【Aiden in English】 Today begins my last week of a nine-week summer camp. It was a massive change for me. No more games or sports, just learning and that kind of… junk. I know! There is learning in the summer. No way. But that's what we're doing at Guanghua Chinese School (GHCS) Summer Camp. As much as it sounds terrible, it's… worse. From today on, the Montgomery County Community College we used to go to was taken for its fall semester. So now, we were cramped in a tiny room with a projector and no electricity whatsoever in China Grace Christian Church. We're now best friends with little creepy crawlies, and there are many of them. Other than the learning and gross room, it wasn't too bad. We played Chinese Yo-Yo in the hallway, played Chinese Chess with folks, and practiced Chinese kung fu outside. Sometimes, you must live with what you have because you might not have any. 【红霞译】
比这更糟糕的还有,从即日起,我们以前借用的蒙哥马利郡社区学院因其秋季开学而被占用,最后一周夏令营本部只好临时挪至神州基督教会,小了吧叽的房间缺电憋曲,还有学习任务。实际上,咱从此以后更要跟那些到处乱爬的蜘蛛打成一片,哦天呢,它们可谓气势浩大。 除了学习中文和叫人心里发毛的房间之外,其它一切倒蛮不错的。我们可以在走廊里抖空竹,坐下来杀盘中国象棋,到外面学打中国功夫。 有时候,人得学会知足,珍惜现有的东西,因为有总比没有强。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012年蒙郡青少年野营日(2012 MontCo Youth Field Day)
Lunch @ Guanghua Chinese School Camp (光华夏令营·午餐 08-25-2014)
TaiChi (太极 08-25-2014)
Kung Fu (功夫 08-25-2014)
Culture Class (文化课 08-25-2014)
Yo-Yo (空竹 08-25-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |