
【I wept in my dreams】 Heinrich Heine (1797—1856) I wept in my dreams. I dreamed you lay in the grave; I awoke, and the tears still poured down my cheeks.
I wept in my dreams, I dreamed you had left me; I awoke and I went on weeping long and bitterly.
I wept in my dreams, I dreamed you were still kind to me; I awoke, and still the flow of my tears streams on. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
【《我曾在梦中哭泣》】 统帅•海涅(1797生—1856卒) 我曾在梦中哭泣 梦中你长眠地底 当我醒来的时候 泪水从两颊滑落
我曾在梦中哭泣 梦中你离我而去 当我醒来的时候 心伤地久久潸然
我曾在梦中哭泣 梦中你爱我至深 当我醒来的时候 却总拭不去泪痕 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Black Forest NP, Home to Cuckoo Clocks(德国黑森林国家公园) 2017: Baden, the Longest Wine Region(德国巴登·最长跨度的葡萄酒区) 2017: Neuf Brisach, Fortification of Vauban(法国新布里萨克·沃邦防御工事) 2017: Colmar, Capital of Alsatian Wine(法国科尔马·阿尔萨斯葡萄酒之都)
2017: Colmar, the City of Fairy Tale FRA(法国科尔马·童话之城) 2017: Colmar, Hometown of F. Bartholdi(法国科尔马·自由女神故乡) 2017: Colmar, the Little Venice in France(法国科尔马·微型威尼斯) 2017: Strasbourg Kouglof, FRA(法国斯特拉斯堡·奶油圆蛋糕)
2015: Forbidden City, Beijing(北京紫禁城) 2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-3(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之三) 
St. Stephen's Cathedral over Old City Wall (老城根上皇冠大教堂) 
St. Stephen's Cathedral (皇冠大教堂) 
Bell Towers of St. Stephen's Cathedral (皇冠大教堂·钟楼) 
Wood-carved Altar, St. Stephen's Cathedral (皇冠大教堂·木刻圣坛) 
Hagenbach Town Gate (山毛榉围场城门) 
Goldengasse and Kapftor (黄金巷和战斗门 08-22-2017) 
Kapftor (战斗门) 
Façade Radbrunnenturm (轮井塔·外观)

Back of Radbrunnenturm (轮井塔·背面 08-22-2017) 
Rheintor (莱茵门) 
Schwanenrain (天鹅路 08-22-2017) 
Münsterbergstraße (修道院山街 08-22-2017) 
Rathaus (市政厅 08-22-2017) 
Bull Taurus & Europa, Rathaus (市政厅·金牛座和日落之地) 
'I forgot the magic', Franciscan Monastery (方济会修道院·我忘了魔法) 
Capuchin Monastery (方济会修道院) 
Overlook of Residential Area (鸟瞰居民区)

Badischer Wine Cellar (沐浴地酒窖) 
Port (码头)

Tour Buses by the Möhlin (磨坊河边旅游大巴) 
River Möhlin (磨坊河)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |