【Dance of Girls' Chemesis】 Jaroslav Seifert (1901-1986) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature for Violet Poetry in 1984〗
Those dozen girls made of light air are dancing on the green lawn, gently the wind is modeling their bodies, breasts, hips, a dimple on the belly there — open fast, oh my eyes. Not wishing to disturb their dance I softly slipped under the chemises’ knees, and when any of them fell I greedily inhaled it through my teeth and bit its breast. Love, which we inhale and feed on, disenchanted, love that our dreams are keyed on, love, that dogs our rise and fall: nothing yet the sum of all. In our all-electric age nightclubs not christenings are the rage and love is pumped into our tyres. My sinful Magdalen, don’t cry: Romantic love has spent its fires. Faith, motorbikes, and hope. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《飘舞的女孩衬衫》】 荣耀•塞弗尔特(1901生—1986卒) 〖1984诺贝尔文学奖《紫罗兰》诗集〗 十二件女孩的衬衫 晾在一条绳上, 胸口的花边 像哥特式教堂的玫瑰窗。 主啊, 您庇护我免除所有的邪恶吧。 十二件女孩的衬衫, 那是爱情, 天真的女孩们在阳光下的草坪上嬉戏, 第十三件,一件男衬衫, 那是婚姻, 终结于外遇和一记手枪声。 流过衬衫的风, 那是爱情, 我们的大地用它芬芳的微风拥抱: 十二个幻想的身体。 那些女孩由轻盈的空气做成 正在绿色的草坪上跳舞, 温柔地,风在摹拟她们的身体, 乳房,臀部,小腹上的酒窝—— 快快睁开吧,哦,我的眼睛。 不愿搅扰她们的舞蹈 我静悄悄地溜到这些衬衫的膝下, 要是有一件垂落 我就透过牙齿贪婪地吸入它的气息 咬它的胸脯。 爱情, 我们吸入它的气息,赖以为生, 幻灭了, 我们梦想锁住的爱情, 爱情, 紧随着我们的起起落落: 虚无 仍然是一切的总和。 在电气化时代, 夜总会代替了洗礼风行一时, 爱情注入我们的轮胎。 我有罪的苦难,别哭泣: 浪漫的爱情已经耗尽它的火。 信仰,希望和摩托车。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Linz, the Hitler Youthhood AUT(奥地利林茨·希特勒青少年生活地) 2017: Cesky Krumlov,the Cobbled Charms(捷克克鲁姆洛夫·卵石幽径) 2017: Cesky Krumlov, Gate to Sumava CZE(捷克克鲁姆洛夫·密林门户) 2016: The British Isles via Kirkwall(途径柯克沃尔环游英伦三岛)
2016: New vs. Old Cruise, UK(英国·新旧游轮对比) 2014: First Day of YMCA Soccer Camp(基督教青年会营足球营第一天) 2012: Stage Taste(演戏兴趣) 2011: Drama-Sports Camp-3(文体营之三) 2011: 业余活动(Extracurricular Activities) 2010: 讨价还价外传(Another Bargain)
Old Town Skylines (老城天际线)
Arches Framing Cesky Krumlov Royalty (蜿蜒草甸城缩影)
Krumlov Castle Tower & Monastery of the Minorites (蜿蜒草甸城堡塔与少数族裔道院) Tower of Krumlov Castle (蜿蜒草甸城堡·钟楼)
Archways of Krumlov Castle (蜿蜒草甸城堡·拱道)
Cloak Bridge of Krumlov Castle (蜿蜒草甸城堡·斗篷桥)
Corridor of Krumlov Castle (蜿蜒草甸城堡·过道)
Mint of Krumlov Castle (蜿蜒草甸城堡·铸币厂)
Murals on 3rd Courtyard—Bohemian Rhapsody @ Castle Courtyard (城堡庭院·第三庭院壁画——牧民之家狂想曲)
Mural on 4th Courtyard—Details of Figural Decoration above the Oriel @ Castle Courtyard (城堡庭院第四庭院壁画·凸肚窗上方人物装饰细节)
Renaissance House of Castle Theatre Museum @ Krumlov Castle (城堡剧院博物馆·文艺复兴时期之家)
Red Gate of Krumlov Castle (蜿蜒草甸城堡·红门)
Cascade Fountain @ Castle Gardens (城堡花园·瀑布喷泉)
Open-air Theater w/ a Revolving Auditorium @ Castle Gardens (城堡花园·带有旋转礼堂的露天剧场)
Krumlov Castle Towering over the Vltava (耸立在激流河上的蜿蜒草甸城堡)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Czech(出游捷克) Slovakia(出游斯洛伐克) Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |