【Poetry】 Nichita Stanescu (1933—1983) Poetry is the weeping eye it is the weeping shoulder the weeping eye of the shoulder it is the weeping hand the weeping eye of the hand it is the weeping soul the weeping eye of the heel. Oh, you friends, poetry is not a tear it is the weeping itself the weeping of an uninvented eye the tear of the eye of the one who must be beautiful of the one who must be happy. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《诗》】 胜利•斯特内斯库(1933生—1983卒) 诗是哭泣的眼睛 是哭泣的肩膀 哭泣的肩膀的眼睛 是哭泣的手 哭泣的手的眼睛 是哭泣的脚跟 哭泣的脚跟的眼睛 哦,你们,我的朋友, 诗不是眼泪, 它是哭泣本身, 非虚构的眼睛的哭泣, 必定会美丽的人 眼中的泪, 必定会幸福的人眼中的泪。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Bucharest, La Belle Epoque Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·美好时光)
2015: Bucharest, Balkan Paris ROU(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·巴尔干的巴黎) 2015: Dimitrie Gusti Natl Village Museum(罗马尼亚大地女神·国家乡村馆) 2015: Ceausescu's Dictatorship, Romania(罗马尼亚齐奥塞斯库·独裁统治) 2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-1(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之一) 2012: 妹子亚洲餐厅(Mei's Asian Diner)
Constanta Casino (康斯坦察“坚定”城赌场)
Constanța Trestle (坚定城栈桥)
Constanța Panorama (坚定城海滨长廊)
Orthodox Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul (圣彼得和圣保罗东正教教堂)
Danube–Black Sea Canal Bridge (多瑙河—黑海运河大桥)
Danube–Black Sea Canal Bridge (多瑙河—黑海运河大桥)
Danube–Black Sea Canal (多瑙河—黑海运河)
The Danube (多瑙河)
Farm Field (农田)
Cattle on the Ranch (牧场上的牛群)
Barn House on the Prairie (草原家园)
Bullpen (牛圈)
Sunflower Field (向日葵田)
Veg Patch (菜地)
Danube Valley (多瑙河谷)
Verbascum (马鞭草)
Oxeye Daisy (牛眼菊)
Indian Blanket (天人菊)
Golden-mane Coreopsis (金鸡菊) Bellflowers (风铃草)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级) |