网络日志列表 【USA·New York(美国·纽约州)】 |
2024-04-27 National Prime Rib Day
【The Plot Against the Giant - Second Girl (1917)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) I shall run before him, Arching cloths besprinkled with colors As small as fish-eggs. The threads Will abash him. —— • —— • —— R |
2024-04-27 World Veterinary Day
【The Plot Against the Giant - First Girl (1917)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) When this yokel comes maundering, whetting his hacker, I shall run before him, Diffusing the civilest odors Out of geraniums and unsmelled flowers. &nbs |
2024-04-27 National Tell a Story Day
【Ploughing on Sunday (1919)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The white cock's tail Tosses in the wind. The turkey-cock's tail &n |
2024-04-27 Independent Bookstore Day
【The Paltry Nude Starts on a Spring Voyage (1919)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) But not on a shell, she starts, Archaic, for the sea. But on the first-found weed She scuds the glitters, Noiselessly, like one more wave. |
2024-04-27 International Marconi Day
【Parochial Theme (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Long-tailed ponies go nosing the pine-lands, Ponies of Parisians shooting on the hill.
The wind blows. In the wind, the voices Have shapes that are not yet fully themselves,
Are sounds blown by a blower into shapes, &nb |
2024-04-27 Intl Design Day
【The Poems of Our Climate - III (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) There would still remain the never-resting mind, So that one would want to escape, come back To what had been so long composed. The imperfect is our paradise. Note that, |
2024-04-06 Jump Over Things Day
【The Poems of Our Climate - I (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Clear water in a brilliant bowl, Pink and white carnations. The light In the room more like a snowy air, Reflecti |
2024-04-06 International Firewalk Day
【The Glass of Water (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) That the glass would melt in heat, That the water would freeze in cold, Shows that this object is merely a state, One of many, between two poles. So, In the metaphysical, there are these poles.
Here in the centre stands the glass. Light &nb |
2024-04-06 National Handmade Day
【To the One of Fictive Music (1922)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Sister and mother and diviner love, And of the sisterhood of the living dead Most near, most clear, and of the clearest bloom, And of the fragrant mothers the most dear And queen, and of diviner love the day And flame and summer and sweet fi |
2024-04-06 National Student-Athlete Day
【The Man Whose Pharynx Was Bad (1921)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The time of year has grown indifferent. Mildew of summer and the deepening snow Are both alike in the routine I know: I am too dumbly in my being pent.
& |
2024-04-06 National Siamese Cat Day
【Tea at the Palaz of Hoon (1921)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Not less because in purple I descended The western day through what you called The loneliest air, not less was I myself.
What was the ointment sprinkled on my beard? What were the hymn |
2024-04-06 National Pajama Day
【The Novel (1950)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The crows are flying above the foyer of summer. The winds batter it. The water curls. The leaves Return to their original illusion.
The sun stands like a Spaniard as he departs, Stepping from the foyer of summer into that Of the past, the rodomontadean emptiness.
Mother was afraid I should freeze in the Parisian hotels. She had heard of the fate of an Argentine writer. At ni |
2024-04-06 National Tartan Day
【The Region November (1956)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) It is hard to hear the north wind again, And to watch the treetops, as they sway.
They sway, deeply and loudly, in an effort, So much less than feeling, so much less than |
2024-03-10 Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent)
【Large Red Man Reading (1950)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) There were ghosts that returned to earth to hear his phrases, As he sat there reading, aloud, the great blue tabulae. They were those from the wilderness of stars that had expected more.
There were those that returned to hear him read from the poem of life, Of the pans above the stove, the pots on the table, the tulips among them. They were those that would have wept to step barefoot into rea |
2024-03-10 Pretzel Sunday
【Table Talk (1935)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Granted, we die for good. Life, then, is largely a thing Of happens to like, not should. And that, too, granted, why Do I happen to like red bush,   |
2024-03-10 National Skirt Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-XII (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) A blue pigeon it is, that circles the blue sky, On sidelong wing, around and round and round. A white pigeon it is, that flutters to the ground, Grown tired of flight. Like a dark rabbi, I Observed, when young, the nature of mankind, In lordly |
2024-03-10 National Landline Telephone Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-XI (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) If sex were all, then every trembling hand Could make us squeak, like dolls, the wished-for words. But note the unconscionable treachery of fate, That makes us weep, laugh, grunt and groan, and shout Doleful heroics, pinching gestures forth &nbs |
2024-02-18 Thumb Appreciation Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VIII (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Like a dull scholar, I behold, in love, An ancient aspect touching a new mind. It comes, it blooms, it bears its fruit and dies. This trivial trope reveals a way of truth. Our bloom is gone. We are the fruit thereof. |
2028-02-18 Pluto Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VII (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The mules that angels ride come slowly down The blazing passes, from beyond the sun. Descensions of their tinkling bells arrive. These muleteers are dainty of their way. &nbs |
2024-02-18 National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-VI (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) If men at forty will be painting lakes The ephemeral blues must merge for them in one, The basic slate, the universal hue. There is a substance in us that prevails. &nb |
2024-02-18 World Whale Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-V (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) In the high west there burns a furious star. It is for fiery boys that star was set And for sweet-smelling virgins close to them. The measure of the intensity of love Is |
2024-02-18 The First Sunday of Lent 【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-IV (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) This luscious and impeccable fruit of life Falls, it appears, of its own weight to earth. When you were Eve, its acrid juice was sweet, Untasted, in its heavenly, orchard air. An apple serves as well as any skull &nbs |
2024-02-18 National Battery Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-III (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Is it for nothing, then, that old Chinese Sat tittivating by their mountain pools Or in the Yangtse studied out their beards? I shall not play the flat historic scale. & |
2024-02-18 National Drink Wine Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-II (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) A red bird flies across the golden floor. It is a red bird that seeks out his choir Among the choirs of wind and wet and wing. A torrent will fall from him when he finds. Shall I uncrumple this much-crumpled thing? &nb |
2024-02-18 Lunar Heaven Health Day
【Le Monocle de Mon Oncle-I (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) "Mother of heaven, regina of the clouds, O sceptre of the sun, crown of the moon, There is not nothing, no, no, never nothing, Like the clashed edges of two words that kill." & |
2023-12-08 National Crossword Solvers Day
【Re-Statement of Romance (1935)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The night knows nothing of the chants of night. It is what it is as I am what I am: And in perceiving this I best perceive myself
And you. Only we two may interchange Each in the |
2023-12-08 Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
【In a Bad Time (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) How mad would he have to be to say, "He beheld An order and thereafter he belonged To it"? He beheld the order of the northern sky.
But the beggar gazes on calamity And thereaf |
2023-12-08 National Health Savings Account Day
【Man Carrying Thing (1947)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The poem must resist the intelligence Almost successfully. Illustration:
A brune figure in winter evening resists Identity. The thing he c |
2023-12-08 National Simon Day
【Gubbinal (1921)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) That strange flower, the sun, Is just what you say. Have it your way.
2023-12-08 Take it in the Ear Day
【Negation (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Hi! The creator too is blind, Struggling toward his harmonious whole, Rejecting intermediate parts, Horrors and falsities and wrongs; Incapable master of all force, &nbs |
2023-12-08 Bodhi Day
【The Surprises of the Superhuman (1918)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The palais de justice of chambermaids Tops the horizon with its colonnades.
If it were lost in Űbermenschlichkeit, Perhaps our wretched state would soon come right.
& |
2023-12-08 Official Lost and Found Day
【The Woman in Sunshine (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) It is only that this warmth and movement are like The warmth and movement of a woman.
It is not that there is any image in the air Nor the beginning nor end of a form:
&n |
2023-12-08 National Blue Collar Day
【On the Road Home (1938)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) It was when I said, "There is no such thing as the truth," That the grapes seemed fatter. The fox ran out of his hole. &nb |
2023-12-08 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
【The Idea of Order at Key West (1934)】
——Award of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1954 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) She sang beyond the genius of the sea. The water never formed to mind or voice, Like a body wholly body, fluttering Its empty |
2023-12-08 Immaculate Conception Day
【Another Weeping Woman (1921)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Pour the unhappiness out From your too bitter heart, Which grieving will not sweeten.
Poison grows in this dark.
2023-12-08 National Christmas Tree Day
【Madame La Fleurie (1951)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Weight him down, O side-stars, with the great weightings of the end. Seal him there. He looked in a glass of the earth and thought he lived in it. Now, he brings all that he saw into the earth, to the waiting parent. His crisp knowledge is devoured by her, beneath a dew.
Weight him, weight, weight him with the sleepiness of the moon. It was only a glass because he looked in it. It was nothing he could be |
2023-12-08 National Lard Day
【The River of Rivers in Connecticut (1954)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) There is a great river this side of Stygia Before one comes to the first black cataracts And trees that lack the intelligence of trees.
In that river, far this side of Stygia, The m |
2023-12-08 National Brownie Day
【Forms of the Rock in a Night-Hymn (1954)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The rock is the gray particular of man's life, The stone from which he rises, up - and - ho, The step to the bleaker depths of his descents...
The rock is the stern particular of the air, |
2023-11-04 National Play Outside Day
【An Old Man Asleep (1952)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The two worlds are asleep, are sleeping, now. A dumb sense possesses them in a kind of solemnity.
The self and the earth — your thoughts, your feelings, Your beliefs and disbeliefs, your whole peculiar plot;
The redness of your reddish ch |
2023-11-04 National Chicken Lady Day
【A Mythology Reflects Its Region (1955)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) A mythology reflects its region. Here In Connecticut, we never lived in a time When mythology was possible - But if we had - That raises the question of the image's truth. &n |
2023-11-04 National Bison Day 【July Mountain (1955)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) We live in a constellation Of patches and of pitches, Not in a single world, In things said well in music, |
2023-11-04 National Candy Day
【Local Objects (1955)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) He knew that he was a spirit without a foyer And that, in his knowledge, local objects become More precious than the most precious objects of home:
The local objects of a world without a foyer, Without a remembered past, a present past, Or a present fu |
2023-09-16 National Dance Day
【Two Letters—A Letter From (1954)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Even if there had been a crescent moon On every cloud-tip over the heavens, Drenching the evening with crystals' light, One would have wanted more—more—more— Some true interior to which to return, A home against one's self, a darkness, &nb |
2023-08-14 National Financial Awareness Day
16-Day|6-Port Canada-Greenland by Caribbean Princess (“公主·勇者”号16天|6个景地之旅 08/14/2023—08/30/2023) 【Desiderata (1927)】 Max Ehrmann (1872-1945) (Stanza 1 of 9) Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender |
2022-10-22 National Knee Day
【Esthétique du Mal·II (1945)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) At a town in which acacias grew, he lay On his balcony at night. Warblings became Too dark, too far, too much the accents of Afflicted sleep, too much the syllables That would form themselves, in time, and communicate The intelligence of his despair, e |
2022-10-22 International Stammering Awareness Day 【Esthétique du Mal·I (1945)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) He was at Naples writing letters home And, between letters, reading paragraphs On the sublime. Vesuvius had groaned For a month. It was pleasant to be sitting there While the sultriest fulgurations, flickering, |
2022-10-22 National Color Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·X (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) An unhappy people in a happy world— Read, rabbi, the phases of this difference. An unhappy people in an unhappy world—
Here are too many mirrors for misery. |
2022-10-22 National Make A Dog's Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·IX (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) And of each other thought—in the idiom Of the work, in the idiom of an innocent earth, Not of the enigma of the guilty dream.
We were as Danes in Denmark al |
2022-10-22 National Nut Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·VIII (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) There may be always a time of innocence. There is never a place. Or if there is no time, If it is not a thing of time, nor of place,
Existing in the idea of it, alone, In the sense against calamity, it is not &nb |
2022-09-25 Math Storytelling Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·IV (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Farewell to an idea … The cancellings, The negations are never final. The father sits In space, wherever he sits, of bleak regard,
As one that is strong in the bushes of his eyes. He says no to no and yes to yes. He says y |
2022-09-25 National One-Hit Wonder Day 【The Auroras of Autumn·III (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Farewell to an idea … The mother's face, The purpose of the poem, fills the room. They are together, here, and it is warm,
With none of the prescience of oncoming dreams. It is evening. The house is evening, half dis |
2022-09-25 Better Breakfast Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·II (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Farewell to an idea … A cabin stands, Deserted, on a beach. It is white, As by a custom or according to
An ancestral theme or as a consequence Of an infinite course. The flowers against the wall &nb |
2022-09-25 World Rivers Day
【The Auroras of Autumn·I (1948)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) This is where the serpent lives, the bodiless. His head is air. Beneath his tip at night Eyes open and fix on us in every sky.
Or is this another wriggling out of the egg, Another image at the end of the cave, &nb |
2022-09-25 National Quesadilla Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·X (1942)】 〖Part II〗 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Soldier, there is a war between the mind And sky, between thought and day and night. It is For that the poet is always in the sun,
Patches the moon together in his room To his Vir |
2022-09-25 National Daughter Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·X (1942)】 〖Part I〗 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Fat girl, terrestrial, my summer, my night, How is it I find you in difference, see you there In a moving contour, a change not quite completed?
You are familiar yet an aberration. |
2022-08-28 Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·II (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The blue woman, linked and lacquered, at her window Did not desire that feathery argentines Should be cold silver, neither that frothy clouds
Should foam, be foamy waves, should mo |
2022-08-28 National Thoughtful Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·I (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) To sing jubilas at exact, accustomed times, To be crested and wear the mane of a multitude And so, as part, to exult with its great throat,
To speak of joy and to sing of it, borne on   |
2022-08-28 National Power Rangers Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Chang·X (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) A bench was his catalepsy, Theatre Of Trope. He sat in the park. The water of The lake was full of artificial things,
Like a page of music, like an upper air, L |
2022-08-28 National Red Wine Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Chang·IX (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) The poem goes from the poet's gibberish to The gibberish of the vulgate and back again. Does it move to and fro or is it of both
At once? Is it a luminous flittering |
2022-05-16 National Coquilles St. Jacques Day
【The Man with the Blue Guitar·XXVIII (1937)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) I am a native in this world And think in it as a native thinks,
Gesu, not native of a mind Thinking the thoughts I c |
2022-05-16 National Mimosa Day 【The Man with the Blue Guitar·XXVII (1937)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) It is the sea that whitens the roof. The sea drifts through the winter air.
It is the sea that the north wind makes. The sea is in the falling snow. &n |
2021-08-27 National Just Because Day 【The Emperor of Ice-Cream (1922)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Call the roller of big cigars, The muscular one, and bid him whip In kitchen cups concupiscent curds. Let the wenches dawdle in such dress As they are used to we |
2021-08-27 International Lottery Day 【I See Children As Kites】 Erma L. Bombeck (1927—1996) I see children as kites. You spend years trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you are both breathless... They crash... You patch, comfort, and assure them that someday they will fly. Finally, they are airborne. They need more string and you keep letting it out, but with each twist of the |
【Aiden in English】
When vacations begin, it's exciting, thrilling, and most of all, anticipated. Not to sound spoiled, but a month-long trip to Northern Europe doesn't appeal as much as it should. Maybe the enormity of stress has played a role in the effort or the simple fact that every trip starts the same way. This is why I was not excited to travel. JFK Intl. The airport is |
【Aiden in English】
In general, the word “indigenous” is used to describe a subject that is native to a specific location. Going back in time, the root derived from the Latin indigent, meaning “a native.” Add the English part of –ous to its end, and there you have the word. Hopping back to the present, New York is a melting pot of cultures on earth and has some Indigenous characteristics that the small county of Montgomery, PA, can’ |
【Aiden in English】
Central Park is the largest natural park in New York City. Spanning just several miles in each direction, it draws many tourists from all over the world like moths to a flame, and for good reason. Although it has nature, the park carries every bit of the New York City vibe. Central Park is incredible, but the travel time from PA to the metropolitan area seemed a bit long. The car ride to |
【Aiden in English】
A 4-star restaurant usually has ridiculously high prices in NYC and food that can be eaten anywhere. Pair it with some wine, and bam! The food just got a 4-star quality. The Russian Tea Room sounded like a different breed, and I was about to find out just how much. Russians enjoyed caviar. I’ll say it seems like their only condiment. So, going to a 4-star Russian restaura |
【Aiden in English】
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) wasn’t just a learning opportunity and a daily exercise. Walking and standing for three hours gets you tired, you know. So, before our grand finale of a concert in the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, we decided to have a delicious dinner to refill my batteries. Chinese cuisine gives energy to those who seek it and carve for food |
【Aiden in English】
New York City (NYC) is one of the most incredible cities ever. People jostle around the streets. Every ten to twenty feet, there is a restaurant, and cars honk and beep as they rush to go somewhere. The Chinese Spring Festival also just passed, so going to NYC seems appealing. Mom also decided to share a wonderful day with my friend. Getting stuck in a car from the P |
【Aiden in English】
The East and West have been divided for as long as writing was invented. Both became rivals, separated at war. They had considerable differences in ideals and music. So, as our final treat of the night, Mom bought the tickets to a concert of Sacred and Transcendent led by the Cellist Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble and debuted with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra (NYPO) for Chinese New Year in Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.&nb |
【Aiden in English】
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) expects more from all visitors. Not only does it have European paintings, but it also dedicates huge museum sections to other cultures. At first, three hours seemed like plenty. However, time became an issue after using up two-thirds of that in Greek/Roman Art and European Paintings. MMA’s Chinese section looked impressive. My favorite was the Classical Gardens of Suzho |
【Aiden in English】
Mom led us to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) as we walked out of Serafina Fabulous Pizza with full yet queasy stomachs. I don’t know about you, but world history isn’t a 12-year-old boy’s favorite to learn on Saturday if we even learn on that day. Even if history were our favorite subject, the library would have 24-hour service. Besides, the MMA only has art. So, reading the small summaries next to each artwork would take ho |
【Aiden in English】
The air was cold and crisp when I walked out of Wu Liang Ye Chinese Restaurant. The busy streets in Midtown Manhattan seemed as crazy as ever. Mom and I, with full stomachs, got in with the crowd's current. The next stop she had planned was the famous Rockefeller Center, just around the corner. It sounded great because my stomach was three times heavier than usual. As we turned at 5th Ave., I first saw a gigan |
【Aiden in English】
Life in a city is so different from the one in the countryside. The town bustles with people, cars, shops, and vendors. Even the lively atmosphere flourishes so distinctly from my peaceful neighborhood. And best of all, it's always this way day and night, especially in a metropolitan city like New York City or NYC that never sleeps. NYC seemed chaotic. I stepped out of Penn Station and into another universe |
【Aiden in English】
Everything that has a beginning has an end. Mom and I had spent an entire day in NYC. The finale came upon us, and this fantastic day was going out with a huge bang. Mom brought the tickets to tonight's Andrea Bocelli’s Madison Square Garden (MSG) concert. I wasn’t so surprised that Mom had planned early this year because she idolized him as a die-heart classical music fan with all his collection. Bocelli i |
2012-10-07 每年十月第二个星期一──“哥伦布/鸽子发现美洲新大陆日”,宾州各所中小学都要停课放假,以示纪念。此时恰逢寒露前后,株枫如丹,银杏吐黄,梧桐斑驳,落叶缤纷,“万紫千红妖弄色,娇态难禁风力摆”。利用这样一个长周末出外郊游,秋天的浪漫令人禁不住感触逝者如斯,情归自然。 我放眼北上,目标很快锁定位于北半球美国纽约州和加拿大安大略省边界、世界上流量最大的尼亚加拉(意指“雷鸣”)瀑布:一要有生以来率领一双儿女亲眼目睹如此诺大的“雷神 |
2012-10-06 在美东地区,恐怕无人不晓手指湖,这个由11个形如手指、散落在纽约上州的湖泊,几千年来经历了漫长的冰川运动和和严酷的自然风化,使得这片优胜美地古木山谷婆娑多姿,飞禽走兽晨暮鸣啸,山川溪流蜿蜒跳跃,岗岩峰林光怪陆离。 指头湖中依照大小排名第二位的大沼泽人湖(Cayuga Lake)与著名的藤校乌鸦(Cornell)大学相傍,湖面宽广浩瀚,水质晶莹透亮。微风吹过,周围波光粼粼,不时泛起层层涟漪。全部湖区共有29个纽约州级娱乐设施,最值得我们称 |
喜欢纽约生活的人常常被笼统地分成两类:要么富裕,恨不能浑身上下四处流油;要么年轻,青春无价犯不上在乎其它。钱多的人固守曼哈顿中心只有巴掌 |
2012-08-29 一般来说,旅游签证是观光者进入别国境内必备的通行许可,至于是否需要提前申请,每个国家各有不同规定。
自从对外门户开放以来,中国已逐渐与世界上18个友邦达成互免签证的协议,为双方国民频繁往来提供了切实可行的优惠条件。相比之下,差不多大半个地球、超过130个国家或地区对美国特设绿灯,想方设法通其便利。即使政府与政府之间没有互免旅游签证一说,为了欢迎境外游客来本地消费投资,刺激经济发展,增加财政收入,不少主权国家实际上已基 |