【Another Waking】 Carl Spitteler (1845—1924) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1919〗 From the nightmare world of dream I awakened with a scream. Chime of bells and song of a bird Deep in budding woods I heard; Broke the friendly golden day, Fear and anguish fled away.
Come there will a time for me When no day shall set me free, When my only comfort shall Lie in dreams fantastical, When from the darkling night I fain Never would be waked again. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《樂天的水手》】 勇王•施皮特勒(1845生—1924卒) 〖1919年諾貝爾文學獎〗 英勇水手六個, 興高采烈,歡騰雀躍, 晨風中“嘿嘿,哈哈!” 他們狂歡亂叫。 大海喧騰, 捲走了給養,吞盡了貨物, 五水手悲嘆呼號: “哦,苦命啊,苦命!” 可有一水手高喊“烏拉!” 眼看他自己的財物盡付汪洋, 對他的歡樂,對他的高興, 夥伴們盡迷惘。 “我兩次遭災難, 洪水滔滔, 早把我的家園,我的細軟, 吞噬一空。 Today in History(歷史上的今天):
2017: Alpine Potpourri, Swiss(瑞士阿爾卑斯山旅行見聞)
2015: Great Wall, Beijing(北京萬里長城)
2014: Reunion w/ Old Friends(老友重逢)
Façade Abbey w/ Lady Fountain (修道院·外觀與夫人噴泉)
Cavalli della Madonna Stalls (修道院馬廄) Benedictine Monk (本篤會修士)
Dome (穹頂)
Pulpit (小講壇)
Vault Ceiling (拱頂)
Reliefs (浮雕) Black Madonna of Einsiedeln (隱士城修道院·黑色聖母)
Carved Stone (石刻) Carved Stone (石刻)
Monastery (修道院)
Monastery (修道院)
Monastery (修道院)
Bell Towers of Monastery (修道院·鐘樓)
Abbey Square (修道院廣場)
Rathaus (市政廳)
Main Street (主街)
Kälin Family Farm (卡林家庭農場)
Home on the Ranch (牧場上的家)
Lake Sihl w/ Fluebrig behind (涓流湖與煙灰山)
Sihlsee (涓流湖)
Lecture @ Milchmanufaktur (牛奶工廠·了解工藝流程)
Cheese Ripening @ Milchmanufaktur (牛奶工廠·奶酪成熟)
Workshop @ Milchmanufaktur (牛奶工廠·車間)
National Ski Jumping Venue (國家跳台滑雪場) National Ski Jumping Venue (國家跳台滑雪場) Menu of Schefer Bakery Pastry Shop (羊倌糕點店·食譜)
Spitzbuben of Schefer Bakery Pastry Sho (羊倌糕點店·聖誕餅乾)
Signpost (路標)
Europe(歐洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年級) |