【Aiden in English】
To start the day, Mom and I were woken by the morning call. It was 6:30 a.m., and we had a tour at 7:45 a.m., so we'd hurry to catch it. The coming tour was a safari, and it began with a short ride on a propeller-driven plane from the capital city, Dar es Salaam, the so-called "Abode of Peace," to Selous Game Reserve, the first and oldest national park in Tanzania and a UNESCO Heritage Site. When I arrived at the park nearly at noon, I felt as if an egg could fry itself at such a temperature. In the meantime, the flies were searching for food, and they considered us their diet. The little pests came at me by the hundreds, and even bug spray didn't help much! We boarded our Land Rover and took off quickly to avoid the flies. That was a mistake because the trail had bumps all over. It went up and down like a roller coaster. And when I saw the first animal, the SUV skidded for another few feet. The animal was an impala, just like the ones at Tsavo National Park in Kenya. As we continued, we reviewed many of the same animals, such as gazelles, hartebeests, elephants, giraffes, zebras, etc. After we toured the pristine forest for a while, we discovered a lake that lay like a little piece of heaven deep in the wilderness. Inside, there were crocodiles and hippos. They swam next to the shore. I was shocked that the crocodiles didn't make the hippos the mid-day snacks. At first, both crocodiles and hippos lay in the water like logs. But we didn't realize they weren't dead trunks until suddenly, the crocodiles jerked their tails, and the hippos came up for air. The crocodiles were big and had dark green scales. The long tail elegantly swayed with the current. Conversely, the hippos bobbed their heads up and down as they just relaxed in the water. The wildebeests roamed the land. They looked like African buffalos, except a buffalo's horns went down while a wildebeest was kept up. As the SUV moved on, I saw something lying under a bush. It had big ears and looked like a lion. When we drove closer, the animal ran away. Or should I say animals? They were sounder than warthogs. The way they were lined up made it the shape of a lion. The warthogs were the size of a cat and had tiny tusks protruding from either side of their nostrils. There were 6 in total, and they disappeared into the bushes in a split second. On our way to lunch, we ran into a group of Waterbucks. What appeared to be interesting was the white circle around its butt. It looked like a deer. However, the white circle made all the difference and sent a message: "Hit Me!" Unlike Tsavo National Park, the lion, eland, bush duikers, and baboons didn't come out during a hot summer day, and we missed them. We wish we had known the animals' routines before the safari. 【红霞译】
迎面而来一只黑斑羚,与我们在肯尼亚屠宰国家公园看到的一模一样;再往前行,瞪羚、 狷羚、大象、长颈鹿,斑马等老相识粉墨登场,我们在原始森林里转来转去,眼前突然出现一池湖水,犹如天上仙境喜降荒郊野外,距离岸边不远,鳄鱼和河马各居一方,和平共处。我纳闷为何张牙舞爪的鳄鱼没有蚕食彪汉魁梧的河马﹖乍看上去两类动物都像木棍似的呆在那里一动不动,如果不是鳄鱼猛然甩动尾巴、河马伸出脑袋呼吸新鲜空气,我们还不知道它们的存在。鳄鱼体大,且身上带有暗绿色鳞片,长长的尾巴随同水波流动的节奏优雅和谐地摇来摆去;河马时而沉湎于水下世界,时而露出水面笑傲江湖;角马同样喜欢出没此地,它们看起来更像非洲水牛,只是水牛的牛角朝下弯,而角马的羚角往上翘。
赶去吃午饭途中我们与水羚撞了满怀,其臀部白毛围成的圆圈格外招人眼目,水羚跟鹿长得比较像,然而这个极富特征的白圈足以叫它与众不同。 与屠宰国家公园不同,恐怖禁猎区的狮子、伊兰羚羊、灰小羚羊和狒狒等动物怕热,忌讳晌午时分出来走动,因此我们失去彼此见面的机会,但愿今后在筹划猎游时,我们最好了解遵循野生动物生活规律而非凭借个人主观意愿。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2012: Glacier Alley & Ushuaia(智利冰川通道和阿根廷深湾城) 2010: 节日串连(Holiday Connection)
2009: 骑在羊背上的国家(Riding on Sheep's Back)
Port of Dar es Salaam (安居地港)
Harbor Control Tower (海港控制塔)
Kivukoni Fish Market Jetty (两点交叉鱼市码头)
Mzizima Fish Market (健康镇鱼市)
Government Area (政府机关区域)
St. Joseph Cathedral (加添力量大教堂)
Spirit of the Union (联盟精神快艇渡轮)
Charter Flight @ DAR Intl Airport (安居地国际机场·小型包机 12-29-2013)
Charter Flight Pilot (包机飞行员)
Aerial View of Dar Es Salaam (鸟瞰安居地)
Selous Game Reserve, A UNESCO World Heritage Site (恐怖禁猎区·联合国教科文组织世界遗产 12-29-2013)
River Rufiji, the Largest in Tanzania (鲁菲吉河——坦桑尼亚之最)
Safari (东非游猎 12-29-2013)
The Rufiji, the Largest Mangrove Forest in Eastern Africa (鲁菲吉河·东非最大的红树林 12-29-2013)
Sand River, A Frozen Water to Flow across the Desert (沙河·冰水穿越沙漠)
Miombo Woodlands & Savannas (东非旱生疏林和稀树草原)
Whistling Thorns (肿刺合欢)
Nile Crocodiles (尼罗鳄)
African Jacana (非洲水雉)
Egyptian Geese (埃及鹅)
Male Herding One of His Females (公埃及鹅牧放其后宫宠妃)
Finch (燕雀)
African Bush Elephants in Deciduous Woodlands (落叶林地·非洲平原象)
Masai Giraffe (马赛长颈鹿)
Female Masai Giraffe (母马赛长颈鹿) Bull w/ A Median Forehead Lump (公马赛长颈鹿·额中位肿块)
Mostly Submerged Hippos w/ Exposed Eyes, Ears, & Nostrils (河马身体大部分没入水中,但眼睛、耳朵和鼻孔暴露在外)
Hippopotamus Pod (河马群)
A Gazing Hippopotamus (守望者) Horn Impala (雄高角羚)
Southern Ground Hornbill (红脸地犀) Yellow-billed Stork (黄嘴鹮鹳)
Stilt Sandpiper (高跷滨鹬)
Stilt Sandpiper (高跷滨鹬)
Warthogs (疣猪)
Female Warthogs (母疣猪)
Waterbucks (非洲大羚羊) Female Waterbuck (雌性水羚)
Wildebeest (角马)
Pasta Picnic (意大利面野炊 12-29-2013)
Journal Writing (写日志 12-29-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文): Tanzania(出游坦桑尼亚)
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |