2013-01-07 【Aiden in English】
The cool wind blew in my face as a ferryboat zipped along with the docking of the water on the beach of San Martin Island. San Martin was a small lush island right in the center of Iguazu National Park in Argentina, which offered the closest views of the falls. The island was rough and strenuous to climb. The stairs never seemed to end! By the time mom and I arrived at the top, I felt as if my legs were made of jelly, and crawling would be the next best option. Luckily, I spotted some seats, managed to hobble to them, and propped myself comfortably on them. When I gained control of my legs, at last, I walked on and soon found myself staring at the enormous falls. The waterfalls came in torrents and splashed against the granite rocks. What came next, however, completely soaked me like a drowned rat. After we took the ferry back to the mainland, I caught a glimpse of another jet boat going into and under two medium sizes of falls. It looked insane but exciting. I pulled my mom and told her that I wanted to go. When she finally agreed, I hopped with glee. But I was disappointed that she would rather stay dry. She decided to leave me alone and I had to adventure on my own. She might chicken out as I thought.
The captain gave me an empty bag of shoes and a life vest. I was almost gagged by my vest and had to loosen it a lot. Before I knew it, I was blasting away from the shore. The first fall wasn't that bad and my boat didn't come under since this fall was too large. But I really got soaked on the next one. The boat plunged into the waterfalls at top speed and stayed underneath for a while. Once it passed through the falls, I felt like being poked with cold bars of ice. I wished I could do it again. Apparently, the captain had his plans and steered the boat back to the dock. At this moment, I appreciated the heat for drying up my clothes once more time!
Not until 3:00 pm in the afternoon, we took a taxi and crossed the border from Argentina to Brazil.
Unlike Argentina, Brazil not only asked for the reciprocal fee of $160 from each tourist but also required visas before entering the country. Our taxi driver handed in our passports with stamped permission to customs while we were waiting in the car. In less than 40 minutes, we hit on the road to a new destination- Hotel das Cataratas (Hotel of Cataracts) located in another part of Iguazu National Park. On the Brazilian side, we would like to stay one more night in a Portuguese style upfront to the falls and indulge ourselves in such a serene world that Mother Nature thrived in. It was the very Brazilian spot that provided a better panoramic view of the Iguazu falls over great close-up details in Argentina. Although a little over 20% of the falls were left out to Brazil, UNESCO recognized it as a heritage site in 1986.
We did not plan any exploration until after the park closed to the public at 5:00 pm. When the thick of tourists vanished, it became a perfect time for us to beat the queue without any congestion!
Mom and I came out to explore the park along the only trail leading to the falls and followed it to the Devil's Throat. The spectacular scenery took our breath away. As I jogged along the footbridge, the mist densely showered me. The thunder ruptured my eardrums and made a pervasive rumble wherever I went. The closer I came to the falls, the louder the sound became!
As I turned to leave, I heard another sound of raindrops hitting the ground. So I ran full speed ahead without stopping to rest. Then mom spotted an elevator lookout as a shelter. We watched the rainfall for a little while and felt as if the rain would never stop like the Iguazu Falls. We decided to run to the hotel. So in a blink of an eye, we were waddling in the rain as swiftly as fish in the Iguazu River. Halfway there, a terrible smell came abruptly from the trees. It was three times worse than an angry skunk. Luckily I didn't just have a feast. Otherwise, my stomach would turn inside out. The last thing I did before heading back to the hotel was that I promised myself to bring an oxygen mask next time.
从战神岛返回陆面,我发现乘坐橡皮艇去冲击两个不大不小的瀑布,既刺激又好玩,我赶紧要求妈妈一起尝试。妈妈倒不反对“冲瀑”娱乐,但她并不想打湿自己的衣服,因此我只好耍单,一个人冲锋陷阵, 其实我猜妈妈恐怕因为胆怯而不敢体验这种挑战。
船长给了我一个空包用来存鞋,包里装的救生衣穿在身上,憋得喘不过气来,我只好松了一大节带子。不一会儿,橡皮艇犹如离弦弓箭,带我疾驰而去。第一个瀑布没把我怎么样,但第二个的确叫我尝到了厉害。橡皮艇以全速冲进瀑布,先在里面停留片刻,然后再跑一个来回,只觉身上仿佛被冰柱狠狠地戳来戳去,真想多玩几趟,但船长另有安排,转舵返回码头。上岸后,我头一次喜欢这么炎热的天气,至少可以烘干身上打湿的衣服。 直到下午三点钟,我们才乘出租从洪水国家公园阿根廷一侧穿过边境进入巴西另一侧。
妈妈和我漫步公园景区唯一一条小路,对面的美景交相辉映,令人叹为观止。我站在通向“魔鬼喉”的天桥上,层层雾气缭绕,串串水珠浇身,宛如淋浴一场。咆哮的水声震耳欲聋,我无论走到哪里,它就跟到哪里,而且越接近瀑布,噪声也就越大。 游览过后正要转身离去,我听到雨点落地发出的另一种响声,于是我不由分说拔腿就跑。恰在这时,妈妈发现电梯顶层有一了望台可用来避雨,既来之则安之,我们索性静候其间,雨中观瀑。雨水继续哗啦啦地下个没完,如同眼前飞流的瀑布,看样子一时半会停不下来,何不一鼓作气跑回酒店?眨眼间,我们像洪水河里活蹦乱跳的小鱼,在雨中飞速狂奔。半路上,忽然树那边传来一股怪味,比黄鼠狼发脾气时释放的臭屁还要难闻出三倍。幸好我尚未酒肉穿肠过,否则非得恶心地全吐出来不可。我发誓,今后出门一定要备好氧气口罩。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2010: 澳洲大洋路(Great Ocean Rd, Australia)
Ferry Boat @ Island of San Martín, Argentina (阿根廷战神岛·渡船 01-07-2013)
San Martín Falls, Argentina (阿根廷·战神瀑布 01-07-2013)
Adventure Boat, Argentina (阿根廷·探险船 01-07-2013)
San Martín, Argentina (阿根廷·战神大瀑布)
Salto Bernabe Mendez, Argentina (阿根廷—慰藉大瀑布 01-07-2013)
Argentine-Brazilan Border (阿根廷—巴西边界)
Iguazu NP in Argentina Viewed from Brazil (从巴西近观阿根廷洪水国家公园)
2-Step Waterfall Formed by 3 Layers of Basalt (三层玄武岩组成的两步式瀑布)
Iguazu NP in Brazil (巴西洪水国家公园)
The Garganta do Diabo Walkway @ Iguazu NP in Brazil (巴西洪水国家公园·魔鬼喉人行道 01-07-2013)
Bosetti Waterfall of Iguazu NP Viewed from the Brazilian Side (巴西洪水瀑布·博塞蒂瀑布 01-07-2013)
About half of the river's flow falls into a long and narrow chasm called the Devil's Throat. (约一半的河流流量落入一条名叫魔鬼喉的狭长裂缝 01-07-2013)
The Devil's Throat Canyon 80—90 m/260—300 ft Wide & 70–80 m/230–260 ft Deep (魔鬼喉峡谷宽80-90米/260-300英尺、深70-80米/230-260英尺)
Belmond Hotel das Cataratas @ Iguazu NP Brazil (巴西洪水国家公园·美景瀑布酒店 01-07-2013)
Girls from São Paulo @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·来自巴西圣保罗的少女 01-07-2013) Dinner @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·晚餐 01-07-2013)
Argentine Giant Tegu (阿根廷大树栖蜥)
A tegu can drop a section of its tail as a distraction if attacked. (树栖蜥·受攻击时能自我截掉部分尾巴以分散掠食者注意力)
Lizard (蜥蜴)
Callicore hesperis (南美图蛱蝶)
Julia Heliconian (珠袖蝶)
Capuchin Monkey (卷尾猴)
Coatis (南美浣熊)
Plush Crested Jay (绒冠蓝鸦)
Toucan (大嘴鸟)
Lapwing (凤头麦鸡)
Red Dragonfly (红蜻蜓)
Slug (蛞蝓) Crosslink(相关博文):
2013: Iguazu NP, Argentina(阿根廷伊瓜苏洪水国家公园) Brazil(出游巴西)
South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |