2014-06-25 【Aiden in English】
The FIFA World Cup 2014 is in season. Because soccer and football are so popular globally, we played a game of them at the summer camp. But we tweaked a few things. The game we played was called Handball. It was soccer with your hands, and you passed by, throwing the ball at another player. If the ball was dropped, then it's a turnover. The objective was to get the ball into the net of a small goal. The only thing different from soccer was completing a pass before shooting. It sounds simple. During the game, it's not. The game was based on how you defended. Like Germany, Italy, and England, my team quickly struck and retreated to a defensive position. That's why I liked those teams. Handball was also very different from soccer. Scoring was much easier, and turnovers happened fast. However, it made me feel like a real soccer player because it's easier. Someday, I want to be a soccer player. 【红霞译】 2014年国际足联世界杯正如火如荼地进行着,因为足球在全世界范围内如此受人厚爱,今天我们在夏令营里也展开比赛。
但是我们稍做更动,把足球变成手球,用手将球传给队友,如果足球落地,对方获得球权﹔球被扔入对方微型球门得分。与足球唯一不同的地方在于,一方必须突破另一方全部防守之后方得射门。听起来很简单,不过玩起来却没这么容易,如何防守才是关键。在我看来,我的队打法上很像德国队、意大利队以及英格兰队,神速出击并迅速恢复防守站位,这就是为什么我喜欢上述各队的原因。 当然手球跟足球有很大不同,得分容易得多,而且断球快,争夺激烈。正因如此,我才喜爱足球,但愿有一天我能成为名符其实的足球队员。 Goalie (守门员 06-07-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |