dear Diary, I got moved to the central stage performance in the theater camp today. It was much more fun than the Junior Performance Camp. At least there were some boys! I'm a cop/guard. I went with the other guards to a small room. We were practicing how we found the princess & caught Aladdin. In the afternoon, we played Kickball for a while. Our team won 3-1. Then we went inside when police officers came to the campsite. We had to cut short for swimming while I was on the diving board the whole time. A patient ran away from the NW Institute of Psychiatry to Germantown Academy. Police officers were searching for him on campus. Thus, all activities in the afternoon were suspended for a while. At the time, I watched people play Pokémon & this mysterious kid was rushing the other kid with his level Xs. We sat in the field house for 20 min, which seemed like an hour before we went HOME. Thurs. June 30, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, I was in the theater and saw a new student from Junior Camp. She was as confused as I was. I never practiced at the beginning. So, I had to mimic the part I missed. We headed for lunch. Ethan, who always hated the cookie, gobbled them down because he was hungry. I laughed, and water squirted out of my nose. Later, we went outside and returned because we had decided to go to the computer lab. I played NinjaKiwi.com. We ran outside again an hour later to get Snow Cones for retreat & Capture the Flag for fun. I got wet because of the sharp sprinklers. We spent the rest of the time in the pool, and I always went off the diving board. I came home with wet clothing since it hadn't dried yet. Ha! Was it wintertime? Fri. July 1, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, I went to a half-missing theater camp. I was so confused that I forgot to do what my line was. I wish the part were back to me, and I had blown the whistle when the guards came out. We ended with "Friend Like Me". Then we headed for lunch. I watched this boy play his Nintendo 3DS for a while. I saw him playing Pokémon Black & White. I went canoeing in the afternoon. I was poorly soaked. As usual, I continued to dive into the swimming pool. I came out early because Ethan wasn't there, which made it boring. I hoped Ethan didn't have fun, either. Wed. July 6, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, we learned a new song called "Prince Ali." The melody was supposed to be light, but it was 2X bigger than usual. So I chose not to sing, and the teachers didn't hear me sing. Soon, we went back to the theatre. All I did was march up and down the columns. At lunchtime, Ethan was still not there. I went to day camp and played Capture the Flag in the afternoon. Our team lost twice. At the swimming pool, we raced again. Because my teammate Shawn, who came from England, kicked a girl, I got out early due to a penalty. Shawn showed me what a C.I.T. (counselor in training) looked like. First, they got cleaned in the camp daily; second, they grabbed tons of candies; third, they had money; and lastly, they ate a bunch of potato chips. Man, I wish I became a C.I.T. 【红霞译】
二O一一年六月廿九日,星期三 亲爱的日记: 今天,我被升级去了大班戏剧营,比起小班来可有趣多了。且不说小班满世界都是女生,大班至少还有不少男生!我扮演警察,与其他警卫演员一起到一间小屋排练如何找到公主以及擒获阿拉丁。 下午,大家玩“空中传球”游戏,我们队以3比1击败对手。后来因为警察来到营区执行搜捕任务,说是一位精神病患者从街对面的费城西北精神病院跑了出来,并流窜到德国城学院的校园内,我们的活动只好全部中断。期间,我旁观营员们玩《神奇宝贝》。眼前这位神秘玩主老是迫不及待要他的对手挑战自己X级别。 回家前,我在营地苦苦呆了20分钟,恍若一个钟头漫长岁月。 二O一一年六月卅日,星期四
亲爱的日记: 今天早上,我碰到一位来自小班的营员,她刚刚荣升到大班戏剧营来。跟我一样,她也稀里糊涂,不知道如何是好。我因为半路才杀了进来,未能参加头一周大班集体排练,现在只好照葫芦画瓢尽量模仿,争取不要掉队。 午餐时,一向讨厌点心的伊森正狼吞虎咽手头的点心,他饿得已经顾不上喜欢还是不喜欢。我坐在一旁不住地笑他,并将一口水留在嗓子眼里,有意闹出咕噜咕噜的声响,直到水从鼻孔里窜了出来。我俩从室内逛荡到室外,又从户外转了回来,索性去玩计算机房游戏,我喜欢NinjaKiwi.com。一个钟头后才跑到操场上吃棒冰玩“抢旗”打水仗,我的衣服被浇得不成样子。后来我再去游泳池彪了一会儿跳水,但是直到迈进家门,身上的衣服还是湿漉漉的。嘿,现在是冬季吗? 二O一一年七月一日,星期五
亲爱的日记: 今天,我又来到已经落下了一半进度的大班戏剧营。我头脑发懵反应不过来,甚至忘了该说的台词,但愿我能尽快找到感觉。只要守卫们一出场,我就得赶紧吹哨示意。末了,大家一起唱起《像我一样的朋友》这首插曲。 尔后,我们直奔餐厅。一位男生正在拨弄任天堂三维立体袖珍娱乐机,他玩的是《神奇宝贝》黑白版,我围观了一阵子。 下午我先去划独木舟,结果全身都湿透了。后来,我又跳了一会儿水,但很早便上了岸。伊森没来,我兴趣索然,真希望此时伊森也有同样的感觉。 二O一一年七月六日,星期三
亲爱的日记: 今天上午我们学了一首新歌《阿里王子》。本来其主旋律应该轻唱,可是我们唱得要比正常音量大出两倍,我默不作声,老师也看了出来。不久,大家登台排练,而我则要反复练习上下走台。 午餐时,伊森还没有来。 下午继续玩“夺旗”游戏,我的队连输了两次。回到游泳池边,我们又展开了比赛。来自英国的队友肖恩误游误撞,竟踢到身边的女生,结果殃及到我被提前处罚出局。肖恩告诉我什么是夏令营在培管理员,既能在营地洗漱一新、随便吃糖、挣零花钱,又可以饱餐土豆片。哎呀,我也想干这种美差。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2010: 有钱能让儿读书(Money can make kids read)
Crosslink(相关博文): 小学二年级(2nd Grade) |