2011-07-25 【Aiden in English】
Friday, June 24, 2011 Dear Diary, Time flew, and the first week of our summer ended. It was the last day of Design Technology in Germantown Academy summer camp. We built Legos w/ the computer. But apparently, I was with the worst partner, Michael, in the whole world. We kept shouting at each other after every time. We switched times to build. At Art Quest this afternoon, we stapled our Zines together, and people read them for two pretzels or a half cup of Lemonade. At recess, we made a Grand Canyon in the sand, which turned into an ant community. We could also have named it Treasure Island because I (we) found one cup, one poker card, and three acorns with roots. I wish that those were real treasures and that I would be lucky. Mon. June 27, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, I went to the theater performing class- Jr. Camp & we played a bunch of (boring) games. 15 out of 16 were girls. I wish I could turn them into boys. Then we watched the older kids act, and they had a really (mean) teacher who always shouted. After that, we went for lunch, and I barely ate a thing. My grandma thought I didn't eat at all. That was because the meat was very sticky and slimy. We went to a Half-Day Camp in the afternoon. And first, we shot arrows and played Gaga. I was always in sixth place. Afterward, we went to the swimming pool. Ethan, a Jewish boy who I just met, and I taught each other tricks. I couldn't stop poking the button on his belly. Mom was late picking me up. And she said, "That's just me!" Tues. June 28, 2011 Dear Diary, This morning, we began to practice songs, and we didn't get told what part we were supposed to play in Disney's Aladdin Jr. I hope I would be the main character. I also hope that I don't forget my part. We went to see the older kids practice & then we attended the afternoon camp. We played a lot of Captures the Flag. Our team, J2, won. We went swimming for the rest of the day. I kept going diving and was too bored to do cannon balls. I wondered who did the biggest cannonball. 【红霞译文】 二O一一年六月廿四日,星期五 亲爱的日记: 时间飞逝,暑假的第一个星期就要过去了。今天是德国城夏令营设计周最后一次活动,我们用计算机组建“乐高”。显然,我遇上了一位世上糟得不能再糟的伙伴──迈克,我们相互狂呼乱叫,最后只好各搞各的。 下午在“艺术访客”班,我们装订自个编辑的杂志。每人阅读完之后,还可获得两个椒盐面包圈或者半杯柠檬水。 休息的时候,我们用沙子堆建起来的那座大峡谷竟变成了蚂蚁窝。不过我们还是称它为“金银岛”,因为我(们)发现里面有一个杯子、一张扑克牌、三颗发芽的橡树果子。真希望它们都是财宝,那我可交了好运。 二O一一年六月廿七日,星期一
亲爱的日记: 今天上午我来到戏剧表演班──小班戏剧营,跟大家玩了一些(无聊的)游戏。十六位营员中的十五位都是女生,我特想把她们统统变成男生!随后,我们观摩大班孩子表演,他们的老师(脾气)太糟,不停地吼来吼去。 中午吃饭的时候,我几乎没吃东西,外婆真以为我不想吃,她哪里晓得黏乎乎、湿露露的肉片如何叫人怎么下咽? 下午我们参加半日制夏令营,先是射箭、做“嘎嘎”游戏,我总是位居第6名。随后我们开始游泳,新结识的朋友伊森是犹太人,他和我争相示范恶作剧,我禁不住要挤兑他的肚脐眼。 妈妈很晚才来接我,而且大言不惭地说:“这就是我!” 二O一一年六月廿八日,星期二
亲爱的日记: 今天上午我们开始练歌,还不知道到底要演迪斯尼•《阿拉丁》儿童歌舞剧中什么角色。我倒情愿演一个主角,而且但愿不要脑子出现空白。观摩完大孩子们的表演之后,我们才去下午半日制夏令营。大家玩了很久“夺旗”游戏,我们J2组大获全胜。剩下的时间都在游泳,我一直喜欢跳水,后来反而懒得把自己像炸弹一样在水面开花。我实在纳闷,谁是最大的“炸弹”? 【后语】
记录一天夏令营内“玩”的历程,是孩子营外必做的功课。孩子模仿《小鬼日记》(Diary of Wimpy Kid)的书写风格,眼都顾不上多眨几下,涂鸦一般快速勾勒出刚刚过去的营场印象。 只要能平心静气坐下来沉淀一下早已飞扬的心绪,不管借助流水帐的方式也好,哪怕使用跳跃式手法也罢;无论捕捉夏天的记忆,还是积累成长的点滴,孩子都会收获不同于往日的感受。同时,作为孩子的家长更是受益匪浅,从中毫不费力就可以了解学习孩子的世界。
Crosslink(相关博文): 小学二年级(2nd Grade) |