【Aiden in English】
America is one of the greatest countries of all time. It has one of the most civilized cultures and advanced technologies in the world. It's hard to believe it started as a small village in the middle of a small forest in present-day Virginia. In the early 17th century, the people of Jamestown used to be very different from the ones today. Many cared only about making money. Most male villagers went out to find gold instead of hunting. After hard work and concentration, they had loads and loads of …… dirt. It pretty much ended the dreams of gold and wealth. Even worse, the Powhatan Indians, a local Native American tribe, took control of Jamestown. Since the village contained little food, the people went through a time known as the Starving Age. They died of starvation and dehydration due to a drought. The villagers grew desperate and began to eat anything like clothes and grass. Finally, someone went too far and ate women. The Starving Age didn't end until Chief Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas, married John Rolfe, a noble English settler in Jamestown. She convinced the Natives to release Jamestown from their captivity. However, people still wanted money. Their chance arrived when tobacco was introduced to them by a privateer who raided a Spanish ship. On that ship, there were tobacco seeds that grew tobacco much sweeter than the ones in Jamestown. It ensured Jamestown's survival and the beginning of our country. 【红霞译】
十七世纪早期,詹姆斯敦“后继者”镇居民并不像现代人所为,他们一心只想发财,多数男士外出寻找金子而非务农狩猎。日久天长,村子里面土丘遍野破烂不堪,淘金致富的梦想随即破灭。更为糟糕的是,当地美洲土著部落巫术山印第安人统治詹姆斯敦,由于缺食少粮,并遭遇前所未有的“饥荒”,干旱促使村民饥饿脱水丧失生命。巫术山部落在绝望中挣扎,不得不靠衣服和野草充饥。后面的日子每况愈下,有人甚至失去理性,开始蚕食妇女。 直到巫术山部落首领的女儿“风中奇缘”与移居詹姆斯敦的英国贵族神慈‧罗尔夫结婚,“饥荒”问题才真正得到解决。她说服父老乡亲让出詹姆斯敦,起先巫术山部落还讨价还价,坚持要钱;后来因为英国殖民佬海上打劫西班牙商船成功而将截获的烟草种子留给巫术山部落,结果新近移植来的烟草比詹姆斯敦本地土生土长的还要香甜,让巫术山部落终于有了赖以生存的物质条件。从此,英国落户詹姆斯敦,美国的前身开始孕育而生。
Sculpture of A Fair Wind @ Jamestown Settlement (詹姆斯敦殖民地·雕像《顺风》05-25-2014)
James River (替代者河)
Cannon (火炮 05-25-2014)
Discovery of Virginia Company (英属圣洁女王公司·“发现号”商船 05-24-20114)
On Discovery (发现号商船上 05-26-2014)
Godspeed (神速号商船 05-25-2014)
Susan Constant (忠诚号·英属圣洁女王公司三艘商船中最大的一艘)
Mast @ Susan Constant (“忠诚号”商船—桅杆 05-25-2014)
Cabin @ Susan Constant (“忠诚号”商船—船舱 05-25-2014)
Exposition Hall (展览厅 05-25-2014) Corridor of Exposition Hall (展览厅·走廊 05-25-2014)
Living Dwelling (殖民者住地 05-2014)
Office of James Fort (英王堡办公室 05-25-2014)
Courtyard of James Fort (英王堡·庭院 05-25-2014)
Recreated Powhatan Town (重建的巫术山印第安镇 05-25-2014)
Hunting Furs @ Powhatan Indian Town (巫术山印第安镇·动物毛皮 05-25-2014)
Powhatan Indian Town (巫术山印第安镇 05-25-2014)
Exploring Powhatan Culture (探索巫术山印第安文化 05-25-2014)
Open-Air Kitchen @ Powhatan Indian Town (巫术山印第安镇·开放式厨房 05=24=2014)
Pocahontas Sculpture (“风中奇缘”雕像 05-25-2014)
America's first permanent English Colony (美国第一个永久性英国殖民地 05-25-2014) Thatched Cottages (茅舍 05-25-2014)
Free-Range Hens (散养母鸡)
Colonialized Tobacco (殖民时期开始流行的烟草) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Monticello, VA(弗吉尼亚州小山包庄园)
弗吉尼亚州激流岛(Assateague Island, VA) 弗吉尼亚州水边怡岛赶海(Chincoteague Beachcombing, VA) USA(出游美国)
5th Grade(小学五年级) |