【Aiden in English】
Central Park is the largest natural park in New York City. Spanning just several miles in each direction, it draws many tourists from all over the world like moths to a flame, and for good reason. Although it has nature, the park carries every bit of the New York City vibe. Central Park is incredible, but the travel time from PA to the metropolitan area seemed a bit long. The car ride took about two hours, which wasn’t the worst it could be. The most significant issue at hand was the ferry. As you know, the East River cuts NYC off from the main island. A ferry takes passengers across every thirty minutes between Staten Island and Manhattan. So, Dad and I were racing the clock every moment of the trip early in the morning. Arriving at Central Park, it was already two in the afternoon. However, I would put the past behind us and have fun. I’ve been here a few times when I was little and never really memorized anything that could be significant. Looking at the entrance made me understand what I have been missing from my life. Rolling hills with green grass along the pond and trees in colors of fire made up the park, and the number of people strolling around was also quite impressive. I think in a city that never sleeps. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Walking along the hundreds of routes, stalls sold nuts and hot dogs that filled the air with fresh scents while mediocre performers tried their best to make money. Some were successful, others were not. One group had attracted many people, and an enormous crowd formed around the show. A band of African Americans was doing stunts like flips and whatnot while also joking around with the audience. They took volunteers, exceptionally tall men in particular, and jumped over them. Oddly, the jumper was the smallest in the group. Also, they got six people to line up, and the show turned wickedly. A 5-foot/1.5-meter man couldn’t safely clear 6-foot/1.8-meter men. Yet when the trick was about to begin, they began to accept money. Ten and twenty-dollar bills were being handed in as if it was no big deal, and that process took a whopping half an hour. I could have done something more productive in that half-hour instead of just standing there, but curiosity won the battle since I wanted to see and be there if someone died. Not, since as soon as everyone’s money was collected, the tricksters went for, as they say in church, “second collections.” Many people had left when the M-word was said (MONEY), but after standing for thirty minutes, I couldn’t disagree that this was getting boring. So we left the show, not knowing whether a person would get hurt. The park continued to state its beauty in the pond with clear, tranquil water covered in red and yellow foliage—a rendezvous of the Art Deco skyscrapers tossed into the pond. Ripples occasionally sent the leaves drifting in every direction, creating mass chaos on the surface. And mass chaos was going home as well. I know about getting lost in big cities all too well, and New York is probably the easiest. Popping out of the “6” subway, we walked about fifteen blocks to reach the ferry, in which Dad and I missed the five o’clock trip. I guess NYC doesn’t wish to have us leave, either. 【红霞译】
显然什么事也没发生,等在场的每个人掏完腰包,杂耍者又开始第二轮募捐活动,形如教堂实行“奉献”一样,不少观众见状转身离去,无奈白白耗掉了卅分钟。我不得不承认此举有点损人利已,我们也悻悻退场,至于后面表演得如何不得而知。中央公园一道道美景呼之欲出,池水清澈透明,池面红里透黄,富丽堂皇的摩天大楼倒挂于池塘正中,微风乍起,秋叶随涟漪自由荡漾,“生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美”,中央公园不失为一个修身养性的好去处。 回家的路一波三折,我对大城市迷路早已见怪不怪,而纽约最容易叫人找不北。走出六号地铁线,我和爸爸奔走了十五条街才抵达码头,不过还是未能赶上五点钟的渡轮,看来纽约城舍不得我们来去匆匆。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2010: 首届宾州光华中文学校校运会(2010 First Field Sports of GHCS)
The Pond against Manhattan Skyline (池塘与弓城天际线)
Bethesda Terrace & Fountain (仁慈之家露台和喷泉)
Bethesda Fountain (仁慈之家喷泉 10-24-2015)
Bethesda Fountain (贝仁慈之家喷泉 05-24-1996)
Bow Bridge (弓桥)
Gapstow Bridge (弓桥)
Gapstow Bridge (弓桥 05-24-1996)
Oak Bridge (橡树桥)
The Pond and Hallett Nature Sanctuary (池塘和哈雷特自然保护区)
Conservatory Water (模型船池塘)
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir (取代者·戴头盔的首领·毅力水库)
Great Lawn (大草坪 05-24-1996)
Great Lawn Softball Field (大草坪垒球场)
Rat Rock (鼠岩 08-29-2012)
Literary Walk (文学步行街)
American Elms Arched over the Cobbled Path of the Poet's Walk (诗人之路·鹅卵石径上美国榆树拱顶)
Giant Soap Bubble (巨型肥皂泡)
Belvedere Castle (眺望台城堡)
Belvedere Castle (眺望台城堡 05-24-1996)
Statue of Alice in Wonderland (雕像《贵族梦游仙境》
Statue of Alice in Wonderland (雕像《贵族梦游仙境》 12-11-1993)
Statue of Balto (雕像《保护国王》)
Monument of Hans Christen Andersen (神慈·基督信徒·男子汉之子纪念碑)
US Coast Guard (美国海岸警卫队) Crosslinks(相关博文):
7th Grade(初中二年级) |