【On the Portrait of His Imperial Majesty. Ferdinand the Third.】 Joost van den Vondel (1587—1679) When Joachim Sandrart van Stokou, out of Vienna, in Austria, honored me with his Majesty's portrait, adorned with festoons and other ornaments. 【Deus nobis haec otia fecit.】 The Sun of Austria uplifts his glorious rays From shadow-glooms of art to bless each wondering eye. Behold him on his throne, high towering in the sky! Nor doth he scorns to beam on all his glance surveys.
Good Ferdinand the Third, born for the sovran crown. A Father of the Peace, a new Augustus, shows His Son the heights whereon the heavenly palace glows; And teaches how with arms of Peace to win renown.
How blest the mighty realm, how blest their destinies, O'er which his gracious eyes keep sleepless vigils kind. And where he holds the Scales for holy Justice blind! An Eagle brought him sword and scepter from the skies.
A crown adorns the head which empires grand engage: This Head adorns the Crown and makes a golden age. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《语言》】 正直•冯德尔(1587生—1679卒) 【《上帝让我们如此轻松》】
语言属于鸟,而我太是人以致不会飞翔; 我像房屋坐落在这个世界上,被牢固地建造在土地上。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Cheese Farm near Kinderdijk, NLD(荷兰孩童堤防附近的奶酪农场)
Konik Horses Roaming along with the Waal Banks Gendtse Waard Nature Reserve (洪泛区自然保护地──马驹沿瓦尔“外”河畔漫游)
Former Windmill @ Herwijnen (魅城·旧风车)
Waal Canal Intersection @ Maas (马厩河·外运河交叉口)
Parish Church over Waal River (外河上教区教堂)
Parish Church over Waal River (外河上教区教堂)
Industrial Area over Waal River (外河岸工业区) Chimney Towers over Waal River (外河畔烟囱塔) Staeenfbriek De Turkswaard @ Druten (人文镇·土耳其瓷砖厂)
St Martin Church @ Woudrichem (梦幻村·圣马丁教堂)
Ytong, the World's Largest Manufacturer of Aerated Concrete Blocks in Lingewaal (洗衣店外河镇—伊通,世界最大的加气混凝土砌块生产商)
Cargo Boat in Lingewaal (洗衣店外河镇·货船)
Tolkamer Pier (收费站镇·码头)
Rheinkilometer 862, Tolkamer (收费站镇·莱茵河862公里地标处)
Cargo Boat on the Waal (外河·货船)
Taizhou-Made Orchila Rotterdam Cargo Ship on the Rhine (莱茵河──中国台州生产的“脏河坝·兰花”号货船)
Taizhou-Made Orchila Rotterdam Cargo Ship on the Rhine (莱茵河──中国台州生产的“脏河坝·兰花”号货船)
Porto Bello Cargo Ship on the Rhine (莱茵河──美港货船)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |