【Aiden in English】
The first night of sleep in Chobe Marina Lodge, Botswana, after a 30-day cruise, made me feel like landing and sleeping on the moon, which seemed hard. When it was time for the boat cruise down the Chobe River in Chobe National Park between Botswana and Namibia, I still had black spots under my eyes. This afternoon, the three-hour boat cruise was for wildlife. We immediately spotted a pod of hippos in the water as soon as the cruise began. Once in a while, they would come up for air. Occasionally, the hippos exposed more of their bodies. They behaved so unpredictably that they would come out when we least expected it. The hippo once even jumped, stretching his neck high into the air. Only a handful of people on board could capture the moment, while only a few had a good one. Mom became one of them. As we went on, we saw more and more hippos, but none exposed themselves until the end. When everyone was tired and bored, a hippo decided to put on a show and mark his territory in front of the crowd. It climbed out of the water onto an islet and began spraying a brown smelly, gooey, but also a remarkably lot of poops. The goo flew all over the land. So, whenever another hippo came by and wanted to grace this land, it knew the land had already been claimed and got some goo on its feet. Nature has its way of doing things. It's always different whether it's eating or scent-marking (especially scent-marking). We may never understand the hippos. However, seeing what Nature has in store for them is much fun. 【红霞译】
我们顺流而去,途中看到越来越多的河马,除脸面漂浮水上,身体其它部位全部埋在水里,半天原地不动。久而久之,我们逐渐失去了原有兴趣。快要返程时,一匹河马从水面爬到附近小岛,公然在我们眼前拉屎撒尿,棕乎乎、糗轰轰、黏糊糊的粪便狂泄一地,似乎郑重告示天下,此地老子为大,谁都不许越雷池一步,否则惹得一身骚臭不算,还将拳脚相迎。 世上万物各有自个迥然不群的存在方式,甚至连吃的闻的(特别是与气味相关的)东西也不例外。也许我们无法理解河马这种动物本能,但丝毫不会影响我们探索大自然内在奥秘的高涨热忱。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Break in Brazil(巴西旅途间隙) 2011: 《创战记 2》观后(Tron Legacy) 
Chobe Marina Lodge (巨兽码头旅馆) 
Smile, You Are on A Candid Camera! (笑一个,你上镜头了! 01-08-2014) 
Courtyard of Chobe Marina Lodge (巨兽码头旅馆·庭院) 
Botswana Folk Dance (博茨瓦纳民间舞蹈 01-08-2014) 
Commissioner's Elegant Dining Restaurant (首长高级餐厅 01-08-2014) 
A Choice of Table D’hôte or An à la Carte Menu (自助餐或点餐 01-08-2014) 
Thatched Pavillions (茅舍亭阁 01-08-2014) 
Lounge of Chobe Marina Lodge (巨兽码头旅馆·休息室 01-08-2014) 
Marina of Chobe Marina Lodge (巨兽码头旅馆·码头 01-08-2014) 
Sunset @ the Chobe River (巨兽河落日 01-08-2014) 
Suite w/ Mosquito Net @ Chobe Marina Lodge (巨兽码头旅馆·带蚊帐的套房 01-07-2014) 
Chobe Natl. Park (巨兽国家公园) 
Game Drive (游猎 01-08-2014)

Cruise on the Chobe River (巨兽河游轮 01-08-2014) 
Botswana & Zambia Divided by the Chobe River (巨兽河·茨瓦纳与赞比亚国界线 01-08-2014) 
Zambia by the Chobe River (濒临巨兽河边的赞比亚 01-08-2014) 
Hippo in Distance (远处的河马 01-08-2014)

African Bush Elephants (非洲草原象)

Baobab (猴面包树) 
A Troop of Baboons (狒狒大军)

Young Yellow Baboon on the Back of Its Mother (骑在妈妈背上的黄狒狒幼儿) 
Infant Watchbaboon (小守望者) 
Baboon Dad (狒狒爸爸) 
Baboon Family (狒狒一家) 
Baboon Mom w/ Baby under (抱着孩子的狒狒妈妈) 
Baboon Mom w/ Baby above (背着孩子的狒狒妈妈) 
Giraffes Courting (长颈鹿求爱) 
Male giraffe engages in low-intensity necking to establish dominance. (雄长颈鹿低头以示领导地位) 
Dung Beetles (屎壳郎) 
Cape Buffalo (非洲水牛 
Cape Buffalo & Cattle Egret (非洲水牛与牛背鹭) 
Cape Buffalo & Red-Billed Oxpecker (非洲水牛与红嘴牛椋鸟) 
A Grazing Herd of Impalas (一群吃草的高角羚) 
Female Impala Herd (雌性高角羚群体) 
Female Impala (雌高角羚) 
Male Impala (雄高角羚) 
Two Males Fighting for Dominance (两只雄高角羚争夺统治地位) 
Impalas & Baboons (高角羚与狒狒) 
Female Pride w/ No Tolerance to Females outside (极其排外的母狮群) 
Mom Lioness & Cub (狮母崽) 
Sleepy Lioness (困觉的母狮) 
Banded Mongoose (带状猫鼬) 
Stand Sentry and Lookout for Danger (站岗放哨排查危险) 
Banded Mongoose Lived in Colonies w/ A Complex Social Structure (带状猫鼬·扎堆在复杂社会结构的群体中) 
Warthog w/ Two Warts & Piglet (疣猪母崽) 
Warthog Dad w/ Four Warts (雄疣猪·四疣) 
Horn Waterbuck (雄大羚羊) 
Female Impala & Horn Waterbuck in Distance (雌高角羚与背后的雄大羚羊) 
Shongololo (马陆) 
Hippo Marked Its Territory by Defecation (河马·通过排便标记领土主权) 
While depositing the feces, the hippo spins its tail to distribute its excrement over a greater area. (当泼洒粪便时,河马会旋转尾巴将粪便分布在更大区域中) 
Hippo Family (河马全家) 
Mostly Submerged Hippos w/ Exposed Eyes, Ears, & Nostrils (河马身体大部分没入水中,但眼睛、耳朵和鼻孔暴露在外) 
A Gazing Hippopotamus (张望的河马) 
Lilac-Breasted Roller (紫胸佛法僧) 
Blacksmith Lapwing (黑背麦鸡) 
African Darter (非洲飞镖) 
Cape Spurfowl (南非鹧鸪) 
Egyptian Goose (埃及鹅) 
Fish Eagle (非洲海雕) 
African Openbill Stork (非洲钳嘴鹳)

Marabou Stork (非洲秃鹳) 
Eurasian Stone-Curlew (欧亚石鸻) 
Great Egret (大白鹭) 
Helmeted Guineafowl (珠鸡) 
African Jacana (非洲水雉) 
Kori Bustard (灰颈鹭鸨) 
Pied Kingfisher (斑鱼狗) 
Pied Kingfisher (斑鱼狗) 
Woodland Kingfisher (林地翠鸟) 

Lotus & Pygmy Water-Lily (莲花与睡莲) Crosslinks(相关博文): Botswana(出游博茨瓦纳)
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |