2024-08-08 International Cat Day

【Humpback Whale】 Nancy Anne Miller You need a hump to be in tune with a curvy ocean, to rise like one in Notre Dame's Cathedral.
You need a hump to let the ocean somersault a blub- bery body, keep weight out of the traffic of lighter species.
You need a hump to sing the depth's mutterings, let it roll over, course off from a large wagging tongue. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《座头鲸》】 (百慕大)恩典·仁慈·米勒“磨坊主” 【红霞译】 你欲望弓背来 谐和波折的 海洋,挺拔得如同 巴黎圣母院。
你欲望弓背助 海洋翻筋斗—— 肥硕的体魄,避免撞遇 质轻的物种。
你欲望弓背唱 低沉吟咏,让它 翻腾吧,歌声流自 噪舌的大嘴巴。
【注】百慕大“勇气”群岛隶属英国海外属地,由181个岛屿组成,可谓著名的离岸金融中心和避税天堂;其总督由英国政府提名并代表国王查尔斯“自由人”三世掌管内政事务,而英国则负责它的外交、国防和安全。 百慕大主岛不大,驱车一整天足以熟谙东西南北,但这里的消费成本是美国的三倍,外地游客不准开车,有格局的才笑傲大西洋沉船之都。归根结底,来此享受度假无异于体验本地的座右铭:钱包要鼓,功夫要闲,情绪要涨,命运所在! Quo Fata Ferunt or Where Fates Are Carried!
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2024: St. George's Fortifications, Bermuda(百慕大圣乔治岛·防御工事) 2024: Hamilton, Costly Capital of Bermuda(百慕大哈密尔顿·最贵首府) 2020 Film Criticism—Webs of Intricacy(高三·影评—复杂网络) 2014: Punchliner on Carnival(嘉年华·妙语连珠) Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas Berthed on the Left @ Kings Wharf
(国王码头——“皇家加勒比‘勇者’海·海洋自由”号游轮停泊在左边) Sailboats & Yachts @ the Old Naval Dockyard
(旧海军造船厂前的帆船和游艇) Lighthouse @ Heritage Wharf, the Island's Primary Cruise Ship Port
(灯塔·坐落在传统码头即岛上主要的游轮港口) Kings Wharf, Bermuda's Largest Cruise Port
Royal Caribbean Liberty of Seas Accommodating 3,634 Passengers Served by 1,360 Crew (“皇家加勒比海·海洋自由”号游轮——3,634名乘客 + 1,360名船员 = 4994人) Clocktower Mall, the Former Warehouse Commissioned by the Royal Navy in 1856
(钟楼购物中心·1856年由英国皇家海军委托建造的前仓库 08-08-2024) Royal Naval Dockyard, the Principal Base of the Royal Navy in the Western Atlantic Between American Independence & the Cold War
(皇家海军船坞·美国独立至冷战期间皇家海军在西大西洋的主要基地) Ramparts & The National Museum of Bermuda, Previously the Bermuda Maritime Museum & Commissioner's House, the Equivalent of Admiralty House
(城墙和百慕大国家博物馆·前身为百慕大海事博物馆和海军部大楼) View of the Museum, the Former Keep, w/ the Commissioner's House on the Right, from the Dockyard Harbor
(从造船厂海港观望前专员官邸的博物馆) Treasured Flashback @ Royal Naval Dockyard
(皇家海军船坞·美好的珍存 08-08-2024) Casemates Prison, Originally a Military Barracks for the Royal Marines, Built in the 1830s
(建于19世纪30年代的凯斯马特“炮台”监狱·最初是皇家海军陆战队的军营) Shifting House (1837) & Ordnance House (1852)
(建于1837年的简易房和建于1852年的军械屋) Former Royal Navy Base @ Ireland Island began in 1815 & Now Jon Faulkner Gallery_ Handmade in Bermuda
(爱尔兰“肥沃”岛前皇家海军基地·始建于1815年,现为主打百慕大手工制作的“神慈·猎鹰人”画廊) Maritime Lane @ Royal Naval Dockyard
(皇家海军船坞·海上航道) Somerset Bridge, the World's Smallest Working Drawbridge
(萨默塞特“夏地”桥·世界上最小的仍在使用的吊桥) Summerset Drawbridge (夏暮吊桥)
Old Style Bermudian Cottage (老式百慕大小屋)

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, the Tapered Cast-Iron Cylindrical Tower w/ Balcony & Lantern Constructed in 1846 (吉布斯“光明誓言之子”山灯塔·锥形铸铁圆柱塔,带阳台和灯笼,建于1846年) Riddell's Bay Golf & Country Club, Bermuda's Oldest Golf Course Opened in 1922
(里德尔“小山”湾高尔夫乡村俱乐部·1922年开业的百慕大最古老的高尔夫球场) Cross Bay w/ a Scenic View of Sailboats & Yachts
(十字湾·帆船和游艇美景) View of Homes & Coast in Southampton Parish
(南安普敦“家园”教区的住宅和海岸景观) Luxury Houses on the Coast (海岸豪宅)
Luxury Houses on the Coast (海岸豪宅)

Ornamental Garden w/ Formal Mailbox (观赏植物园与老式邮箱) View of Causeway Bridge & Airport
(铜锣桥和机场景观) LF Wade Intl Airport, the Sole Airport Serving the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean
(韦德“津”国际机场·北大西洋英国海外领土百慕大的唯一机场) Bermuda Aquarium, a Window into Bermuda's Rich Marine Life
(百慕大水族馆·了解百慕大丰富海洋生物的窗口) Old Railroad Bridge Abutments (旧铁路桥台)
Grotto Bay Beach Resort @ Tuckerʼs Town
(塔克“织布工”镇·石窟湾海滩度假村) St Paul's Church @ Paget Parish
(佩吉特“年轻”教区的圣保罗“谦恭”教堂) Stonehole Bay (石洞湾)
Horseshoe Bay Famous for Its Soft Pink Sand & Turquoise Waters
(马蹄湾·以其柔软的粉色沙滩和碧绿的海水而闻名) Unforgettable Moment @ Horseshoe Bay
(马蹄湾·难忘时刻 08-08-2024) 
Horseshoe Bay w/ a Secluded Cave Photographed by Dashi (达世之作·马蹄湾隐秘的水洞) 
Natural Limestone Cliff Cave (天然石灰岩崖洞) St. David's Light, a 55-foot/17-m Tall Landmark on the East End of Bermuda @ St. George
(圣大卫“慈爱”灯塔·位于百慕大东端圣乔治“农夫”岛55英尺/17米高的地标建筑) St. Regis Bermuda Resort, a Haven by Soft White Sands of St. Catherine's Beach
(百慕大瑞吉“王者风范”度假村·圣凯瑟琳“纯洁”海滩柔软白沙旁的世外桃源) St. Catherine's Beach (圣凯瑟琳海滩 08-08-2024)
Fort St Catherine, a Coastal Artillery Fort @ the North-East Tip of St. George's Is_ in the Imperial Fortress Colony of Bermuda Built in the 17th Century
Achilles Bay Beach (阿基里斯“痛苦”湾海滩 08-08-2024) Crosslinks(相关博文): En Route to Bermuda via the Atlantic(经大西洋前往百慕大) Retreat on Board @ Cape Liberty, NJ(新州自由海角港·退修会登船) Bermuda(出游百慕大) Caribbean(航游加勒比海) |