【Vondel's Lucifer • ACT III】 Joost van den Vondel (1587—1679) Now the angels are divided: the rebellious demand “justice”; the loyalists speak up for continued obedience to God’s will, as whatever He ordains is right. Michael, aroused by the “tumult and dispute” of the contending angels, comes to find out what is going on. He listens to what the rebels have to say but orders them to lay down their weapons. He goes to report to God, and he leads the loyalists away. As Michael leaves, Lucifer arrives and puts his case to his supporters. He makes the audacious claim that he is “constrained by necessity and compulsion” to take up arms, to defend the status quo. The rebel forces move off to war. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【修女的合唱 • 第三幕】 正直•冯德尔(1587生—1679卒) 圣诞夜啊,美胜于昼! 你的星,希律怎能忍受? 怎能忍她在黑暗中闪亮, 怎能忍她受到崇拜欢庆? 傲慢者什么理都听不进, 随你怎样向他耳朵叫嚷。
他想压垮平民百姓, 他要屠杀朴实生灵, 使号啕哭声震动城乡, 把伯利恒和四野传遍, 使拉结的精神长醒不眠, 在田野在牧场到处游荡。
向东向西,宛如游魂, 谁能安慰悲伤的母亲 当她失去了亲爱的儿女? 当她亲眼看见孩子 刚刚新生就遭惨死, 而这么多剑,鲜血淋漓?
她见已死的嘴唇苍白 刚从母亲乳头上扯开, 嘴角上还沾着奶滴; 她见小小的泪珠 凝在面颊宛如朝露, 而面颊已溅满血迹。
弯弯眉毛下闭合了 小眼睛——它们的微笑 曾给母亲的心以祝福; 它们曾闪亮如星星, 重塑出天国的面容, 直到如今被迷雾遮住。
谁能形容这场苦难, 小小花朵尽遭摧残—— 千朵万朵数不胜数, 未及把花苞开放, 未及散发出芬芳, 也未及饮到晨的初乳?
像镰刀横扫谷穗, 像骤雨突袭逞威, 狂风暴雨打碎了嫩叶。 当政者的疑心和怒火 搅起多少盲目的灾祸! 而造谣吹风者又何等卑劣!
忧伤的拉结,别流浪了, 你的儿女们纵牺牲了, 但新生族裔没有断绝; 从你的血脉继续生长, 神奇地,朝向神的荣光, 任何残暴也不能扑灭。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Cheese Farm near Kinderdijk, NLD(荷兰孩童堤防附近的奶酪农场)
St Steven's Church on Market Sq over the Waal (瓦尔“外”河·集市广场皇冠教堂)
St Steven's Church (皇冠教堂)
St. Nicolaaskapel in Valkhofpark (猎鹰球场公园·人民胜利教堂)
Old Dutch Tower (老荷兰塔)
Control Tower at the Intersection of the Waal & Maaswaal Canal (外河与外河系运河交汇处的指挥塔)
Grabbing Crane for Sand Barge (抓沙船起重机)
Bunker Vessel (堡船)
Honigcomplex (蜂蜜公司建筑群)
Honig Factory (蜂蜜工厂)
Pier (码头)
Silhouette of Large Hydro Power Line Tower (大型输电塔剪影)
Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group (大冠军运输集团)
Wandelbrug Ooijpoort & Hotel Belvoir (步行桥与美景酒店)
Bodewes Shipyards (勇士造船厂)
Windmill (风车)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |