2013-01-08 【Aiden in English】
To start the day off, mom and I were overwhelmed with a breakfast banquet in Brazilian style from ham to ice cream cake. It looked like quite a delightful cuisine as its neighbors like Chilean and Argentine in South America. I did not eat much but felt full already once I was floating in the food sea. Mom indulged herself with Brazilian fresh roasted coffee and couldn't even walk to our room.
Early afternoon, we were leaving for Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil. The time appeared extremely awkward. A few hours wouldn't do us much good. However, sitting around doing nothing wasn't my type either. What we decided our best bet before we set off was to hang around in a 5-star colonial-style Hotel das Cataratas atop the canyon nestled in the rainforest and overlooking the Iguazu Falls. To me, that sounded more like video games on the iPad. I barely talked afterward.
Before we headed for Iguazu Intl. Airport (IGU), I had my final meal at the bar of the hotel. A chicken sandwich with a stack of tomatoes and lettuce was served on the table. It tasted like American fast food in Brazilian flavor, which I loved. The more I experienced cross-cultural profundity at a universal level, the more I realized the civilized essentials that drew in large crowds no matter what language you spoke.
As soon as I boarded a TAM airplane, I fell asleep soundly all the way through the entire flight. I awoke just in time to see the glistening lights of Brasilia.
Finally, a scrumptious plate of spaghetti and meatballs ended my boring day. I never knew that eating would be so interesting compared to jumping from one place to another I did today.
今天我们没做任何旅游安排,彻底给自己放假,妈妈和我去宾馆吃早饭,丰富多样的食谱令人眼花缭乱,从火腿到冰激凌蛋糕应有尽有,正如邻家智利和阿根廷人喜好,巴西人同样讲究早餐的气派。我吃得不多,一看到如此盛大的早宴,不觉已镇倒胃口;妈妈俨然掉进新鲜烘焙的巴西咖啡里而不能自拔,结果撑得连走回房间的力气都没剩多少。 我们将于下午离开这里,前往巴西首都巴西利亚(意指“炭火般巴西红木之地”),说起来打发下面几个钟头并非简单。出去溜达,恐怕时间不够;待在房间不做任何事情,又觉乏味,我们拿定主意,索性转一转时下住的座落在峡谷之巅、藏身于热带雨林当中、鸟瞰伊瓜苏(意指“洪水”)瀑布全貌的五星级殖民式“大瀑布酒店”。对我来说,这个计划等于提示自己随时做好玩耍平板电脑游戏的准备,我当然举双手赞成。
登上了巴西天马航空公司的班机,我立刻倒头大睡,一路酣声四起;醒来时,正赶上飞机降落,巴西首都星光灿烂。 夜晚临睡前,喷香的意大利面条拌上肉丸子总算了断了无聊憋屈的一天,我做梦都没想到吃东西要比马不停蹄飞来飞去更有意思。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011: 《创战记 2》观后(Tron Legacy)
Belmond Hotel das Cataratas @ Iguazu NP Brazil (巴西洪水国家公园·美景瀑布酒店 01-08-2013)
Lobby @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·前厅 01-08-2013)
Lounge @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·休息室 01-08-2013)
Library @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·阅览室 01-08-2013)
Lunch @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·午餐 01-08-2013)
Bar @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·酒吧 01-08-2013)
Pool @ Belmond Hotel das Cataratas (美景瀑布酒店·泳池 01-08-2013)
Coati @ Iguazu NP Brazil (巴西洪水国家公园·南美浣熊 01-08-2013)
IGU-BSB @ Foz do Iguaçu International Airport (巴西洪水国际机场·从洪水城飞往巴西首都 01-08-2013)
Cropland Bordering Rainforest (热带雨林附近的农田)
Aerial View of Brasilia (鸟瞰巴西首都)
Melia Brasil 21, Brasilia (巴西首都·巴西红木狐狸酒店 01-08-2013)
Monumental Axis, Brasilia (巴西首都纪念轴) Crosslinks(相关博文): Brazil(出游巴西) South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade) |