2024-08-08 National Pickleball Day

【Coccoloba Uvifera】 Nancy Anne Miller Like a scrotum full of seed, The cluster of bay grapes Hang down on a semitropical
Sandy beach. Wind-tide Nurtured, pink blueish as Any human flesh bruised,
It has come to us from Tropical storm thrashings. Here, the leaves, green plates
To eat from, I take nature's Servings. Sweetness Around a seed hard centre,
Used for a game of marbles, A ring around planets I draw Into seaside sand days. Trunk
Shaped berries, veiny leaves Like elephant ears, a herd Stampedes my memory bank. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《海葡萄》】 (百慕大)恩典·仁慈·米勒“磨坊主” 【红霞译】 像充满种子的果实, 海葡萄串 挂在亚热带
沙滩上。潮汐风 滋养成长,粉蓝色一如 人们的肌肤淤青,
我们已知 热带风暴来袭。 于此,叶子绿盘子
供作膳食,我接受大自然的 馈赠。甜味 绕着硬质种核,
用作弹珠游戏, 我把环抱行星的圆环画进 海滩度过的日子。
树干长满浆果,纹理状枝叶, 就像大象耳朵,成群结队 涌进我的记忆库。 【注】英属百慕大“勇气”群岛四面环海资源稀缺,大部分食物依赖进口,结果哈密尔顿“曲山”首当其冲,生活成本指数居高不下,硬生打造出高收入高消费的花销模式,因此稳居全球最贵首府排行榜之首,甚至离谱到凌驾于纽约城之上。 哈密尔顿面积不大,闹市区只有方圆百尺,足以跻身天下最小的首府行列。看过第一座石造建筑——议会大厦,路过朗姆酒的化身——百加得总部,自然也没有错过殖民地时期的历史核心——圣三一大教堂,要不是时处仲夏八月,哈密尔顿烈日当空,早已烤干上刀山下火海的热情,我肯定会爬上收藏家山顶(Collector Hill)饱览联合国教科文组织《奴隶之路项目》——维德蒙特“绿山”庄园(Verdmont, 1710)。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2024: St. George's Fortifications, Bermuda(百慕大圣乔治岛·防御工事) 2024: UK-Crowned Bermuda w/ Quo Fata Ferunt(英属百慕大·命运之所在) 2020 Film Criticism—Webs of Intricacy(高三·影评—复杂网络) 2014: Punchliner on Carnival(嘉年华·妙语连珠) Hamilton, the Capital of Bermuda Found in 1790
(哈密尔顿·建于1790年的百慕大首府 08-08-2024) Waterfront & Marina (海滨码头)
Royal Bermuda Yacht Club
(皇家百慕大游艇俱乐部 08-08-2024) Front St, the Main Road (前街·主干道)
Cenotaph Honoring Bermuda's War Dead Built in 1920 from Limestone & a Replica of the One in Whitehall, London & & Cabinet Bldg, Home to Bermuda's Senate
Sally Basset, an Enslaved African Woman from Bermuda about an Attempted Murder of a Slaveholder by a Slave (萨莉“公主”·巴塞特“小人物”——来自百慕大被奴役的非洲妇女,描述了一名奴隶试图谋杀奴隶主的故事) Point House Fueling Demand on Front Street
Sculpture of Against Da Tide Located under the Nose of HSBC Bank on Front Street (位于前街汇丰银行大楼下的雕塑《逆流而上》) 
Church of the Holy Trinity, an Impressive Gothic Cathedral for the Anglican Church Completed in 1894 (圣三一教堂·引人注目的哥特式圣公会教堂,于1894年竣工) Cabinet Bldg & Senate Chamber Completed in 1938
(1938年完工的内阁大楼和参议院议事厅) City Hall & Arts Center (市政厅和艺术中心)
Sessions House, the 1st Stone Bldg & Home of Bermuda's House of Assembly & Supreme Court,
(塞申斯“同伴”大厦·第一座石砌建筑,百慕大议会和最高法院所在地) Bermuda Headquarters of Bacardi
(百加得百慕大总部) Crosslinks(相关博文): UK-Crowned Bermuda w/ Quo Fata Ferunt(英属百慕大·命运之所在) En Route to Bermuda via the Atlantic(经大西洋前往百慕大) Retreat on Board @ Cape Liberty, NJ(新州自由海角港·退修会登船) Bermuda(出游百慕大) Caribbean(航游加勒比海) |