【Aiden in English】
Honestly, I don’t know much about the god Apollo and the goddess of Artemis. Sure, they’re one of the 12 Olympians in Greek Mythology. Well, as for the details, let’s say I learned a lot on the island of Delos in Greece. Delos is an island 7.0 kilometers/4.3 miles long and 2.5 km/1.6 miles wide. Like the town of Mykonos, everything had to be white since the heat was unbearable. The only thing is that all the buildings are in ruins, derived from the 3rd millennium B.C. to the Paleochristian era. The archaeological site consisted of walls and pillars with no roof. They left just enough to see a sacred site that the pilgrims paid tribute to and the square houses people lived in. Delos was a very populated island and a prosperous trading port at the time. Markets flourished in the center. Merchants came and went. People from all over the Mediterranean came here. This place was also arguably the first multicultural city. Oddly, they had the same religion. Delos was a Cyclades Island dedicated to Apollo and Artemis. The legend says that Zeus fell in love with a Titaness, Leto, and his wife Hera was angry. She cursed the baby. Not a single person in Greece would accept. What happened was that two children came: Apollo and Artemis, brother and sister. As I said, please don’t ask for details since I don’t know much. But somehow, people came to this island and settled down here. They celebrated the god of the Sun in a very …… fun way because Apollo was the god of music and sounded terrific for the parties the people participated in. The other god these people celebrated was the opposite of Apollo, but not Artemis. Dionysus was the god of wine. He originated from an Indian god of wine, and the Greeks took him for their own, considering that everyone, even 5,000 years ago, absolutely loved alcohol. And what I must say, I would love to be a part of that religion, when all the other Islam, Christian, Jewish, etc., the people following Dionysus are the partiers. I am saying the true partiers! As a prayer, people got drunk. Yep, they drank their bladders full of wine and danced into the night until they were knocked out cold. The party was usually followed by a few, uh, an inside-out stomach. The island of Delos is one of Greece’s most famous archaeological sites, filled with the history of gods, and people pray their stomachs to one of them. But for me now, it’s a learning opportunity. 【红霞译文】
明显岛是献给太阳神和月亮女神的环岛,传说中宙斯因爱上巨人快乐而惹怒了他的夫人婚姻女神,她发誓要让勒托在希腊找不任何地方生孩子,没想到太阳神和月亮女神兄妹俩却先后降生在明显岛上。我有言在先,千万莫问我到底怎么回事,因为我自己也不太清楚,无论如何,移民们来到明显岛并定居了下来。大家载歌载舞,以极其热烈的形式颂扬太阳神,主要因为太阳神掌管音乐,而音乐带给聚会无限欢乐。同时,百姓也会庆祝另一位神,不是月神,而是酒神狄俄尼索斯。酒神最早源于印度,希腊人毫无保留地将他融入自己的文化之中,即使在五千年前的过去,古人照样嗜好喝酒。鉴于所有追随酒神的回教徒、基督徒、犹太徒这么热衷聚会,我郑重声明本人巴不得成为那个宗教团体一员。教徒们一边祷告,一边喝酒,真的,不喝得烂醉不跳得失控,谁都不肯善罢甘休,可以说每次狂欢总有几位吐爬下的。 就这样,明显岛因蕴藏着大量神话历史包括那位让多少人肝脑涂地的大仙而一跃成为希腊最有名的考古遗址之一,但对我而言,不失为一次学习机会。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Cycladic Mykonos, Greece(希腊环岛风城轶情) 2013: Drama Camp-1(戏剧夏令营之一) 2012: Fat Friday(逍遥星期五) 2011: Drama-Sports Camp-2(文体营之二)
Rhenia, the Great Delos (先驱岛——“明显岛”)
Rhenia (先驱岛)
Cyclades Archipelago (环形群岛) Dolphins of Delos (“隐蔽岛海豚”游轮 06-29-2015)
Sacred Harbor (圣港)
Mount Cynthus & Temple of Isis (月亮女神山与伊希斯神庙)
Temple of Athenians (雅典神庙)
Nikos & Colossus of Naxians (胜利者与纳克森人巨像)
Archaeological Site (考古学遗址 06-29-2015) Stone Headless Statue of Men (无头石人雕像)
Portico of Philip V (腓力五世柱廊 06-29-2015)
Portico of Philip V (腓力五世柱廊 06-29-2015)
Sacred Way (圣道 06-29-2015)
Sacred Way (圣道)
Establishment of the Poseidoniasts (海神追随者据点 06-29-2015)
Temple of Apollo (太阳神庙)
Agora of the Italians (意大利人集市)
Bust of Hermes (商神半身像)
Naxian Lions (纳克逊人狮子)
Phallic Symbols Representing the Greek God of Wine and Ecstasy, Dionysus (阳具符号代表希腊葡萄酒和酒神狂欢)
Agora of the Competaliasts (意大利商人行会)
Sun God Apollo Greek Mythology Site (太阳神阿波罗古希腊神话遗址)
Ancient Tablet (古代碑刻) Artemis (狩猎神) Bull Heads (牛头饰物)
Minoan Fountain Relief (克里特喷泉浮雕)
Stone Carving (石刻)
Wall Decor (墙饰)
Ancient Greek Theater (古希腊剧场)
House of Cleopatra (埃及艳后宫 06-29-2015)
Temple of Foreign Gods (外来神庙 06-29-2015)
Mansion of Dionysos (酒神故居) A Hellenistic Greek Mosaic Depicting the God Dionysos as A Winged Daemon Riding on A Tiger (描绘带翅的酒神骑在老虎上的古希腊马赛克地面)
House of Trident (三叉戟之家)
Central Cistern (中央蓄水池)
Botticelli Dining (小酒桶餐厅 06-29-2015)
Dinner @ Botticelli Dining (小酒桶餐厅·晚餐 06-29-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文):
Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级)