2014-08-29 【Aiden in English】
At last, the tragic day arrives! Just as I began to get used to the vacation and no responsibility, it winds down from my 9-week-long summer camps. Now, the school awaits in four short days. So, at that very moment, the GHCS Summer Camp went out with a bang. Since today is Friday (Woohoo!) before Labor Day weekend, there will be a tournament for a whole day. The tournament was two teams competing for points by answering questions about Chinese history and culture or participating in events. I liked the Chinese Yo-Yo. However, everyone preferred Chinese chess to anything else simply because they could play, unlike when they did the Yo-Yo, where you had it flying around the room. I was the winner, mainly because I was lucky not to get hit by a flying Yo-Yo. Today was excellent, with fun after the fun. Surprisingly, for such a tragic day, today was AMAZING! 【红霞译】
悲惨时刻终于来临﹗而我刚刚适应沉浸于饱食终日无所用心之中,一连九周之久的夏令营生活嘎然辄止。如今距离学校开学仅剩下四天光景,此时恰值劳工节长周末前最后一个星期五(呜乎哀哉﹗),宾州光华中文学校夏令营紧锣密鼓,赛事正酣。 本次对抗赛大致分为两个队,以回答有关中国历史文化问题或参加活动的方式来决定名次。就我个人来看,抖空竹最棒﹔而其他营员则偏爱中国象棋,原因很简单,因为中国象棋人人能够上手,不及抖空竹在教室内上下翻腾。我运气好,终因未被飞转的空竹打着自己而名列榜首。 今天算是酷翻了,精彩迭出乐趣无穷,这么过一个“凄楚”日子,实在超乎我们的想像之外。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 巴西签证纽约行(Brazilian Visa, NYC)
The Last Day of Guanghua Chinese Scholl Camp (光华夏令营最后一天 08-28-2014)
Preemptive Answer (抢答 08-29-2014)
Martial Arts (武术 08-29-2014)
Kung Ku (练功 08-29-2014)
Chinese Checker (跳棋 08-29-2014)
Yo-Yo (抖空竹 08-29-2014)
Farewell to Summer (告别暑假 08-29-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |