【Leda and the Swan】 William Butler Yeats (1865—1939) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature for Wintering Out in 1923〗 A sudden blow: the great wings beating still Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill, He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.
How can those terrified vague fingers push The feathered glory from her loosening thighs? And how can body, laid in that white rush, But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?
A shudder in the loins engenders there The broken wall, the burning roof, and the tower And Agamemnon dead.
Being so caught up, So mastered by the brute blood of the air, Did she put on his knowledge with his power Before the indifferent beak could let her drop? —— • —— • —— •—— • ——• —— • —— • —— 【《丽达与天鹅》】 守护者•管家•叶芝(1865生—1939卒) 〖1923年诺贝尔文学奖〗 猝然一攫:巨翼犹兀自拍动, 扇着欲坠的少女,他用黑蹼 摩挲她双股,含她的后颈在喙中, 且拥她无助的乳房在他的胸脯。
惊骇而含糊的手指怎能推拒, 她松弛的股间,那羽化的宠幸? 白热的冲刺下,那扑倒的凡躯 怎能不感到那跳动的神异的心?
腰际一阵颤抖, 从此便种下
败壁颓垣,屋顶和城楼焚毁, 而亚加曼侬死去。
就这样被抓, 被自天而降的暴力所凌驾, 她可曾就神力汲神的智慧, 乘那冷漠之喙尚未将她放下? Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Dublin, UNESCO City of Literature IRL(爱尔兰都柏林·文学城)
2016: Avoca, the IRL's Oldest Weaving Mill(爱尔兰阿沃卡·最老的手织作坊) 2016: Glendalough Monastery, Ireland(爱尔兰格兰达洛“两湖谷”修道院) 2016: County Wicklow, the Garden of Ireland(爱尔兰威克洛·花园之郡) 2014: Bug Show @ Soccer YMCA Camp(昆虫到访基督教青年会夏令营)
Stone Bridge Leading to Synod House, Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·通向宗教会议大楼的石桥 07-10-2016)
Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂)
Chapter House of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·会议室 07-11-2016) Chancel of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·圣所 07-11-2016)
Rood Screen of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·祭台屏风 07-11-2016)
South Transept of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·南耳堂) Musician's Corner of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·音乐家之角) Organ Pipes of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·风琴)
Strongbow's Tomb of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·强弓墓)
West Bay of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·西后堂)
Medieval Crypt of Christ Church Cathedral (基督大教堂·中世纪地下室) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (圣母无玷之心教堂)
St Patrick's Cathedral (贵族大教堂)
St Patrick's Tower (贵族塔)
St. Michan's Church (上帝似教堂)
St Audoen's Church (诺曼底圣徒教堂)
St Audoen's Catholic Church (诺曼底圣徒天主教堂)
Parish Catholic Church (教区天主教堂)
Church of Ireland (苏格兰教堂)
James Joyce Tower & Museum (爱尔兰小说家塔及博物馆)
Custom House & Liberty Hall Theatre (海关大楼与自由厅剧院)
Custom House (海关大楼)
Bedford Clock Tower of Dublin Castle (都柏林城堡·比德津钟楼)
Georgian Bldgs @ Fitzwilliam Square (威廉之子广场·乔治时代大楼)
Georgian Black & White Wrought Iron Door @ Fitzwilliam Square (威廉之子广场·乔治时代黑白锻铁宅门)
Georgian Ivy-Covered Townhouse @ Fitzwilliam Square (威廉之子广场·乔治时代常春藤覆盖的联栋别墅 07-10-2016)
Irish D'Olier Chambers Building (爱尔兰宽街议事厅大楼)
Victorian Bldg w/ Torrent & Chimney Pots (带有角楼与烟囱锅的维多利亚式大楼)
Trinity College (三一学院)
Statue of Edmund Burke @ Trinity College (三一学院·雕像《爱尔兰裔英国政治家》) Statue of Oliver Goldsmith @ Trinity College (三一学院·雕像《爱尔兰诗人》)
Monument of Charles Stewart Parnell (爱尔兰政治家纪念碑) Spire-of-Dublin (都柏林尖塔)
Monument of Daniel O'Connell (爱尔兰政治家纪念碑)
Thomas Davis Statue & Memorial Fountain (爱尔兰作家雕像和纪念喷泉)
Statue of Teddy Bears (塑像《神熊》)
Aviva Stadium (春天般足球场)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Ireland(出游爱尔兰)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |