2012-08-04 【Aiden in English】
Monday, July 30th, 2012
Today was my first day at the tennis camp at Germantown Academy. We had to run through the football field every morning and dodge flying footballs. Worst of all, we had to exercise carioca footsteps over the field. We introduced ourselves to our campers on our first day by telling them our names. It took a very short moment. In no time, we smashed balls in every direction. Forgetting to take a tennis lesson over a year, we did not play as badly as most of you thought. As always, we had to start with the basics. Until lunch, we drilled and competed for each other's King of the Court. The lunch was ordered online three months ago when I registered for the tennis camp. Therefore, I did not even remember what was on the menu. It came with a slice of pizza with American cheese in white flour, an orange, fruit juice, and a chocolate chip cookie in my brown bag. I used to like pizza. But the pizza here tasted so plain that I lost my appetite. The rind of my orange became too hard to be peeled off. I gave it up. The only things edible to me were juice, cookies, and chips. They looked so attempted. Unfortunately, I had to trash them out because of too much sugar, as my mom advised me not to eat. At that moment, a counselor carried a large basket of Ice Pops. I just took a tiny bite to stay with the group of folks. After lunch, it came to be my favorite time. We got to play against each other! I played a kid named Riley. It turned out to be an even game. Finally, the coaches called for the last session, and my group played a Jail game. The winner continued to compete with a new opponent, while the loser came off the court and set aside in jail. Once the competition started, it never seemed to end until the camp director blew his whistle. He told us to learn how to volley curve balls tomorrow. Tuesday, July 31st, 2012 It was cool and breezy this morning, great weather to greet us playing tennis. My friend Riley hid behind a fence when we were told to run laps. I asked him why. He said the older kids were getting him to run in a lap. He was too lazy to follow them and only ran half a lap. It was hilarious. Just then, the counselors set a stop to it. The serves and volleys were boring. I expected a lot more than these! I stayed in court during a break because my mom didn't pack any snacks. The time seemed to fly after a snack for the others. In Wipe Out, I was neck to neck with the other team. It didn't sound fair. Our team had only one player (me) on the court, while the other team had four people on. However, our team happened to have a string of victories! The other kids didn't go down without a fight, though. One hard serve hit me on my thumb and gave my knuckle a terrible bruise. It was great news as lunch came next. I was exhausted. My lunch bag carried a turkey sandwich with Swiss cheese in wheat bread, fruit juice, banana, Lays barbeque chips, and a chocolate chip cookie. Everything tasted good. Lunch became the hottest part of the camp today. So, I took my own time and pace. Popsicles arrived at the right time, and I was just about to take a break. The coach allowed us to eat on the way to swim, which made us happy to finish up. In the pool, I kept shooting cannonballs off the diving board. It was terrific when my friend did a 360o turn in mid-air like a pro performing in London 2012 XXX Summer Olympic Games right now. We played a continuous game of King of the Court at the tennis court! Because of the fun, I even forgot to drink water! Wednesday, Aug. 1st, 2012 After a long and tedious stretch this morning, the counselors taught us a quick doubles game, explaining how to communicate with your partner and strategies. Speaking of doubles, our coach said to have fun by playing a doubles game and using three open courts. The teams for our match were me and Riley VS. Matt and Mathew. The game could be called insane! The other team won the first game. When they were about to win the second (15:40), I returned with two straight aces. We played through snack time and until lunch. We felt so disappointed that we had to stop when the score showed 2:2 in deuce. My lunch bag contained a ham sandwich with provolone cheese in a Kaiser roll, fruit juice, peach slices, Lays barbeque chips, and an Oreo cookie. The ham was soaked with water. The lettuce tasted bitter. The cheese also felt highly greasy. Only later I found out that mayonnaise had been added. Although the potato chips looked good, the sandwich made me sick. Finally, when everyone was complete, we headed for the pool. Matt groped his wristband and goggles at the bottom of the pool, and Riley quickly got them. When we went outside, it rained so hard that we ran to the stadium with water up to my knee. The afternoon seemed very miserable. Thursday, Aug. 2nd, 2012 The first thing I thought about in bed this morning was the tennis doubles tournament. Our first match scores were close as we played against Matt and Mathew. Luck didn't want to repeat the ones as usual. We lost 2:3, and most of the points came from faults. The game went extraordinarily long, and it ended just when lunch started. My lunch bag had a beef bologna sandwich with American cheese in wheat, fruit juice, an orange, Lays barbeque chips, and a Rice Krispies Treat. I could not eat the orange simply because I had no knife. I felt tired of sandwiches and wished I could get a bagel instead of another sandwich. Mom tried to change the menu setup long before the camp started. It seemed too late to modify it during the week. Swimming made me so much fun. My friend Riley challenged me to touch the bottom. I raced him to the bottom and came back. I dominated him because he was one year younger than me. Back at the tennis camp, I brought my ice pop onto the court. Soon, the ice became juice. We played Wipe-out until the end of the day. Our team won a lot. I expected that tomorrow would be a good and hot day. Friday, Aug. 3rd, 2012 Today is the last day of the tennis camp! Everyone didn't pay attention to it as the singles tournament started soon. In my first round, I faced Max, who was four years older than me and should be a counselor. The game began well, and I led 2 to 1. But then he won three straight matches. I ate two pieces of Pork Jerky as my snack afterward. Our coach let us play Jail until lunch. My lunch bag contained a slice of American cheese pizza, fruit juice, banana, Lays barbeque chips, and a chocolate chip cookie. Thank God! I felt relieved that I didn't have to eat a disgusting sandwich. At the pool, a lifeguard called Matt and me to pick up his whistle that had groped the bottom of the pool. I dived in and got it in my hands. He congratulated me and gave me a big compliment. There was a choice between tennis and a movie in the afternoon. I chose tennis even though most people went to watch the film. The discussion about what to do took time. We got ice pops as soon as we got back. Usually, we had one. Some people weren't here, so we got two instead. Finally, everyone ended the tennis camp with a match with the King of the Court, and I gave the winner above all of them! 【红霞译】
二O一二年七月卅日,星期一 今天是捷门堂网球夏令营的头一天。每天早上,我们都要经过橄榄球场。最让人提心吊胆的是,在穿越球场时,橄榄球漫天飞舞,我们必须一边跑,一边不住地腿脚交叉做准备活动。 正因为大家第一见面,我们首先要自我介绍一下姓名,倒是没花多少工夫,我们立刻便开始打球。 不要以为有一年多没有上网球课,其实我们的水平并不像想象的那么糟糕。如往常一样,我们从基本功入手。直到午饭前,我们练对攻打比赛,相互较量。 早在三个月前注册夏令营时,我就订好了午餐。等真正到了用餐接骨眼上,我却记不起当时是怎么挑选出来的。今天的食谱是白面美国乳酪比萨、桔子、果汁和巧克力桃苏。我一直喜欢吃比萨,但这里的非常一般,以至于影响到本人食欲。再说那桔子,太难剥皮了,我只好丢下不吃。除玉米片之外,剩下的果汁和点心虽然诱惑力大,可我又不能沾边,因为妈妈劝我别吃太甜的玩艺。不久,实习生扛来一大盒冰棍分发给大家,我有意拿了一根小的尝尝,这样在营员们面前显得不那么个色。 午餐后,终于到了我喜欢的时刻──循环比赛!我的对手名叫莱利,彼此水平相当,结果打得不分胜负。等教练宣布进行最后一个项目──自由活动时,我们开始玩“蹲监狱”:谁赢了网球,谁就可以继续当擂主;输的人只能呆在场外即“监狱”观战。 二O一二年七月卅一日,星期二
今早微风轻拂,气温宜人,天公非常垂爱我们这些打网球的人。正当我们按要求沿操场跑步时,朋友莱利却躲在围墙后面。我问他为什么,他回答说不想跟大年龄的营员一起卖命。他偷懒,只跑了小半圈,真有意思!这时,实习生告诉我们停止跑步。 发球和网前击球实在无聊,我想象的要比这些复杂得多!中间休息时,我一人留在球场,都怪妈妈没让我带来任何零食。对于吃过零食的人来说,时光好比度年如日,飞快流逝。 接下来“淘汰”赛中,我一人单枪匹马拼杀对手。没错儿,一点都不公平。没想到自己竟是本队唯一的干将,而对方却有四名队员。幸运的是,我们队获胜,尽管输球一方竭尽全力。不巧的是,其中一个发球正好打中了我的大拇指,指关节出现淤血,挺吓人的。 很高兴到了吃午饭时间,我累得散了架。火鸡波瑞士酪全麦面三明治、果汁、香蕉、乐事烧烤风味薯片和巧克力桃苏,吃起来不错。午餐成为今天营地生活最来劲的事情,我不着急不着慌,慢慢享用。 棒冰来得及时,我正要休息。教练允许我们在去游泳的路上边走边吃,这样每人都可以尽享美味甘汁。 游泳池里,我跳水扔球。这时一位朋友正在空中做360度转体动作,看上去如同眼下参加伦敦第卅届夏季奥林匹克运动会的职业运动员一样漂亮到位。 回到网球场,我们继续争夺霸主地位。光顾得酣战,我竟忘记喝水! 二O一二年八月一日,星期三
今早经过漫长而无趣的准备活动之后,实习生教我们如何打双打,要注重交流和战术。说起双打,教练大发善心,让我们一下子用三个网球场。我和莱利搭档,跟马特和马修组合而成的对手交锋,比赛达到白热化程度!对方先嬴一盘,第二盘又以15比40领先,这时轮到我发球,对方吃了两个,结果我们将比分追平。不料,午饭时间到了,我们不得不就此休战。 我的午餐改成火腿波罗伏乳酪凯撒面包三明治、罐装桃块、乐事烧烤风味薯片和奥利奥夹心饼干。坦率地说,火腿湿漉漉的,西莴苣生菜苦苦的,奶酪油腻腻的。后来才知道,蛋黄酱加在里面。尽管土豆片说得过去,但三明治令我恶心。 终于等人人吃饱喝足,我们才去游泳。马特潜水到池底寻找护腕和蛙镜,莱利很快就摸到了。 游完泳后,外面正下着瓢泼大雨,我们赶紧往体育馆跑去,积水漫过膝盖,整个下午让人心灰意懒。 二O一二年八月二日,星期四
早上还没起床,我就开始琢磨起今天的双打比赛。我们跟马特和马修的比赛打得难解难分,只是运气不同往常,我们失误很多,结果输掉了这场比赛。 比赛持续了很久,直到午餐时间才告一段落。我吃的是波罗尼亚牛肉香肠三明治伴美国乳酪和全麦面包,外加乐事烧烤风味薯片、桔子、果汁和米酥点心。没有刀子,我根本无法吃桔子。我真吃腻了三明治,要是贝果硬面包就好啦。妈妈试图更改食谱,但动手得太晚,一周之内根本不接受任何变动。 游泳乐趣无穷。朋友莱利跟我比试触摸池底,结果我赢了他,到底我长他一岁哇。 回到网球营,被我带到球场上的冰棍已化成果汁。我们开始玩“淘汰”游戏,直到回家,期间赢过不少次。明天肯定不错,但估计很热。 二O一二年八月三日,星期五
今天是网球夏令营最后一天!大家并没注意到这点,很快便投入单打比赛。第一轮我与迈克斯相遇,他今年13岁,比我大四岁,明年这个时候就能当实习生了。比赛一开始不错,我以2比1领先,但他后来居上,直落3局赢了比赛。休息时,我一连吃了两块猪肉干,都是从家里带来的零食。过后,教练让我们玩“蹲监狱”,直到午餐时分。 午餐提供的是用美国乳酪做的比萨饼,还有果汁、香蕉、乐事烧烤风味薯片和巧克力桃苏。谢天谢地,我终于可以不必再吃令人作呕的三明治! 游泳的时候,救生员要我和马特帮他把掉进池底的口哨取回来,我跳水找到了它,并因此受到了救生员的表扬。 下午我们面临两种选择:要么打网球,要么看电影。尽管大多数人要去看电影,我情愿留下来打网球。大家讨论了很久,回到网球场才吃上冰棍。通常每人只能吃一根,可此时很多人不在现场,结果我们可以多享用一根。 最后,彼此再度争雄网球场,我获得了头衔,夏令营如期结束。 【后语】 说起来,虽然我们这一代从小对“夏令营”一词并不陌生,但极少真正有幸领教过其丰富多彩的内涵。回想当年我像孩子这么大的时候,恰逢上个世纪七十年代,物质贫乏,精神空虚,但国内到处流行“一切从儿童抓起”,少年宫文艺活动和业余体育学校训练如火如荼,很大程度上与今天的夏令营形式相仿。当然由于条件有限及目的不同,无论参加少年宫文艺活动,还是接受业余体校训练,都不是一般适龄少儿随便报名想去就去的。不过一旦遴选入围,可以说寒暑假期间就有了打发日子消磨时光苦练一技之长的好去处。其实,千万别小看这些满不起眼的课外教育,与我同期、后来分别走进专业艺术院校和职业省级代表队的伙伴大有人在。 
Carey Stadium @ Germantown Acadmy (捷门堂·凯瑞体育场) 
Goose Jaywalk (鹅仔横穿马路) 相关博文(Crosslink): 小学三年级(3rd Grade) |