【Aiden in English】
At the start of my first year, I launched a new English writing class at Guanghua Chinese School (GHCS), a local Sunday school. Focused on the fundamentals of English, my class consists of early middle school students who seek help with rudimentary writing skills. As an instructor of young students, I have grasped the basics of handling responsibility and taking control of a situation over the years. Furthermore, I have developed great creative improvisational thinking. I cannot explain how many odd weekly questions I receive— ranging from “What’s the period-comma thing?” to “Is Santa real?” However, not everything is peachy and smooth. Students get noisy in class. Parents constantly approach me after class, asking about their child’s performance. From these experiences, I’ve learned two significant strategies of leadership: communicate to succeed and let pressure motivate you. Leadership at work is about thinking and communicating ideas. As a teacher, my classes over the past three years have educated me just as much as I have taught my students. Students always ask questions that require clear thought before the response. In cases where kids grow noisy or lose control, I need to communicate my disapproval professionally without losing my cool. In the world of business, communication is essential to success. I can always listen and appreciate a team member’s input with both ears open. On the other hand, my ideas will be projected firmly and clearly. These skills will benefit from peer discussions and partnerships. In addition, I am accustomed to the burden of a leader’s responsibility. Parents drop off their children expecting returns. I accept the pressure and manage my expectations to improve my work. Certainly, Leadership will grant responsibility to those who attend. Although the settings are occasionally different, my teacher experience undoubtedly helps me strive for greatness as a leader. The pressure to perform every week becomes a new motivation to be great. Thus, leading will not crush me with responsibility but grant me fuel to burn through any problem. 【红霞译】
工作中领导才能应该体现在思考与交流上。身为老师,过去三年的课堂实践让我受益匪浅。学生总会提出问题,而我在回答之前需要有一个清晰的思路。在课堂喧哗或纪律失控的情况下,我应以专业姿态表达自己的不满,而不该失态。在经商行业中,沟通对取得成功至关重要,只有虚心听取团队成员的意见,才能坚定做自己想做的事,而这些技能都将在与同行的交流跟合作中获益。 除此而外,我已习惯承担领导责任,家长送孩子上学期望回报。为了改进工作,我接受压力并管理好期望。当然,领导力就是逼自己承担责任,尽管机会各有不同,但我从教师入手,无疑有助于培养自己成为优秀带头人,尽最大所能将每周授课压力化为动力。因此,当头非但没让责任压得我喘不过气起来,反而帮我解决问题。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-3(2017年乡村娱乐篮球第三场比赛)
Barnes & Noble (巴诺书店 01-17-2020) Crosslink(相关博文): 11th Grade(高中三年级) |