2020-06-28 【Aiden in English】
Hello everyone! I hope your summer has treated you well. I am Aiden, the English Writing teacher at Guanghua Chinese School, PA. I’ve been teaching for three years now, and in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, I have decided to open an online and free-of-charge summer writing program for up to Ten Students this summer break of 2020. Due to the size of students, I’ll be limiting the content to around a middle school range (6th to 8th grade). While this does not mean younger and older students cannot attend, I do not recommend students outside the given parameters sign up. I’m looking for advanced writers who believe they are beyond the school curriculum and are willing to take another step. The program will include broad writing strategies, such as expanding writing content and adding colorful flairs to students’ language and vital qualities for improving skills, particularly concision and diction. Of course, everything will be conducted online and over Zoom. I plan to invite students to 1-on-1 Zoom calls for specifically tailored needs, and this aspect will be included in the overall program. Finally, I must address a few notable things. First, it’ll be vital for those who sign up to complete assignments and be present for every meeting. I cannot force student effort, mainly when everything is run through Zoom. Second, it would be ideal for students to use Google Docs. You can invite me to view their writing and edit with their cooperation. Last but not least, I highly encourage conversation between teacher and student; thus, please have a device with a microphone. I am determined to host the first lesson on Friday, July 10th, from 3 pm to 4 pm, and every subsequent session will occur next Friday. After the first meeting, I will address the schedule of the 1-on-1 lessons with students. I plan on teaching this class for only four weeks. Please sign up via the link below. It will be first-come-first-served. I can’t wait to see you in person… over a Zoom call. Please note that sign-ups are permanent. 【红霞译】
由于学生人数有限,所授内容主要适于初中生(初一到初三的学生),但并不意味着小学生或高中生不能参加,只是建议非特定学生不必报名。 我正物色那些不满足于学校课程并有意提高写作水平的优等写手,教学内容将涵盖写作策略,譬如:扩大写作内容、丰富语言表达,还包括提高技巧,尤其要言简意赅。
第一堂课定于七月十号星期五下午三点至四点进行,以后每周五上课;上完第一堂课后,我将另行通知一对一辅导课时间;整个夏令班前后仅持续四个星期。 请通过下面链接注册,先到先得,迫不及待地想通过远程视频与你相见。 切记注册是不能改动的。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2019: Writing Mistakes(写作错误) 2016: Warnemünde—Mouth of Warrnow, DEU(德国瓦尔内明德—瓦尔诺河口) 2016: Berlin the Capital of Prussia, Germany(德国柏林—普鲁士首府) 2016: Berlin Wall, Germany(德国柏林墙) 2015: Dardanelles Strait, Turkey(土耳其欧亚分界线达达尼尔海峡) 2012: Third Grade Drama Camp(三年级戏剧夏令营)
Social Distance during COVID-19 Pandemic @ Windlestrae Park (筐草公园·新冠病毒疫情期间保持社交距离标志)
Zoom Virtual Class (“放大”网课) Crosslink(相关博文): 11th Grade(高中三年级) |