【Aiden in English】
I've never been to Las Vegas. Honestly, I don't feel like going with my family either. Sin City is better experienced with a bunch of dumb friends. While some of my friends have already touched the Las Vegas culture, I've yet to venture out into the gambling world. Let's begin with the Principality of Monaco, a country made for gambling. It's 2.5 kilometers squared. That's how large Monaco is—two and a half square kilometers—the size of some farms, the size of Montgomery Township in PA, the size of two and a half kilometers squared. Outside the Vatican, it is the smallest and most populated country I've ever heard of. And it's also two and a half kilometers square of casinos. There are about eight thousand citizens in Monaco, which, not so coincidentally, is also the country's estimated population. The capital, the central city, and the center of the constitutional monarchy are called Monaco-Ville. It's tiny. By standing at a certain angle on a building, you can see France and, a little further, Italy in the same view. That's nuts. You thought the Four Corners was the pinnacle of borders. You are wrong. Besides the palace where the prince resides, Monte Carlo, next to the capital city, is the European version of Vegas. While it may not have prestige, tourists are mainly attracted to the casinos in its neighbor, Monte Carlo. I suppose this is a bit different from Vegas, where people also come for spectacular views and other events in the region of the French Riviera, but the ideals are the same: spend money. Now, it would've been cooled to describe the inside of these casinos. Like Vegas, Monte Carlo doesn't like having underaged kids waste their lives away. Therefore, my most significant takeaway was, "Wow, these people have a lot of money." Just by looking at the special editions of their cars, I witnessed the class it took to gamble in these casinos. That also somewhat surprised me as well. For the luxury presented in the vehicles, the casinos hardly looked like the type you would find the upper class to be in. But when you enter the grand hall, you see its beautiful decoration with paintings straight from a church, and you understand why Monaco is so pristine. I also find it ironic that the paintings on the Monte Carlo Casino roof resemble a Christian dome. In addition to the casinos, Monaco presents many other ways to burn through your retirement savings. As you know, you can essentially see the bay from every part of the country. It's by the water, and the inland you go, the higher the elevation, so a view of the water is always available and beckoning. Great excuse to raise housing prices. With that, food and service prices rise as well. Then taxes go up. You get the gist. Therefore, housing is ridiculously high for small medieval towns sparkled in the French Rivera like Èze, with a population of thirty-six people. It doesn't seem as if the country is full of rich people, and many are working at minimum wage. But the tourists, gamblers, and retired folks give the country its structure. Although theoretically, this place is just an extension of France, like a territory, it holds a certain uniqueness that truly separates itself from another country, much like how Vegas differs from its fellow cities. 【红霞译】
除赌场而外,摩纳哥还有其它很多地方让你挥霍退休积蓄。如你所知,整个国家依山傍水,内陆离海湾越远地势则越高,海景随处可见,快乐唾手可得,无疑为房价上涨提供了充足理由,日常食品与服务费用节节攀高,所付税额也随之增长,你悟出门道了吧。 这么一来,像蔚蓝海岸上埃兹这座仅有卅六人的中世纪小镇房价才会出奇地昂贵,当然并非表示本地人全都富得流油,不少居民完全靠基本工资过活,多亏游客、赌徒和退休人士挺身而出,给摩纳哥带来经济实惠。尽管摩纳哥理论上像法兰西海外领地,但实际上却独具其它地方少有的优势,正像维加斯与周围城市不同似的。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Nice the Cuisine Bourgeoise, France(法国傻冒市—小资美食) 2018: Nice the Heavenly Place, France(法国傻冒市—人间天堂) 2018: Nice the Beautiful, France(法国傻冒市—阳光圣地) 2018: Cote d'Azur the French Riviera(法国蓝岸地区—地中海海滨) 2018: Eze the Eagle's Nest, France(法国埃兹—鹰巢) 2018: Monegasques vs Monacoians, Monaco(摩纳哥本地老表与外邦富豪) 2015: GHCS Camp─Kids Can Be Kids(光华营─孩子毕竟是孩子)
2013: Drama Camp-4(戏剧夏令营之四)
Fort Antoine Theatre, Monaco-Ville (独僧城——贵堡剧院 07-20-2018)
La Condamine (耕地区 07-20-2018)
Prince's Palace, Monaco-Ville (独僧城——王子宫 07-20-2018)
Prince's Palace, Monaco-Ville (独僧城——皇宫露台 07-20-2018)
Town Hall, Monaco-Ville (市政厅 07-20-2018)
Residential Area, Monaco-Ville (住宅区 07-20-2018)
Monte Carlo Casino Hall (自由人山城赌场大厅 07-20-2018) Visitor Ctr, Monte Carlo Casino (自由人山城赌场·会客厅 07-20-2018)
Limited Edition, Monte Carlo Casino (自由人山城赌场·限量版赛车)
Anish Kapoor's Sky Mirror, Monte Carlo (自由人山城──英籍印度裔雕塑家设计的天镜 07-20-2018)
Café de Paris, Monte Carlo (自由人山城·巴黎咖啡馆 07-20-2018) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |