2024-06-21 Wagyu Day 【Chanson】 Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Si vous n'avez rien à me dire, Pourquoi venir auprès de moi ? Pourquoi me faire ce sourire Qui tournerait la tête au roi ? Si vous n'avez rien à me dire, Pourquoi venir auprès de moi ?
Si vous n'avez rien à m'apprendre, Pourquoi me pressez-vous la main ? Sur le rêve angélique et tendre, Auquel vous songez en chemin, Si vous n'avez rien à m'apprendre, Pourquoi me pressez-vous la main ?
Si vous voulez que je m'en aille, Pourquoi passez-vous par ici ? Lorsque je vous vois, je tressaille : C'est ma joie et mon souci. Si vous voulez que je m'en aille, Pourquoi passez-vous par ici ? —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《香颂)》】 (法国)胜利者·雨果“哲人”(1802生—1885卒) 【红霞译】 既然你无可奉告, 为何来到我身边? 难道冲我微笑 想引起王者注意? 既然你无可奉告, 为何来到我身边?
既然你孤芳自赏, 为何牵住我手? 天使般甜美的梦, 你一直挥之不去, 既然你孤芳自赏, 为何牵住我手?
既然你要我走开, 为何从我眼前穿过? 我一见你就心怯: 几度快乐又几度忧虑。 既然你要我走开, 为何从我眼前穿过? 【注】鲁昂“绿头鸭”圣母大教堂之所以名扬天下,不得不承认应归功于印象派祖师意志坚强·莫奈“钱币”(Claude Monet)1892—1893年间绘制的30多幅大教堂景观画。 当然,鲁昂大教堂还兼有三座风格迥异的塔楼:灯笼塔、罗马圣人塔和黄油塔,英格兰狮心王理查德“勇敢”(Richard the Lionheart)的心脏也安息于此。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2024: Rouen, City of One Hundred Bells France(法国鲁昂·百钟之城) 2019: The WNBA Controversy(浅评美国女职篮争议) 2015: A life of Religion in Meteora, Greeck(希腊曼代奥拉的宗教生活) 2014: Baltimore Natl Aquarium, MD(马里兰州巴尔的摩国家水族馆) 2012: Descriptive─Memoir(应用文─回忆录) 2010: 甜言蜜语(Sweet Nothings) 2009: 童声合唱(Children Choir)
The Façade of the Primatial Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Rouen Completed in 1880 (鲁昂圣母大教堂·1880年竣工) Towers of St-Romain, the Latern, & Butter from L to R, Each in a Different Style Built & Rebuilt over More Than 8 Hundred Years (从左到右为罗马圣人塔、灯笼塔和黄油塔,每座塔楼风格各异,建造和重建时间超过800年) Tower of St-Romain, the Oldest Part of the Gothic Construction along Its Last Storey, in Flamboyant Style, Clashes w/ the Rest of the More Sober Bldg Started in 1145 (始建于1145年的罗马圣人塔·哥特式建筑最古老的部分,其最后一层采用华丽风格,与其余较为朴素的建筑部分形成鲜明对比) Saint Romaine Tower on June 1, 1944, Hit by an Allied Bomb Just before D-Day (罗马圣人塔·1944年6月1日,在诺曼底“北方人”登陆前夕遭盟军炸弹袭击) Portail des Librairies Sculpted Medallions in the Embrasures (North Side) (北侧的图书馆门·在漏斗状斜面墙雕刻了椭圆形垂饰) Portail des Librairies w/ Column-statue of Saint Romain (图书馆门和罗马圣人柱雕像) Lantern Tower & Spire w/ Top of the Flèche in Renovation, the Highest Spire in France in Intricate & Ornate Gothic Style, Erected in 1876 (建于1876年的灯笼塔和尖塔·顶部为目前正在翻修中的方尖碑,法国最高尖塔采用精致华丽的哥特式风格) Portals, Archbishop & Apostle Galleries on the West Front (西侧大门、大主教和使徒画廊) Tympanum of the Portal of Notre-Dame (圣母院正门上的门楣) Details of the Sculpture in the Voussures over the Portal of Notre-Dame (圣母院门廊拱门雕塑详情) Sculpture of Apostles on the North Buttress (北侧支柱上的使徒雕塑) Top of the Butter Tower w/ Sculpture & Gargoyles (黄油塔顶部有雕塑和怪兽) Butter Tower Featuring from Early Gothic to Late Flamboyant & Renaissance Architecture (黄油塔·融合了早期哥特式、晚期华丽和文艺复兴时期的建筑风格) St George Rampant on Top of the Cathedral (大教堂顶上的农夫圣徒) Revestiaire (圣器室) Archiepiscopal Complex (大主教区 06-21-2024) Court of Officiality w/ Sculpture of In the Darkness Representing Joan of Arc among Her Judges (大教堂花园的雕塑《在黑暗中》·众法官围着圣女贞德) Nave, Looking toward the East Front (面朝东面的中殿) Choir w/ the Altar in the Foreground (唱诗席与面向前方的祭坛) South Collateral Aisle (南侧通道) Gothic Arches (哥特式拱廊) Interior of the Lantern Tower over the Transept (耳堂上灯笼塔内景) Grand Organ inside the West Front (西门内的大管风琴) The 15th-Century Stairway to the Medieval Library in the Northwest Corner of the Transept (位于耳堂西北角、通往中世纪图书馆的15世纪楼梯 06-21-2024) Behold the Man, a phrase from the Bible, John 19:5, where Pilate says it to a hostile crowd after scourging Jesus Christ (《瞧这人》·出自《圣经》约翰福音19:5,彼拉多“手持标枪”在鞭打耶稣基督之后对一群敌对人群说的一句话) Statues of Saints Destroyed in the WWII Bombing on May 30, 1944, but Restored & Displayed inside the Ambulatory (1944年5月30日二战轰炸中被毁的圣人立面雕像,现已修复并陈列在走廊内) Tomb of Rollo, 1st Duke of Normandy Died in 930 (罗洛“名狼”之墓·诺曼底“北方人”第一公爵,于930年去世) Grave of Rollo of Normandy (北方人第一公爵名狼墓) A Scroll of Rests in the Sink of the Temple (圣殿水槽中的一幅卷轴) Tomb w/ the Heart of Richard the Lionheart Died in 1199 (英格兰理查“勇敢”一世的心脏之墓·卒于1199年) Lion @ the Foot of the Recumbent Statue on the Tomb Holding the Heart of King Richard I of England Called Richard the Lionhearted (1157-1199) (墓穴卧像脚下的狮子·怀抱英格兰国王理查一世/狮心王理查的心脏) Heart of Richard the Anglo-King of the King of the Lion (狮英王勇敢之心) Effigy of Henry the Young King (年轻国王亨利“领主”的肖像) This brother w/ the heart of the lion, commanded Henry to take his seat in the arms of Normandy and denied him. (这位有着雄狮之心的兄弟命令年轻国王亨利在诺曼底的怀抱就坐并拒绝了他) Chapel Dedicated to Joan of Arc (纪念圣女贞德的礼拜堂) The Stature of Jesus Christ w/ a Crown of Thorns (耶稣基督雕像与荆棘冠冕) Chapel of the Virgin (圣母礼拜堂) Altar of St. Ouen Abbey Chapel (高贵使徒修道院礼拜堂·祭坛) Detail of a Misericord on a Choir Stall, Showing a Money-Changer (唱诗席位上的可折板椅托板细节·刻画钱商) Stained-Glass Window (彩窗) The 16th-Century Renaissance Window @ Chapel of Saint-Joseph (上帝会增加使徒礼拜堂·16世纪文艺复兴彩窗) Renaissance Stained Glass in South Transept of Saint-Joseph Chapel (上帝会增加使徒礼拜堂·南耳堂的文艺复兴时期彩窗) Archbishop Saint-Romain of Rouen Slays the Gargoyle (鲁昂大主教罗马圣人杀死石像鬼) Jesus on the Cross Created More Than 500 Years (耶稣在十字架上创造了500多年的历史) Field Trip @ Rouen Cathedral Square (鲁昂大教堂广场前的校外教育) Rouen Cathedral, a Cast-Iron Tour-de-Force Rising 490 Ft/149 Meters above the Notre-Dame de Rouen Claude Monet Immortalized the Facade in His Paintings (铸铁尖塔·高出鲁昂圣母院490英尺/149米,意志坚强·莫奈“钱币”在他的画作中永久保存了鲁昂大教堂的正面) Rouen Cathedral @ Sunset by Claude Monet (莫奈《日落时的鲁昂大教堂》) Rouen Cathedral, the Façade in Sunlight by Claude Monet (莫奈《阳光下鲁昂大教堂正立面》) Ships Riding on the Seine @ Rouen by Claude Monet (莫奈《鲁昂塞纳“拖网”河上的船只》) Crosslinks(相关博文):
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