2013-01-11 International Parity at Work Day
【Aiden in English】
There was no place on Earth like Rio de Janeiro, as the natives proudly said. Founded in the early 16th century, Rio was once the capital of Brazil up to 1960. The city remained the nation's cultural and spiritual center with an amalgam of Latin and African heritage. As Brazil's Cidade Maravilhosa, the "Marvelous City," Rio throbbed with mountains, beaches, colonial cultures, museums, street arts, and locals for us to capture the wild beauty and heady sensuality. Our month-long travel and vacation in South America would soon end right here. As lovely as the morning in Rio could be, my spirits were dampened because an early call interrupted the breakfast, which included a smoothie, juice, cookies, and corn chips. By the time we raced downstairs, our private tour guide, Madson, was waiting patiently for us in our hotel lobby. Unlike many other places in South America, we did not make any change to challenge ourselves in exploring this part of the universe on our own. Beyond the safety issue, communication turned into our biggest hurdle. We could not stop wondering how Brazil successfully hosted the 2016 Rio Olympic Games if most people did not know how to speak English. Unless all folks from the rest of the world learned Portuguese, there was no guarantee to compromise a common ground. Madson was a young native who lived in an apartment just off Copacabana Beach and spoke fluently in English. He had a business that provided private city tour services and promoted his travel book about Rio. Based on his reputation and expertise, Mom hired him directly online and paid him hourly in US dollars. 〖Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro〗 Madson drove us to a large, black, backward ice cream cone with windows down the side. It was a modern church dedicated to Saint Sebastian, the Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro. Outside, it looked like a weird pyramid, but inside, it was something fit for the Olympics! There were rows and rows of seats surrounding Jesus in the center. Four rectilinear windows radiated light through the colorful stained glass. On each exit stood a statue in robes and holding flowers. Today was St. Sebastian's Day. The church celebrated Rio's patron saint, who the Romans killed in the 3rd century. A squad of policemen quickly lined up with me per Mom's request. Soon, we were lucky enough to run into an Archbishop who showed up at such annual events on-site. Mom talked to him and a bishop about the holy festivity. In no time, she asked for permission and took some snapshots of me with them. The Archbishop asked if mom were a reporter to come from China. I did not want to be on the front page of the newspaper. 〖Favela〗 Mom had plotted to visit a well-known slum in Rio for a long time. Notably, she would like me to realize that as many as two-thirds of children in the population still struggle in deep distress up to date. That was why we hung out in Santa Marta Favela. Santa Marta Favela was right above downtown Rio's heart, opposite the city cemetery. It overlooked Leblon, an exotic high-class neighborhood facing Guanabara Bay. Here, it seemed like a trash dump. I couldn't imagine how people lived there. All houses were built on the steepest slope. So was a miniature soccer field that looked much smaller than a tennis court. More than 8,000 residents occupied the tiny side of the hill. Therefore, it was heavily polluted with trash and dog poops. The government placed armed police officers all over this area because Rio would host the Olympic Games in 2016. So, some people moved away because the police kept watching them drug dealers day and night. I thought that sometimes the police were too noisy and always ended up in your business. No one would want the police to come in while you were in the shower. However, local people felt safer than ever before. The police were doing a good job of keeping the crimes down. Michael Jackson used Santa Marta as the primary setting for his controversial song "They Don’t Care About Us." We took a tram up and down from his statue to experience more about Favela's surroundings. I couldn't imagine how children climbed 700 steps for school daily. Were they highly athletic, or were I too lazy? 〖Corcovado〗 Located in downtown Rio, Tijuca National Park engulfed the most significant urban forest in the world. Abundant jackfruit trees competed for space with native tree species. But what made us here was the summit of the Corcovado (Hunchback) which offered stunning views. The mountain stood 2,300 ft/701 m above sea level and became Rio's highest peak. To seize it at the right time in mid-summer, we were asked to come over before 8:00 am. Or the clouds would cover it completely. We took a minivan to an elevator that lifted us to the top. The 360-degree panorama put Rio's beauty at our feet. The iconic statue of Christ the Redeemer dazed us with its 125-ft/38-m tall concrete and soapstone figure. The sculpture was so immense that its head was immersed in the clouds. A strong blast of wind blew the clouds away and almost carried me. 〖Selaron Artistic Staircase〗 Chilean-born artist Jorge Selaron made the famous staircase of Escadaria Selaron. He used to travel internationally to paint pictures for friends and fans. Thirty years ago, he settled in Rio and started decorating 250 steps with over 2,000 colorful tiles he collected worldwide. Selaron was not only addicted to portraying a pregnant African woman but also loved to depict him with a bulging belly like a cartoon figure. In general, tourists would hand him the painted tile or tiles, and he would place the tile or tiles in his magnificent staircase. There were a few tiles that originated from Philadelphia, USA. Some terra-cotta and Cloisonné Chinese tiles dangled from the Wall of China. Probably, Mom and I were the only ones who were incapable of reading and understanding the inscribed words. There was a block of painted tiles patriotically to support the Brazilian soccer team, which would compete in the 2014 FIFA World Soccer Cup and Rio 2016 Olympic Games hosted in this country. Jorge died, possibly of suicide, only one day before we visited. Mom seemed deeply depressed about his death. 〖Santa Teresa Street Art〗 Street art popularly incorporates many natural elements into the design in Rio. Santa Teresa became a favorite spot for artists and tourists. Its winding, narrow, and steep streets flanked with gorgeous colonial mansions resembled where Mom grew up in her childhood back in China. As I cruised in the SUV, she set on foot to stride across block by block and revived her memories of the past. 〖Confeitaria Colombo Cafe House〗 As much as I wanted to stay on track, I was hungry like a stray dog. We stopped at a grandiose Confeitaria Colombo in French Art Nouveau, which we had never dined in before. There was so much to choose from the menu. So, Madson tried to make our lives easy by giving us some recommendations. But I was keen on others. Something spicy would whet my appetite. However, everything looked tempting. My favorite was the chicken turnover. As I took my first bite, I felt warm and yummy inside. The bread tasted crispy and crunchy. After I devoured my share, we were already on the road. 〖Ipanema & Copacabana White Sand Beaches〗 Last night, we googled on YouTube and listened to the song "The Girl from Ipanema." As jogging on the most sophisticated beach, catching up with the never-ending rhythm of life lived with passion was not difficult for us. Adjacent to its curved coastline, the hectic Copacabana is famed for its bewildering art deco promenade and dazzling cityscape views. When a cool breeze blended in rainy summer, no one like us dared to jump into the frigid Atlantic Ocean and frolic in the wave. We hopped on and off the vehicle and stopped by sand sculptures. Meanwhile, we have local hedonistic attitudes to spare. Right off the beach, the most famous and luxurious Copacabana Palace Hotel prides itself on cultural patrimony. Mom visited a flea market where various fresh fruits left our mouths salivating. 〖Sugarloaf Mountain〗 We were supposed to take a ski lift to the 1,300 ft/396 m Sugarloaf Mountain, but the clouds sat on it. If a cloud left, another would replace it immediately, so we decided to skip it this time. I wish I could see the sun in Rio when we might come back for the Olympics in August 2016. At least it would be winter in the dry season by then. 〖Cityscape〗 As Tango to Buenos Aires, Samba symbolized the "Feast of Flesh" to Rio. Its saturnalian revel invited us to experience the sights and sounds of such a marvelous city. We traveled through downtown Rio and glanced around its mix of dazzling high-rise buildings and colonial architecture. The Carioca Aqueduct was an 18th-century colonial structure to bring fresh water from the Carioca River to the city. Nearby, some landmark buildings stood like ruins and were torn down piece by piece over time. Tiradentes Palace on Rio Branco Avenue came into sight. It used to house the Brazilian Congress before moving to Brasilia in 1960. Now, the Rio Legislative Assembly occupies this eclectic-style palace. The historical Candelaria Church (1822) mingled a Baroque facade with Neoclassical and Neo-Renaissance interior elements. I sat inside and listened to the praises of holy love. Mom loved to stroll the archway Arco de Teles to the quaint two-story colonial townhouses and picturesque narrow cobblestone street Travessa do Comrcio. Restaurants and drinking spots opened onto the streets directly, transforming us into a different time in Rio. The monument to the dead of World War II was made of concrete, like artwork in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. The National Museum of Fine Art exhibited its permanent collection of over 10,000 artworks, including paintings, illustrations, and sculptures by eminent Brazilian artists. Like many other museums in Rio, it was free of charge. If we stayed longer, we would love to indulge in Brazilian culture. 【红霞译】
〖序言〗 世界上没有任何一个地方像里约热内卢(葡语“一月河”),当地人总是这么自豪地说。 建于16世纪初叶,里约在1960年以前一直作为巴西的首都,如今仍是全国文化宗教中心,饱含拉美和非洲两种文化渊源。 号称巴西“绝妙之城”的里约毫无保留地将其山川湖泊、海滨沙滩、殖民文化、地域传统、街景艺术、风土人情展现在我们面前,使我们在欣赏自然风光的同时,充分领悟疯狂性感的民族情操,我们长达一个月之久的旅游度假到此即将宣告结束。
早起老天总算赏脸,没有下雨。不过我的激情很快被传来的电话声打断,撇下好端端的奶昔、果汁、点心、玉米片一桌早餐,撒腿往楼下奔跑,导游麦迪森准时在酒店大厅等候我们。 不像南美其它地方,我们从一开始就没打算自己到里约游山玩水。排除安全第一不说,语言交流搅得我们信心全无。我们禁不住要问,如果市民不会讲英文,里约2016年将如何主办奥林匹克运动会?除非全世界其他国家的人民积极投入学习葡萄牙语的热潮之中,否则根本没有办法达到共识。 麦迪森(意译“神赐之子”)是本地土生土长的年轻人,家住湖景海滨,熟谙英语。他独挑旅游生意,提供私人导游业务,并推销自己写的有关里约旅游书籍。根据其专长及以往游客对他的网上评论,妈妈决定雇用他作为我们私家导游,按小时付美元给他。 〖里约大都会教堂〗 麦迪森带我们首先来到一个大而黑、宛如倒立的冰激凌蛋卷的现代式教堂──里约大都会教堂,周边设有窗户。该教堂为纪念敬畏圣徒而建,尽管外表看上去像一个奇特的金字塔,但内部能做奥林匹克运动场!一排排座位围向位于中央的耶稣基督,光线从四个直线式的窗口幅射进来,映照得彩色玻璃五颜六色,每一个出口都有一具雕像,身着长袍,手持鲜花。 今天恰逢敬畏圣徒日,我们正赶上教堂庆祝这位里约守护神。据书上记载,敬畏圣徒是在公元三世纪基督教迫害时期被罗马皇帝杀害的。按照妈妈提议,一队护卫警察跟我很快排成方阵,个个笑容可掬。最振奋人心的,我们与前来参加活动的枢机大主教不期而会,妈妈来不及多想,一个箭步冲上去与他及身旁的主教攀谈圣日奇遇,在赢得同意之后,妈妈眼疾手快,迅速抓拍难忘时刻。枢机大主教问妈妈是否作为记者特意从中国远道而来?坦率地说,我可不想出现在报纸首页。 〖贫民窟〗 妈妈来前就有打算,要带我到里约一处著名的贫民窟参观,她想让我亲眼目睹何为世界上尚有三分之二的少年儿童仍然生活在水深火热之中,这也是我们为什么现身女圣徒贫民窟的原因。 女圣徒贫民窟地处市腹之上,与里约大墓地遥遥相望,鸟瞰瓜纳巴拉“大海的怀抱”湾边的莱布隆“白”高档住宅楼。 女圣徒贫民窟垃圾成灾,我很难想象人们如何在这种环境里生活。所有的民房都建造在陡峭的山坡上,包括一个比网球场地小出不少的足球场。八千人盘踞巴掌大的地盘,因此人为造成的污染和野狗排泄的屎便充斥大街小巷。 自从里约获取奥运会申办权,政府派警察进驻女圣徒贫民窟,不少贩卖毒品做贼心虚者不得不离开此地,另辟蹊径。我过去一向认为,警察有时好打听事,常常干预别人,谁愿在洗澡的时候看到警察破门而入呢?不过,当地人并未抱怨警察,看来警察尽职尽责,正因如此,才使得犯罪率明显下降。 迈克尔·杰克逊(意译“神赐•神慈之子”)主唱的一首极有争议的电影歌曲《他们不在乎我们》便以女圣徒贫民窟为背景录制而成,他的铜像及壁画成为当地有名的历史地标。我们从这里乘坐电车上下穿梭,试图从不同角度审视贫民窟特殊实体。我甚至无法想象,适龄少儿如何面对700级台阶,每天爬上爬下上学谈何容易!难道他们具有运动天赋,还是我过于懒惰? 〖耶稣山〗 座落在里约市区的沼泽地国家公园是世界上森林覆盖面积最大的城市国家公园,公园内过于丰茂的波罗蜜树给当地生态平衡带来威胁。最吸引我们的则是海拔2,300英尺/701米高的驼背山,登高远望,大有“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”之势。仲夏观看驼背山有窍门,一定要赶在早上八点之前,不然云雾从海岸线腾空而起缭绕山巅,很难叫人识别“庐山真面目”。 我们先搭公园提供的面包车来到山脚,然后再改乘电梯直达山巅,360度全方位,整个里约尽收眼底。用石灰和滑石混合制作的耶稣雕像高达125英尺/38米,堪称里约象征。因为雕像魁伟,经常深居云雾之中。山顶风力很大,恨不能把我一起卷走。 〖鞍子艺术阶梯〗 著名的艺术阶梯由一位名叫农夫•鞍子巴西籍智利人之创,年轻时喜好周游列国,为友人及粉丝作画;卅年前,终于定居里约,开始为250级台阶装点两千多块来自世界各地彩画瓷砖。鞍子不仅热衷绘制一位怀有身孕的非洲女子,而且还极度渲染自己怀胎英姿,极富动漫色彩。 一般地,游客把绘有各种图案的彩色瓷砖交给鞍子,由他装贴到艺术阶梯。其中少数作品来自美国费城;一些赤褐色和景泰蓝样的中国瓷砖分门别类地贴在“中国墙”上,大概只有妈妈和我可以读懂上面的字迹。有一组爱国瓷砖大张旗鼓地宣扬支持巴西足球队,该队将要在本土分别争夺2014世界足联世界杯足球赛和2016年国际奥林匹克运动会。 〖收获圣徒街区艺术〗 街区艺术因为其设计融入了自然风格而在里约非常流行,收获圣徒街区艺术就是其中典型代表,同时为艺术家和观光客提供了交流空间。收获圣徒街区道路素以蜿蜒、狭窄、坡陡出名,两旁的殖民建筑让妈妈触景生情,使她想起童年时代自己在国内生活的地方。我坐在车里,妈妈则情愿徒步漫步,一条街一个马路走下来,试图追忆旧日的足迹。 〖鸽子咖啡厅〗 尽管我想坚持到底,但实在拗不过嗷嗷待哺的肠胃。为此,我们特意停在一家豪华气派前所未见的具有法式新艺术建筑风格的高级餐馆──鸽子咖啡厅。食谱五花八门,看后令人眼花缭乱。导游建议我们几样经典小吃,而我偏偏喜欢其它花样,略带小辣味道的东西尤其让我垂涎欲滴。不过说句实话,这里每一种食品都非常诱人。我挑选的鸡肉馅饼,刚嚼一下,暖和和香喷喷的味道脱口而出,面包皮脆脆的嘎嘎的,烧烤得外焦里嫩。我狼吞虎咽,不遗余力消灭残渣碎片,这才发现我们已经上路。 〖臭湖和湖景白沙滩〗
昨晚我们特意上网查询红遍全球的歌曲“来自臭湖的女郎”,今天立刻步其后尘来到里约最标致、令人爱得死去活来的海滨。的确,只要身临其境,我们不难感受饱含激情永无止息的浪漫节奏。 随海岸扭动的线条,我们进驻另一千人迷万人恋的湖景沙滩,行走在充满艺术情调的海滨大道上,里约风光璀灿夺目。仲夏里,海风阵阵,阴雨绵绵,几乎无人愿在冰凉的大西洋面披波斩浪。我们窜上跳下,主要去沿岸观赏街头艺人塑造的沙雕作品,幸福在即,及时行乐,这是里约人恪守的生活理念。
正门面对海滩,作为巴西文化遗产的科帕卡巴纳宫享誉全球,堪称巴西最高档次的豪华宾馆。妈妈跑去后面的农贸市场溜达,琳琅满目的新鲜水果馋得我们直流口水。 〖甜面包山〗 甜面包山1,300英尺/396米,是里约的重要地标之一。按原计划,我们本打算乘电缆车权作告别之游。但是天公不作美,浓云密布,久久不肯离去,我们只好善罢甘休,留待2016年8月奥运之行再说。至少到那时,正值里约冬时干燥季节,期待雨讯不再兴风作浪。
〖城市风光〗 一提起探戈舞,人们自然而然地联想到布宜诺斯艾利斯。一说到桑巴舞,人们下意识地联想起里约,“绝妙之城”火辣狂热的情绪无不感染我们每一位来访者。 我们驱车穿梭里约市区,眼前现代摩登广厦和昔日殖民建筑交织并存,本土传统与泊来文化碰撞融合,变奏出一幕幕特有的里约景观。白屋渡槽是一座18世纪殖民结构的引水桥,当年淡水从白屋河定向流入里约,可供全城人饮用。附近另有一些上了年头老掉牙的残垣断壁,修缮起来费用太大,只好交给岁月顺其自然。 白河大道上的革命英雄宫别具一格,曾是巴西国会所在地,直至1960年迁入巴西利亚为止,如今里约议会取而代之。 炽白教堂于1822年修建完毕,见证了里约过去将近200年历史变迁。近观外貌,巴洛克式建筑风格予人一种宏大庄重的感觉;静坐其中,我赞美的不仅是新古典和新文艺复兴元素合二为一的建筑思想,更是主耶稣神圣的爱。
妈妈特别欣赏远角拱门,弄堂由此向内延伸,古雅的两层楼连栋房舍,狭长的鹅卵石巷,店铺饭庄一个挨着一个,生活气息浓厚贴切,让我们感受到不同的里约。 远观“二战死难烈士纪念碑”,令我们想起首都巴西利亚同样用石灰制作的艺术作品。 国家美术馆展出的绘画、插图、雕塑作品超过一万幅,很多出自巴西著名的艺术大师之手。与里约它博物馆一样,这里提供免费参观,如果不是时间有限,我们真想多多接受异域文化的熏陶。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2010: 澳洲蓝山国家公园和吉诺蓝岩洞(Blue Mtn NP & Jenolan Caves, AU)
Avenida Presidente Vargas & Guanabara Bay (皮匠总统大道与大海怀抱湾)
Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro in Mayan Architectural Style of Pyramids (里约大都会教堂·玛雅金字塔的建筑风格)
Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂) One of Four Rectilinear Stained Glass Windows @ Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂·四个直线花窗之一) One of Four Rectilinear Stained Glass Windows @ Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂·四个直线花窗之一)
Conical Roof @ Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂·圆锥形天花板)
Archbishop @ Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂·枢机大主教 01-11-2013)
Police Motorcycles @ Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂·摩托警车方阵 01-11-2013)
Archbishop-Patroled Policemen @ Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (里约大都会教堂·保护枢机大主教的巡警 01-11-2013) Saint Sebastian's Day (里约敬畏使者守护神节)
Laranjeiras against Rio-Niterói Bridge (从柑橘树区远眺里约—暗河大桥)
Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (葡萄牙军人泻湖)
Leblon, the Most Expensive Price in Latin America (白区·拉美最昂贵的楼价盘)
Caju Cemetery (腰果公墓)
Dame Martha's Hill (女主人山丘)
Morro Dona Marta over (女主人山丘)
Compact Soccer Field in A Shanty Town (贫民窟小型足球场 01-11-2013)
Santa Marta Favela (女圣徒贫民窟 01-11-2013)
Homeless Dogs on Squatter Street @ Santa Marta Favela (女圣徒贫民窟·寮屋街道上流浪狗)
Winding and Narrow Street @ Santa Marta Favela (女圣徒贫民窟·路况弯曲狭窄) Pacifying Police Unit @ Santa Marta Favela (安抚警察部队驻扎女圣徒贫民窟) Stamp Statue of Michael Jackson @ Santa Marta Favela (女圣徒贫民窟——神赐·神慈之子邮票雕像 01-11-2013)
The Backdrop of "They Don't Care About Us" by Michael Jackson @ Santa Marta Favela (女主人夫人贫民窟——神赐·神慈之子《他们不在乎我们》) Homeless Dog Dug for Food from Trash @ Tram Station, Santa Marta Favela (女圣徒贫民窟·有轨电车)
Tram Running through Santa Marta Favela (女圣徒贫民窟·有轨电车) Christ the Redeemer Statue on Corcovado (耶稣山·救世基督像) Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado (耶稣山·救世基督像 01-11-2013)
Self-Portrait of Jorge @ Escadaria Selarón (艺术阶梯——农夫·鞍子自画像)
Brazilian Natl Flag @ Escadaria Selarón (鞍子艺术阶梯·巴西国旗 01-11-2013)
215 Steps Measuring 125 Metres Long @ Escadaria Selarón (鞍子艺术阶梯·215个台阶长达125米 01-11-2013) Selarón died here on 01-10-2013, the day before we visited. (鞍子2013年1月10日死于此地,亦即我们到访的前一天)
A Pregnant African Woman & Selarón @ Escadaria Selarón (鞍子艺术阶梯·非洲孕妇与塞勒隆孕态 01-11-2013) Mate-Drinking Lady @ Escadaria Selarón (鞍子艺术阶梯·喝神赐茶的当地美女)
Selarón's Works @ Escadaria Selarón (艺术阶梯·鞍子作品)
> 2000 Tiles Collected from > 60 Countries around the World @ Escadaria Selarón (从世界60多个国家收集来的2000多块瓷砖 01-11-2013)
Bus Station @ Santa Teresa (收获圣徒街区·公交车站)
Santa Teresa (收获圣徒街区)
Steep & Winding Santa Teresa Streets (陡峭弯曲的收获圣徒街区)
Graffiti @ Santa Teresa (收获圣徒街区·涂鸦)
Mural @ Santa Teresa (收获圣徒街区·壁画)
Largo do Guimarães, the Bohemian Gathering Point @ Santa Teresa (收获圣徒街区·伯爵地即波希米亚聚集地)
Toy Artisan @ Santa Teresa (收获圣徒街区·玩具工匠 01-11-2013) Confeitaria Colombo w/ Stained Glass Ceiling (鸽子咖啡厅·彩色玻璃天花板 01-11-2013)
Patisserie @ Confeitaria Colombo (鸽子咖啡厅·糕点 01-11-2013)
Bar @ Confeitaria Colombo (鸽子咖啡厅·吧台 01-11-2013)
The Portuguese Pavement Wave Pattern @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·葡萄牙波浪式路面 01-11-2013)
Copacabana White Sand Beach (湖景白沙海滩 01-11-2013)
Sand Sculptures @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·沙雕)
Sand Sculptures @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·沙雕)
Sand Sculptures @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·沙雕)
Sand Sculptures @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·沙雕)
Sand Sculptures @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·沙雕)
Sand Sculptures @ Copacabana Beach (湖景海滩·沙雕)
Cotonduba Island (科通杜巴岛)
Copacabana Palace on Avenida Atlantica (大西洋大道·湖景宫)
Tiradentes Palace (革命英雄宫)
Old Bldg (老房子)
Historical Bldg (古迹)
Federal Justice Cultural Center (联邦司法文化中心)
Private House (私宅)
Carioca Aqueduct (白屋河渠)
Arco do Teles (远角拱门 01-11-2013) Travessa do Comércio (商业中心 01-11-2013)
Monument to the Dead of World War II (二战烈士纪念碑)
The Collection of Plaster Copies of Ancient Statues @ Natl Museum of Fine Arts (国家美术馆·古代雕像石膏赝品收藏 01-11-2013)
Brazilian Folk Collection @ Natl Museum of Fine Arts (国家美术馆·巴西民间艺术 01-11-2013)
Getúlio Vargas @ Natl Museum of Fine Arts (国家美术馆—画家“冷天·茅屋” 01-11-2013)
Façade of Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·正面观 01-11-2013)
The Nave of Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·中殿) Altar of Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·祭坛) Pulpit of Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·讲坛 01-11-2013)
The Ceiling of the Dome @ Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·圆顶的天花板) Arch Dome above the Altar @ Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·祭坛上拱顶) Transcept of Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·耳堂 01-11-2013)
Stainglass Windows of Candelária Church (蜡烛教堂·花窗)
Parish Catholic Church (天主教教区教堂)
Lagoa, An Affluent Residential Neighborhood (泻湖富人住宅区)
Guanabara Bay (大海怀抱湾)
Mirante Dona Marta (女主人观景地)
Sugarloaf Mtn (甜面包山)
Jackfruits (菠萝蜜)
Flea Market (自由市场) Coconut Milk Vendor (椰汁地摊)
Vendor Pavillion (地摊亭子)
Street Performers (街头艺人)
GIG-MIA @ Rio de Janeiro/Galeão International Airport (里约热内卢/大帆船国际机场·从里约飞往迈阿密 01-11-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文):
2013: Rio de Janeiro the Marvellous City, BRA(巴西里约—神奇之城) Brazil(出游巴西)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |