【Aiden in English】
Thurs. July 14, 2011 Dear Diary, Today, we ran through Aladdin Jr. Act (Part) I, and I was so tired that I almost forgot to get on the stage when I was supposed to be. They said we did a great job and awarded us a 15-minute break, as we always had. So I guess we had 18 awards after the camp passed 18 days. We played the Mafia, and I was the first one killed by the Mafia. As soon as the break was over, we had to go inside. But someone called me to try my costume on. I had long pants, long and rough sleeves, and a tight red belt-shaped on me. We did "Friend Like Me" before it was over. We went to lunch, and I sat with Harrison. We stole the bag of chips the teacher had feasted on them. I went to play soccer with our troop J2, and it was boys vs. three teachers. We lost 1-3. We played Knockout basketball. I never won a game, although I was the first to make a sharpshooter. We went swimming, and I chased the identical two boys as yesterday. But they were on the base the whole time. Oh, wow! I bet I could sleep for 72 hours!! ZZZ... Friday, July 15, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, we went through the Aladdin Jr. Act 2 successfully. We did "Prince Ali" first, and I was confused because No. 1 greeted me. I went back into the theater, and people were charging at me. I didn't mean with their heads pointing at me but eyes. Bang! I fell off the stage. I had to see the nurse. All she gave me were crumbles of ice. And guess what? I could barely make a single move. Then I went to lunch. We had no time to eat, so I left half my lunch in my blue lunchbox. We walked to the groove and played knockout basketball. I always came in fourth or fifth place. I waited for the rest of the activities until all the routines were done in the field. I went inside the swimming pool, and two kids from yesterday were all bored of that chasing game. So we just swam in laps, which tested my strength. Mon. July 18, 2011 Dear Diary, Today, we were told we would have a busy week. This meant working like a dog. We just had to get moving with the show. As Mrs. Kris, the show producer, said, she threw choreography in immediately. She continued talking for about an hour and a half till snack time. The snack seemed like a minibar. Didn't we need to get bigger? We did "Prince Ali" but started from a part where the last scene was. I was confused when I began to march in. Later, we had "A Whole New World". All I needed to do was to sit back and sing. In "Why Me?", it was funny because Jafar, the villainous vizier, and his sidekick, Iago, the parrot, said that they were going to destroy a wedding between Princess Jasmine and Aladdin, the street rat, in a freakish, tragic accident. And both laughed wickedly afterward. Tues. July 19, 2011 Dear Diary We ran the whole Aladdin Jr. Show in the theater camp this morning with our costumes. I kept tripping my pants on the stage. The producer, music director, and dance director always said to use expression well. No one gave me any comments or even looked at me. Excused me? Was this the opposite day? We never had a snack because yesterday, Mrs. Kris said we would have a busy week. I went to lunch late, so guess what? Those two kids I had always been talking about were already gone (but not forever). In the afternoon camp, we had a Quiz competition. I answered two questions right and got two points for our troop. However, we still came in fourth place, the last one. We went swimming, and I came to visit Ethan. He acted like he didn't know me. I think that I had to make a new friend. Wed. July 20, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, the producer and directors said we would run the whole Aladdin Jr. Show, but they wanted us to start a random part (which betrayed us). Finally, we ran the show, and we all had excitement, which gave us energy. In the end, they praised us for doing a fabulous job. We had lunch, and Robert, another Jewish boy who played Prince Baba of Ganoush, was like my best new buddy. We went to the groove back and forth because we wanted to go on the computers. Afterward, we had a project about painting animal feet, such as a chick, the shell of a turtle, a hamster, and last but not least, a cockroach. We decorated them in pink, blue, green, and black on an oversized white Germantown Academy Day Camp shirt. We were told to take it home as a souvenir after it was dried. We had relay races in the swimming pool and came in 4th place. I'd rather have a free swim and do whatever I wanted. 【红霞译】
二O一一年七月十四日,星期四 亲爱的日记: 今天我们演习了《阿拉丁》上半场,我累得竟然忘记了登台。我们演得不错,并因此收到表扬,奖励休息了15分钟,可我们平常也休息这样长呀。我琢磨着过去18天戏剧营生活里,我们应该已经获得18次这样的奖励了吧。中间休息时,我们又在玩《黑手党》游戏,而我是第一位壮烈牺牲的。到了排练时间,我们只好回到剧场。这时,我被叫去试服装。瞧这套按我体形做出来的行头──裤腿宽大,袖子超长邋遢,红丝带紧绷在腰间。 中午吃饭的时候,我坐在哈里森旁边。我俩顺手牵羊,把那袋喂饱老师的土豆片抄了过来。 饭罢,我们J2男生组成的足球队跟三位老师抗衡,结果以一比三败北。接着,我们进行投篮比赛,我最后输了,但我是第一位投中篮圈的。游泳的时候,我继续追逐昨天被我追逐的那两位小伙伴,可他们一直待在池边。真拿他们没办法!看来我可以一连睡上三天!呼噜呼噜呼噜…… 二O一一年七月十五日,星期五
亲爱的日记: 今天早上,我们成功地演习了一遍《阿拉丁》第二幕。我们先从《阿里王子》开始,不知怎么搞的,我竟然第一个出场。当我来到剧场,大家的眼光全聚焦在我身上,我不是说他们的脑袋直顶着我。结果怎么样?我从戏台上掉了下来!不得已,我必须去见护士。她倒没当回事,给了我一些冰块冷敷一下。猜猜看?我哪里还能动呢!午饭时间到了,我们几乎没有多少工夫,所以我只能剩一半留在蓝饭包里。 我们溜达到下午活动营地打起投篮比赛,我好赖总是排第四、第五名。等全部户外活动结束后,我去了室内游泳池,昨天一起你追我赶的两位伙伴不想再玩同样的把戏,而是沿着游泳池游几个来回,这可到了考验我体力的时候啦。 二O一一年七月十八日,星期一
亲爱的日记: 今天一大早,我们就被告知这个星期很忙,每一位都要像狗一样玩命工作努力排戏,我们必须快马加鞭。 正如剧导克里斯太太计划的那样,舞蹈被引入剧情。为此,她喋喋不休唠叨了一个半钟头,直到茶点休息时间。今天提供的茶点似乎都是小甜点,难道我们不需要大一点的糕点吗? 稍后,我们开始排练《阿里王子》,不过接着刚才的地方演下去。我有点犯懵,稀里糊涂地走台。轮到《萍水相逢》一曲,我光坐着唱就成。在《为什么是我?》一幕,滑稽的是坏蛋贾方和他的同伙鹦鹉依阿戈正蓄谋策划一起荒诞悲惨的事故,以求达到破坏贾斯敏公主和野小子阿拉丁婚礼的目的,他俩狡黠大笑。 二O一一年七月十九日,星期二
亲爱的日记: 今天上午,我们穿好戏装彩排《阿拉丁》全剧,我被长裤腿绊了好多次。剧导、音导、舞导总是强调要有表情,但没有人说我什么,他们甚至都不看我一眼。对不起,今天太阳从西边出来了不成?我们忙的连茶点休息都给挤掉了,难道就是因为昨天剧导克里斯太太说这个星期我们应该抢时间赶任务吗? 我们错过了午饭时间,猜猜看发生了什么?那两位我常常提及的玩伴竟早已消失得无影无踪(当然不是永远)。 下午我们有智力竞赛,我抢答并答对了两道题,替我们队赢得了两分,可这并不足以扭转落后的局面,我们屈居第四──最后一名。游泳的时候,我主动跟伊森打招呼,他如同陌生人,好象根本不认识我一样。看来,我得重新结交新朋友。 二O一一年七月廿日,星期三
亲爱的日记: 今天早上,剧导、音导、舞导统统对我们说要从头到尾演一遍《阿拉丁》全剧,但他们只随便挑了其中几个部分叫我们演(说话不算话)。直到后来才同意试演全剧,我们高兴得精神头十足,演出一气获得成功。 中午我跟另一位犹太男生罗伯特一起就餐,他在剧组扮演甘努什巴巴王子,是我新结识的朋友。我俩在操场转来转去,又转到机房,玩完计算机游戏后,就一起做课题。我先画好动物的的肢体,有小鸡、乌龟壳、仓鼠,最后但不是最少的还有蟑螂,然后分别涂上粉、蓝、绿和黑不同色彩,再把它装饰到超大号印有“德国城学院”字样的白汗衫上,等染料干了之后,我可以作为纪念品带回家去。 最后一项活动是游泳接力赛,我们队名列第四,也是老末。其实,我倒情愿各游各的。
Crosslink(相关博文): 小学二年级(2nd Grade) |