【Aiden in English】
At school, we were taught that stingrays were deadly killers of the sea and had poisonous stingers that could instantly kill you. I disagree, especially after seeing the stingrays when Mom and I sailed Allura Catamaran to the Sandbar in Stingray City, Grand Cayman. First of all, stingray stingers are not poisonous. They are just there for protection from danger. To them, we aren't considered too much of a threat. Besides, the stingrays wouldn't waste their stingers on us. Woooow, they're saving it for the sharks. Stingrays are also very, very friendly. They love to rub against your leg like a cat, and they feel so… so… weird. They're squishy, soft, plump, and chubby. The only tricky part is their stingers. The stingrays also allow you to lift them. Just a few people accomplished that with the help of our guides, and even fewer kissed the stingrays. I was one of the few. It tasted like raw oysters, and I hated raw oysters. The one I kissed was a huge female. Most of the time, the females were more significant than the males and looked much more extensive. And the girls outnumber the boys about 10 to 1. Stingrays look dangerous and sound dangerous, but they aren't harmful, especially if you aren't hazardous to them. 【红霞译】
事实上魟鱼极其友善,会像猫似的在你腿边蹭来蹭去,感觉太…太…奇怪了,除了棘刺坚硬之外,浑身上下滑溜溜软绵绵肥嘟嘟胖乎乎的。魟鱼乐意让人托浮水面,我们当中仅有个别游客被导游选中真正这么试过,跟它们口对口亲嘴接吻的幸运儿更是屈指可数,我便是其中几位之一。魟鱼闻起来味如生蚝,而我天生厌恶生蚝;我所亲吻的那只魟鱼是雌的,要知道大多数情况下,母的比公的肥硕,体态大出很多;两者数量比例失调,女比男大约多出十倍。 虽然魟鱼看上去可怕,听起来危险,但实际上却相当安全,如果你对它们毫无非分之想,彼此一定相处愉快。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2009: 万家灯火(Light of Million Hopes)
Georgetown, the Capital of the Cayman Islands (农夫城·英属凯门鳄群岛首都)
Allura Catamaran (魅力号双体船)
An Astonishing Profusion of Sea Life @ Allura Catamaran (魅力号双体船·惊人的海洋生物 08-07-2014)
Trampoline @ Allura Catamaran (魅力号双体船·蹦床 08-07-2014)
The Caribbean Sea, An American Mediterranean Sea of the Atlantic Ocean (加勒比海·美洲大西洋的地中海 08-07-2014)
Stingray City (魟鱼城 08-07-2014)
The Sandbar @ Stingray City (魟鱼城·沙洲 08-07-2014)
Diving in the Sandbar of Stingray City (魟鱼城沙洲·潜水 08-07-2014)
Stingray Silhouette (魟鱼剪影 08-07-2014)
Male Stingray (雄魟鱼 08-07-2014)
Female Stingray (雌魟鱼 08-07-2014)
Kiss Stingray (亲吻魟鱼 08-07-2014)
Seven Mile Beach Corridor (七英里海滩长廊 08-07-2014)
Canal Point (运河角)
Castillo Caribe (加勒比海海景别墅)
Extravagant Canal (奢华运河)
Spanish-Style House (西班牙式)
Mangroves to Reduce Coastal Erosion & Shelter Wildlife (红树林·减少了海岸侵蚀,保护了野生动植物)
Georgetown Port (农夫城港 08-07-2014)
Basketball Siblings @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—篮球兄妹 08-07-2014)
Basketball Pals @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—篮球同伴 08-07-2014)
Volleyball @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—排球 08-07-2014)
Treadmill @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—跑步机 08-07-2014)
Ultraviolet's Arcade @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—紫外线拱廊 08-07-2014)
Platinum Dining @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—白金餐厅 08-07-2014)
Serenity Deck @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—宁静甲板 08-07-2014)
Pirate Boat (海盗船)
Lizard (蜥蜴) Sea-Bird (海鸟) Crosslinks(相关博文): 航游加勒比海(Caribbean) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |