【Aiden in English】 Thomas Jefferson had a lot of great accomplishments throughout his lifetime, such as commissioning the Lewis and Clark Expedition after the Louisiana Purchase, writing the Declaration of Independence, and the Statue of Virginia for Religious Freedom, establishing the Univ. of Virginia, serving as an ambassador to France, etc. One of his most grandiose and spectacular, as many visitors would appreciate, was Monticello, or a little mount in Italian that Jefferson designed himself after his retirement from his political career. The acres upon acres were well splendid to create both Italian and French classical architecture designated as a UNESCO Heritage Site. The third US President's paradise-like mansion was so breathtaking, yet being organized at the same time was amazing. Mulberry Row near Monticello was home to about 600 slaves whom Jefferson possessed to work on his property, plantation, and fields. Even though he wasn't proud of slavery, it went against his famous quotation "All Men Are Created Equal" in the Declaration of Independence, which sounded like the beginning of the end of slavery.
As soon as you enter the mansion, you would probably notice the weird display of animal bones and Native American items in the entrance hall. Jefferson was very strict about receiving the furs and hides of any animals that Lewis and Clark collected when they cross the Mississippi River. You might also notice the octagon-shaped rooms to receive more natural light, the seven-day Great Clock to indicate the accurate time by the position of iron weights, or even the Mars yellow walled dining room for its much-celebrated ingenuity and taste in decoration. Every turn in the house looked like entering another wonderland.
Jefferson had a heck of an imagination and made many great things in daily life. One of the most famous would be the dumbwaiter. It was hidden inside the wood frame of a fireplace on both sides and suspended by ropes to carry wines in the dining hall. The world of busboys was changed (assuming there were busboys back then) because a bottle of wine could be delivered from the cellar downstairs much easier. Yet the real reason for inventing the dumbwaiter was that Jefferson tried to avoid the slaves coming inside as much as possible. In the 1800s, everyone had a problem with race.
Jefferson's private library was one of a kind. There were thousands of volumes at his disposal and he used them wisely. At a time, the US Congress bought some books from him. But later, he thought it was a huge mistake. I guess a genius without books feels like a plant without water.
The veggie garden became another sightseeing place in Monticello. It had everything from squash to different kinds of kale. What was a real shocker was that the garden went on for 500-600 feet/152-183 meters in length. Beyond the massive patch lay a lush forest of nature. After strolling through it all, I agreed that Monticello was a masterpiece of the time.
托马斯‧杰斐逊(意指“双·平安之子”)一生中立下了许多丰功伟绩,譬如:路易斯安那(意指“名将”)购地案之后差遣“名士”和“抄书吏”跨越美洲大陆分水岭远征天平洋考察、起草《独立宣言》和制定《圣洁王后宗教自由法》、创建圣洁王后大学、出任驻法大使、等等。退出政治舞台之后,由其本人亲手设计的最雄伟壮观并深受民众称赞的小山包庄园创造了又一部不朽作品,这座被联合国教科文组织列为《世界遗产名录》的意—法古典建筑傲然屹立在一碧万顷之中。美国第三任总统的豪宅酷似天堂,令人叹为观止,当然精心管理这栋别墅同样超乎寻常。 杰斐逊拥有600名黑奴,他们住在小山包附近的桑树街,为杰斐逊打理庄园、种植场以及林区。尽管杰斐逊并非以奴隶制为荣,但其行动却与《独立宣言》中所倡导的“人人平等”背道而驰。乍听起来,这句至理名言如同宣告奴隶制结束。 当走进庄园,你可能发现门厅两侧悬挂的动物模型和印第安人土特产品,这些都是勇将(Louis)和文书(Clark)巡视密西西比(意译“大”)河两岸时为杰斐逊特别收集来的实体皮毛标本。此外,你也许还注意到受光面大的八角形房间、靠铅锤位置指示一周七天的“大时钟”、或者时髦且不失高雅的火星黄餐厅。总而言之,无论从哪个角度来欣赏小山包庄园,独具匠心的设计处处引人入胜。 杰斐逊想像丰富,在日常生活里屡见不鲜,其中最著名的就是藏在餐厅壁炉木框两侧的升降机,用绳索吊挂酒瓶,跑堂的小工这下终于可以喘口气力了(假如当年有小工一说),因为酒瓶可以直接从地窖传输上来,其实杰斐逊最初发明升降机的真正用意却想尽量避免接触黑奴,追溯到十九世纪,人们或多或少都带有种族色彩。 杰斐逊私人图书馆收藏了数以千计的书籍,博览群书使他学富五车才高八斗。据说有一次,美国国会曾从杰斐逊手中买下不少书,没想到事后他非常后悔。看来天才离开了书本就像植物被切断水源供给,顿时生命失去了灵魂。
Façade of Monticello (小山包庄园·正面观 05-24-2014)
Apse of Monticello (小山包庄园·背面观 05-24-2014)
Seven-Day Great Clock (指示一周七天的“大时钟”)
Entrance Hall (门厅)
Dining Hall (餐厅)
Mulberry Row (桑树街 05-24-2014)
Forest (林区 05-24-2014)
Vegetable Garden (蔬菜园 05-24-2014)
Vegetable Garden & Pavilion (蔬菜园与观景亭 05-24-2014)
Memorial to Thomas Jefferson (“双·平安之子”纪念碑) Monticello Graveyard (小丘墓地)
Plaque of Michie Tavern (恩赐酒馆·匾牌 05-24-2014)
Michie Tavern (恩赐酒馆 05-24-2014)
Tavern Dining @ Michie Tavern (恩赐酒馆·餐厅) Guest Room @ Michie Tavern (恩赐酒馆·会客室 05-24-2014)
Celler @ Michie Tavern (恩赐酒馆·酒窖 05-24-2014)
Save Water & Drink Wine @ Michie Tavern (恩赐酒馆·少喝水多饮酒 05-24-2014)
Sweet William (须苞石竹)
Pink Dianthus Flower (粉石竹花)
Dog Rose (犬蔷薇)
Stoke's Aster (琉璃菊) Crosslinks(相关博文):
5th Grade(小学五年级)