【Aiden in English】
The Christian Orthodox have always been a massive part of the ancient city of Nessebar in Bulgaria. In fact, Nessebar was the very center of the Orthodox Church between the 13th and 19th centuries. Two hundred fifty icons or paintings of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, prophets, apostles, evangelists, and numerous saints or angels have survived. When the Ottoman Empire took control of Bulgaria, Nessebar was able to preserve its religion, keeping its unique culture alive. During the 16th-17th century, an icon-making school was founded in Nessebar and deeply influenced by the major icon-painting centers of Meteora and the island of Crete in Greece. These icons were created by local painters who specialized in painting icons. At the same time, they decorated many churches in the area. The icons of “St. Nicholas” and “The Holy Virgin—Mistress of Life” are some of the many icons. The Church of Christ Pantocrator was built in the 13th and 14th centuries and decorated phenomenally with a delicate green ceramic frieze, floral motifs, triangular ornaments, circular turquoise ceramics, etc. It has a cruciform dome with three altar niches, a narthex, and a bell tower above the narthex. Four pillars support the dome. Inside the apses are semi-circles, and outside, a pentagon wall—richly decorated blind niche segment facades. The domed church of St. John the Baptist was built with rubble and crushed stones. Its interior frescoes date from the 14th to the 17th centuries. The Church of St. Stefan was built of stones and bricks in the 11th century. It has 258 interior paintings, three naves, and many marble pillars. The middle nave rises above the others and is crowned by frontons in the east and west. Dedicated to Jesus Christ’s ascension, the St. Spas or Savior Church was built in 1609 with a two-sloped roof, one nave, and one apse. The eastern façade was dug into the ground. Paintings on the walls were highly precious, depicting scenes of Jesus and the Holy Mother. The gravestone of the Byzantine princess Matthias Cantacuzene Palaiologina was also preserved on the church floor. A cruciform domed Church of St. John Aliturghetos (Unsanctified) was constructed with three apses and a narthex in the 14th century. The base of the cruciform part is almost quadrangular, shaped by four columns. Blind niches were decorated with various geometrical patterns of bricks, and small stone cubes divided the façade walls (ceramic plastic style). The church has two north and south entrances, which is rare for orthodox religious architecture. 【红霞译】
为纪念耶稣升天,救世主教堂于1609年竣工,屋顶斜向两侧,内设一个神殿和半圆形后堂,东墙深入地下。教堂内部展出不少有关耶稣和圣母极为珍贵的圣像,拜占庭帝国共治皇帝公主墓碑也被收藏在教堂底下。 十四世纪的求主荣耀教堂顶部呈十字形圆顶状,共有三个半圆形后殿和一个前厅,底部长方,靠四根柱子固定,外墙正面封闭式壁龛用砖头和碎石分成隔断并装饰几何图案(陶瓷造型),教堂建有南北两个入口,这在东正教建筑上极为罕见。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2015: Nessebar, Thracian Influence(保加利亚内塞巴尔·色雷斯文化) 2015: Nessebar, Pearl of the Black Sea BGR(保加利亚内塞巴尔“午日”城·黑海明珠)
2014: YMCA Camp—Handball(基督教青年会营手球)
Archaeological Museum (考古博物馆 06-25-2015)
Iconostasis @ Archaeological Museum (考古博物馆·圣像屏 06-25-2015)
Church of Saint John the Baptist (求主荣耀浸信会 06-25-2015)
Sveti Spas Church (救世主教堂 06-25-2015)
Frescoes @ Sveti Spas Church (救世主教堂·壁画)
Hagia Sophia Basilica (圣智大教堂 06-25-2015) Fountain of Hagia Sophia Basilica (圣智大教堂·水池 06-25-2015)
Church of Christ Pantocrator (基督君王教堂 06-25-2015)
Swastika, A Symbol of Peace, Good Luck, & Positivity Church of Christ Pantocrator (基督君王教堂万字符·和平、好运和积极的象征)
St Paraskeva Church (处女殉道士教堂)
Church of St John Aliturgetos (求主荣耀修行者教堂)
Church of the Holy Archangels Michael & Gabriel (恩赐与主赐力量教堂)
St. Stefan Church w/ Trefoil Arch (皇冠教堂·三叶拱 06-25-2015) The Narthex of St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·前厅)
18th-Century Carved Pulpit @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·十八世纪雕刻讲坛) Central Part @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·中央区域) Lions @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·狮子)
Virgin Mary @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·圣母)
16th-18th Century Murals & Frescoes @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·十六至十八世纪壁画与壁雕)
Scenes of the Miracles of Christ & from the Judgment Day @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·基督奇迹与审判日场景)
258 Mural Paintings & More Than 1000 Figures @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·258 幅壁画和1000多个人物)
Scenes from the Miracles of Christ according to the Gospel Legends in All Ranges @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·基督奇迹场景来自福音传说)
Iconostasis @ St. Stefan Church (皇冠教堂·圣像壁) Crosslinks(相关博文): Bulgaria(出游保加利亚) Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级)