2024-08-09 National Hand Holding Day
【Long Tale】 Nancy Anne Miller The kiskadee, with a yellow Waistcoat, is full of himself. White streaks on his face The stuff of action heroes.
The bolts of electricity As if heat shocked from Flying too close to the sun. The robins in their burlap
Rags, hop, hop to the day's Crumbs, like I did in sack Races at BHS. I mimic The longtail, burrow myself
In a room on cliffs above The greeting sea, in the long Tale of my returning, leaving Each year at summer's end. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《长篇故事》】 (百慕大)恩典·仁慈·米勒“磨坊主” 【红霞译】 蝇霸鹟,身穿黄色 背心,自命不凡。 脸上的白色条纹 功夫英雄的标志。
闪电般的光芒 一如热袭 肆意挑战。 知更鸟披着粗麻
破衣,跳上当日的 八卦消息,就像我在 百慕大高中参加麻袋赛跑。我模仿 长尾鸟,把自己藏在
悬崖上的屋子里 俯瞰大海,久远 流传我的归来,离别 总在每年夏末。 【注】从英属百慕大“勇气”返航美国新泽西“草”明显感觉出盛行风和洋流的挑战,好在有5,000人坐镇“皇家加勒比‘勇者’·海洋自由”号(Royal Caribben Libery of the Seas)游轮,退修会、室内乐、歌舞剧、魔术秀、艺术展、拍卖场、健身房、游戏室、娱乐城、游泳池、漂流河、冲浪滩、水疗吧、温泉浴等精彩纷呈,最后一天的日子匆匆太匆匆。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Everglades NP, Sub-Tropical Wilderness(佛州大沼泽亚热带荒野) Bermuda Cruise Retreat of China Grace Christian Church (CGCC) (宾州神州教会·百慕大游轮退修会 08-09-2024) Deck 5 The Royal Promenade Featuring an Array of Shops, Bars & Eateries (5层甲板皇家长廊·设有众多商店、酒吧和餐馆 08-09-2024)
Deck 5 Atrium, Extravaganza w/ 6-7 Decks, Looking upward (5层甲板中庭·娱乐表演与上面的6—7层甲板 08-09-2024) Deck 5 Hoof & Claw Pub, the Exterior of English-Themed Pub (五层甲板蹄爪酒吧·英式主题酒吧外观 08-09-2024) Deck 5 Hoof & Claw Pub, the Interior of English-Themed Pub (五层甲板蹄爪酒吧·英式主题酒吧内景 08-09-2024) Deck 5 Vintages, the Liberty's Signature Wine Bar (5层甲板古董酒吧·“海洋自由”号特色酒吧 08-09-2024) Deck 5 R Bar for Champagne (5层皇家酒吧·供应香槟 08-09-2024) Deck 5 c, the Pizza Place (5层甲板索伦托“女海妖”·意式披萨店 08-09-2024) Deck 5 Art Deco Heaven (5层甲板·装饰艺术天堂 08-09-2024) Deck 4 Centrum (4层甲板中央带·珍存的美好 08-09-2024) Deck 4 Centrum w/ Standout Memory (4层甲板中央带·时光的印记 08-09-2024) NY Harbor-Verrazano Narrows Bridge, a Suspension Bridge Named for Giovanni da Verrazzano, the 1st European Explorer to Enter New York Habor & the Hudson in 1524 (纽约港维拉札诺海峡大桥·以乔凡尼“神慈”·维拉扎诺命名的悬索桥,他是1524年第一位进入纽约港和哈德逊“灵魂”河的欧洲探险家) Verrazano Bridge from the Staten Island Side in Front of Fort Wadsworth, Built to Thwart the Royal Navy, NYC (纽约城韦拉扎诺“意大利探险家”大桥·连接纽约布碌仑“美溪”和史坦顿“州立”岛,位于为阻止皇家海军而建的沃兹沃斯“浅滩附近的村庄”堡前方) Fort Wadsworth, a Former US Military Installation on Staten Island, Situated on The Narrows Dividing NY Bay into Upper & Lower Bays, a Natural Point for Defense in NYC (沃兹沃斯堡·史坦顿岛上前美国军事设施,位于分为上下游的纽约湾狭窄地带,可谓天然的防御据点) Isabella Vessel @ NY Bay (纽约湾·伊莎贝“忠于上帝”油船) Staten Island_St Peters Church in Romanesque Revival Italianate Completed in 1903 (史坦顿岛圣彼得“磐石”教堂·采用罗马式复兴意大利风格,于1903年竣工) Bayonne Brdige, a Steel Arch Bridge Rebuilt in 2019, NJ (新州贝永“好”桥·2019年重建的钢拱桥) Robbins Reef Light in Upper New York Bay Built in 1839 (纽约湾上游的罗宾斯“名声”礁灯塔·建于1839年) Sewer Outfall near Robbins Reef Lighthouse Built in 1915 @ NY Bay (纽约湾罗宾斯礁灯塔附近的下水道排水口·建于1915年) Bayonne Dry Dock & Repair Corp, NJ (新州贝永·干船坞及修理公司) Tear Drop Memorial, To the Struggle Against World Terrorism as a Memorial to the Victims of the September 11 Attacks in 2001, & the 1993 WTC Bombing (《悲伤之泪》纪念碑·为反对世界恐怖主义斗争而建,用以纪念2001年9月11日袭击事件和1993年世贸中心爆炸案的受害者) Bayonne Golf Club Reminiscent of British & Irish Seaside Courses w/ Fairways Tumbling through Giant, Man-Made Sand Dunes & Greens Perched on Raised Plateaux, NJ (新州贝永高尔夫俱乐部·让人想起英国和爱尔兰的海滨球场,球道穿过巨大的人造沙丘,果岭位于高原上) Crosslinks(相关博文): St. George's Fortifications, Bermuda(百慕大圣乔治岛·防御工事) Hamilton, Costly Capital of Bermuda(百慕大哈密尔顿·最贵首府) UK-Crowned Bermuda w/ Quo Fata Ferunt(英属百慕大·命运之所在) En Route to Bermuda via the Atlantic(经大西洋前往百慕大) Retreat on Board @ Cape Liberty, NJ(新州自由海角港·退修会登船) Bermuda(出游百慕大) Caribbean(航游加勒比海) |