【Aiden in English】
Tucked between Sweden and Russia, the Finnish are stereotypically a quiet group influenced by those two powerhouse nations. We often think of Finns like Suomi as humans sitting in the middle of a clearing on a small stone or on the edge of a dock on the beach. Although it isn't precisely the mystical elven country most Americans think of, Finland is relatively quiet for my taste. The Finnish land does not contain many scenic views of nature or feats of man. Instead, it is the complete opposite. The views sit in a piece of quiet beauty, mostly untouched by the passage of time. Even in Helsinki, the largest city in the country, not many skyscrapers can be found. Amazingly, neoclassical buildings are busted in homage to St. Petersburg, Russia. Porvoo, a medieval town on the capital's outskirts, has become the second oldest city that seemingly unexpectedly complements the naturalistic countryside of Finland. Although modern parts of the city have sprung up in recent years, the old town still carries around the sense of the 1900s. This trade center of its nation has been in constant torment by the Russians for military missions abroad until recent years, always burning down the houses every time they passed through. Nowadays, it is a peaceful village. Even though it still requires food from the local modern supermarket, the old town is self-supporting. Many shops were selling shirts, restaurants lined the streets, and the town's inhabitants blended in with the newest technology, such as cars. The wooden houses themselves have been remodeled to have the newer stuff, and they aren't as medieval as one would think from this point of view. I have seen these aspects, but not before noticing the odd fact of the silence. If you looked in any direction, all you see on the horizon would be trees and lakes. The idea of silence would be the absolute absence of sound; at times, that's how it felt. The closer you reach the modern world, the more civilization seems to reoccur. In the old town of Porvoo, everyone appeared to be either out of town, asleep, or hiding. I can cross out the second option, especially after seeing Chinese people touring the area with us. The world knows all our sounds, so it is no surprise that most villages wake up when the tourist groups set foot in Porvoo. And with so many people, one would think they would spread outright. No, a chocolate store just happened to be giving out free samples. Unfortunately, I can't say the tourists are idiots because Mom and I went there, too. The idea of the summer in Finland is to escape. Not only are there 20 hours of daytime, but in the winter, there are 20 hours of the night. Plus, the summer usually doesn't come with a foot of snow. Most residents own a small fishing boat or sailboat and use it to head to the seas, where some can spend the entire summer. Although it sounds boring, a thousand islands in the Baltic Sea and island hopping are popular. For others, escape means running into the forests, wilderness, or another country. I think I can relate… 【红霞译】
浏览之余我无意发觉城堡河市竟然出奇地静谧,即使举目四望看到的恐怕不是森林就是湖泊,而且周围没有一点声音,有时真的感觉万籁俱寂,然而离现代社会越近,人为的东西自然越来越多。在城堡古镇,我纳闷莫非父老乡亲们集体外出,或者一起犯困打盹,再不然一个不落全都跑到某个犄角旮旯躲猫猫去了,现在我大可排除第二种推测,特别当中国游人跟我们蜂拥而至,恐怕全世界的人都知道何方神圣大驾光临,于是村民们立马从睡梦中惊醒,此刻你可能认为大家保不齐兵分几路分布各处?其实不然,何况巧克力商店正向游客发放免费样品,事情寸就寸在自己不能八卦人家,因为我和妈妈也在里面凑着热闹。 夏季亲临芬兰纯属为了避暑,在此期间每天都有长达廿小时的白昼,当然冬季又少不了廿小时黑夜,只是夏天通常不会出现一英尺厚的大雪天气。当地居民大多拥有小型渔船或帆船,这样可以直捣大海,有的直至度完整个夏季才重归故里,乍听上去感觉有点无聊,但芬兰确有数以千计的岛屿散落于波罗的海,环岛旅游相当流行;对于其他人来说投奔森林回归大自然,不失为避暑消假的绝好去处,实在不行到国外溜达一圈也成,我想自己属于……
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016: Helsinki, the White City of Finland(芬兰赫尔辛基·白色之城) 2016: Capital Helsinki, Finland(芬兰首都赫尔辛基) 2015: Naples, City of the Sun in Italy(意大利那不勒斯·太阳之城) 2015: Neapolitan Authentic Pizza, Italy(意大利那不勒斯·正宗皮萨) 2014: YMCA Camp—Sports Injuries(基督教青年会营运动受伤)
Porvoo Old Town (城堡古镇·老城)
River Porvoo (城堡河)
Old Wooden Barns alongside the River (河边的旧木谷仓)
Vanha Silta (老桥 07-03-2016)
Sillanmaki (新木卷街 07-03-2016) Cobblestone Slope (鹅卵石坡巷 07-03-2016)
The Statue of Albert Edelfelt Facing the Manor House where he was born (面朝出生庄园的《芬兰画家》雕像 07-03-2016)
The Statue of Gabriel Linsen (《芬兰音乐家》雕像)
Old Town Hall (旧市政厅 07-03-2016)
Kirkkotori (教堂广场 07-03-2016) Kyrkotogret (老学校 07-03-2016)
Porvoo Communion (城堡古镇大教堂 07-03-2016)
Priest in Pray @ Porvoo Communion (城堡古镇大教堂·牧师布道)
Medieval Bell-Tower of Porvoo Communion (城堡古镇大教堂·中世纪钟楼 07-03-2016)
New Manor (新庄园)
Unpaved Country Rd (乡间土路)
Kiiara Manor (黑色庄园)
Kiiala Distillery (黑色酿酒厂 07-03-2016)
Old Kitchen Setting (老厨房摆设)
Celler Dining (地窖餐厅 07-03-2016)
Finnish Rye Bread (芬兰黑麦面包)
Finnish Salad (芬兰沙拉)
Stuffed Beef Roll w/ Mustard Seed Sauce & Swiss Potato (芥末籽酱牛肉卷与瑞士土豆)
Berry Tarts w/ Champagne Sauce (浆果馅饼配香槟汁)
Helsinki—Porvoo Natl Highway (赫尔辛基与城堡古镇之间的国道)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Finland(出游芬兰) Russia(出游俄罗斯)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |