2014-08-21 【Aiden in English】
Dodgeball has many cool versions. For one, there's Everyman. This version is the craziest game of all. The name should explain a lot about the game. It's every man/woman for himself/herself. If you're hit, you sit down. When you're sitting down, you may not move. To reenter the game, you must hit someone who's standing up. The last one standing wins. And FYI, if you're standing up with a ball, you may not move. So that's what the dodgeball summer camp did for about an hour and a half today. Since one side of the gym was taken up, we used the other. Everyman became the only game that we could play. Oh boy, it was fun. The best part about this game is that it is hard to cheat unless you want everyone to know you're cheating. By sheer coincidence, I ran into a kid named Hunter while dodging a ball. Now, we were stuck together. You see, Hunter might have cheated and never sat down when he was hit with the ball. I used that to my advantage. Thus, whenever I was out, I went for Hunter because he was probably cheating and claiming that he was in. I guess the old sayings are true. Cheaters never prosper.
【红霞译】 躲避球有太多好玩的套路,其中之一叫“普通人”,而且最令对手抓狂。顾名思义,“普通人”适合每位角逐者玩耍。谁被球打中,谁就得坐下,坐下的人不准移动。若想再次复出,你必须打中站在场上的人,而站到最后的人获胜。咱有话在先,凡站着拿球者应保持原地不动。 今天在躲避球夏令营里,我们一口气连玩了一个半钟头,由于体育馆场地有限,仅提供“普通人”一种游戏。天哪,甭提有多开心。最令大家称道的地方就是,谁都不能乱来,否则很容易被人发现。 躲球时,我不小心与一位名叫亨特的男孩撞到了一起。瞧,他肯定没遵守规矩,明明被球打中却偏不老老实实坐下来,而我正好利用这一点,只要被打下场,我就瞄准亨特,因为他老是胡搅蛮缠,打中了也赖在场上不走。 俗话说得好,骗子永远不会成功。 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (《疯狂躲避球》)
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |