【Aiden in English】
The rocks crunched beneath our feet as we walked through tropical forests with singing mockingbirds and buzzing insects. This morning, we took our first shore excursion to the west bank of Santiago Island, in the center of the Galapagos archipelago. Puerto Egas was one of the most popular sites in James Bay of Santiago Island, where salt mining operated until the 1960s. After a wet landing in the icy water on the dark sand of Espumilla Beach at James Bay, we started a hike in a steadily growing heat. The first animal I would dare approach was a Lava Lizard. It ate insects and gained popularity by crawling in every part of the island. I thought that lava lizards had a pretty easy life compared to how many bug bites I already had. We soon visited Buccaneer Cove, which had been cooled from lava and made a perfect ecosystem for marine animals. Life tended to be highly abundant near the seashore. The morning glories covered volcanic rocks like blankets—a Large Ground-Finches perched on a giant prickly pear. Marine Iguanas often shared the same playground with the brilliant Sally Lightfoot Crabs. Sea Lions, Galapagos Doves, American Oystercatchers, Whimbrel, and brown pelicans were also present, along with the more unusual green turtles, Yellow-crowned night heron, and Lava Heron. Fortunately, Iguanas had no predators here. But most baby Sally Lightfoot Crabs had to be aware of many types of seabirds that enjoyed juvenile crabs for breakfast. We continued to walk down a trail along the rocky coast that led to the extraordinary grottos, home to Galapagos fur seals. At that moment, the green turtle visited them, and both buddies performed a talent show for their underwater acrobatics in perfect synchronization. We talked about vegetation in the island's interior that at least 50,000 feral goats had unfortunately decimated. It was said that goats had inhabited Santiago Island since 1813 when Captain Porter of the USS Essex allowed four of them to escape. Overpopulated goats resulted in unexpected loss of food sources that threatened not only the native vegetation but also native animals, such as the giant tortoise and land iguana. I didn't see many fish onshore until I went snorkeling. As soon as I put on my gear, I started to doubt. However, I pushed the lousy question away and took a deep breath to dunk underwater. The coral appeared more significant than I thought! Hundreds of fish darted around a large rock covered with sea urchins and algae. Some fish swam in circles as if on a highway, while others fed on seaweed. A Giant Hawkfish looked like a cat. It had blue and brown spots from head to tail with a giant eye. Then, a large Bicolor Parrotfish moved beneath a rock. When I went closer, it had joined another fish that looked the same. Probably, it was its baby. They were small but never afraid of me. Both acted as if I were some new species of marine life. I broke to the surface just in time and saw the tour guide waving his hand to come off. The black volcanic sand beach looked perfect for snorkeling. I want to extend my stay and soak up the sun in this paradise. 【红霞译】
行进在热带丛林之中,我们脚下的岩石有节律地发出嘎嘎响声,“鹤立花边玉,莺啼树杪弦”,仿声鸟高调欢唱,昆虫们窃窃私语。今天上午我们首次出游巨龟群岛,登陆中央腹地圣地亚哥“后继圣徒”岛西部海岸。 勇敢港实为上个世纪六十年代被遗弃的盐矿,如今可谓后继圣徒岛后继者湾湾最知名的旅游胜地之一,泡沫海滨黑色沙滩宛若后继者湾晶莹闪亮的珍珠,十分诱人。我们涉水上岸,沿羊肠小道深入内陆,这时气温开始逐渐回升。
我们沿海岸线继续前进,小径的尽端便是有名的石窟,海浪长期冲击礁石,磨蚀了中央岩层,结果形成很大窟窿,巨龟岛毛皮海狮索性把它当成嘻水打闹的池塘。绿龟常常不请自来,相约毛皮海狮尽展才艺,有节奏地表演水下杂技。 巨龟群岛的植被环保是我们关心的话题之一,听说早在1813年,美国“东撒克逊人”号舰波特船长途经此地曾有意留下四只山羊,结果其列子列孙超生超育,羊口一跃成为当今巨龟群岛首当其冲的老大难问题。以后继圣徒岛为例,野山羊泛滥成灾,当地仙人掌产量因此急剧下降,不但破坏了大自然食物链,而且还直接威胁着赖以生存的巨龟和陆鬣蜥性命。 随大家信步漫游岸边,我并没有察觉鱼翔浅底,可一旦等我全副武装潜入水下,才发现海底世界五彩缤纷,珊瑚比我想象的还要大!海胆喜欢栖息在海藻丰富的礁石周围,数以百计的鱼群竞相飞舞,有的热衷兜圈子,好像行驶在高速公路;有的爱好吃东西,没完没了。大飞鹰鱼外表像只猫,全身上下间或有蓝褐色斑点,一只贼大的眼睛直挂脑门中央。双色鹦哥嘴鱼在岩石下游动,当我凑上前来,它跑去找跟自己模样相仿的同伴,也许这是它的宝宝。鱼小胆不小,它们在我面前毫不畏惧,保不准儿,我被当成它们的同类。这时我浮出水面,正好看到导游招手示意返航。 黑色熔岩细沙特别适合潜水,我真希望能多呆些时候,好好地在世外桃源里沐浴阳光。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Rabida Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔野蛮岛) 2012: 演讲训练(Speech Practice)
James Bay of Santiago Island (后继圣徒岛后继者湾)
Puerto Egas (勇敢港·被遗弃的盐矿)
Rock Formation (岩层)
Wet Landing (湿着陆 04-01-2013)
Morning Glory Field (牵牛花地 04-01-2013)
Morning Glory (牵牛花 04-01-2013)
Giant Prickly Pear Cacti (巨型仙人掌 04-01-2013)
Large Ground Finch (大嘴地雀)
Giant Prickly Pear Cactus Flower (巨型仙人掌花)
Boulder Beach (砾石滩 04-01-2013)
Scoria (火山渣)
Buccaneer Cove (海盗湾 04-01-2013)
Fur Sea Lion (海狗)
Fur Sea Lion (海狗)
Fur Seal Grotto (海狗岩洞 04-01-2013)
Espumilla Beach (泡沫海滩 04-01-2013)
Snorkeling (浮潜 04-01-2013) Fur Seals (海狗)
Green Sea Turtle & Fur Seal (绿海龟与海狗)
Green Sea Turtle (绿海龟)
Sally Lightfoot Crabs & Marine Iguanas (红石蟹与海鬣蜥)
Sally Lightfoot Crabs & Marine Iguanas (红石蟹与海鬣蜥)
Marine Iguanas (海鬣蜥) Marine Iguanas (海鬣蜥)
American Oystercatchers (美洲蛎鹬)
Whimbrels (中杓鹬)
Brown Pelicans (褐鹈鹕) Lava Heron (熔岩鹭)
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (黄顶夜鹭)
Galapagos Dove (巨龟岛哀鸽)
Mockingbird (仿声鸟)
Mockingbird (仿声鸟)
Female Lava Lizard (雌熔岩蜥)
Male Lava Lizard (雄熔岩蜥)
Caterpillar (毛毛虫) Galápagos Spider (巨龟岛蜘蛛)
Saguaro Spines (神仙掌柱刺)
Snail (海螺)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔十字架岛)
2013: Kicker Rock/Witch Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔睡狮岩女巫岭) 2013: Frigatebird Hill, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔军舰鸟山) 2013: N.Seymour, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔北黑暗岛) 2013: Bachas Beach, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔驳船海滩) 2013: Bartolome Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔农夫之子岛) 2013: Sullivan Bay of Santiago Is, ECU(厄瓜多尔圣地亚哥岛·詹姆斯湾) 2013: Isabella Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔献身上帝岛) Ecuador(出游厄瓜多尔)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |