【Aiden in English】
Ten years ago, at my first-ever birthday party in my house, Auntie Hongli and Uncle Henry came over to see me along with their two little daughters, Lynna, 7, and Jennifer, 4. A decade has passed, and we can finally have a reunion back in NJ from PA. This is more about Mom than me. Can you remember anything at the age of 12 months? Heck, I don't even recall most of my kindergarten friends. So I sat on their couch face to face in the living room, feeling a little awkward. While I kept myself in the corner, looking like I had amnesia, all my parents were chatting away as if they had all the time in the world. I was left staring at the trophy wall over the fireplace. Boy, that's glistering with many awards, everything from Best Student of the Year to Championship titles in synchronized swimming. Lynna has some serious art skills. In my opinion, she used oil pastels to express her creativity, which is the hardest part of utensils ever displayed in the history of graphic arts. Her drawings looked terrific, like real masterpieces. Jennifer isn't joking. Her synchronized swimming team has not only advanced NJ competition for her age group but qualified for the nationals! Some people I didn't know seemed well-known in the world. It's made our reunion more meaningful. 【红霞译】
我坐在客厅的沙发上眼巴巴地望着他们,心里难免有点别扭,几位长辈抚今忆昔,海侃阔聊穷晒老友情缘,而我却独自静思,仿佛得了健忘症似的,过去的一切如过眼烟云。我开始注意到壁炉上由奖杯堆砌起来的墙壁,好家伙,从年度最佳学生到花样游泳冠军头衔各种荣誉交织在一起,显得家里金碧辉煌。 琳娜掌握一定的传统艺术技巧,常常借助油笔来表现自己的创意,依我所见,油笔这玩艺是绘画史上最难控制的艺术工具。她的油画形象逼真,大有经典杰作之风范。珍妮的本事真不是随便闹着玩的,她所参加的花样游泳队战绩显赫,不仅在新泽西州内比赛上过五关斩六将,而且在全国青少年组角逐中勇往直前!山外有山,天外有天,结识这些能文能武的同龄人,使得老友重逢更有意义。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013年蒙郡青少年野营日(2013 MontCo Youth Field Day) 2010: 流动的画凝固的诗(A Static Poem w/ A Vivid Picture)
1-Yr-Old BD Party (一岁生日聚会 02-22-2004) Linna & Jeniffer (琳娜和珍妮)
Reunion (久别重逢 08-24-2014)
China Chalet (天府粤菜馆 08-24-2014)
Jennifer, the Artistic Swimmer (珍妮·水上芭蕾舞爱好者)
Synchronized Duet (花样美人鱼)
Synchronized Team (花样游泳队)
Four Golden Flowers (四朵金花)
Synchronized Swimming Championships (花样游泳锦标赛)
Lynna's Drawing on Still Lives (琳娜的静物油画) Lynna's Drawing on Landscape (琳娜的风景油画)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (大都会艺术博物馆) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |