【Aiden in English】
From hearing the name, you can expect that Peter is an essential figure in this city. You are correct; you now know one of the most prominent people in Russian history. Peter is in an extended family line of royal blood, ruling the country for centuries. There are many Peters in the house of Romanov, seven, to be exact, so to narrow things down, I am talking about Peter the Great, Peter the Third, or the only Peter that people like in Russia (Peter Tchaikovsky not included). The idea behind today's tour was to visit Peter the Great summer palace, known as Peterhof, or "Russian Versailles." When people like you as a king, you can do crazy things. For example, you give an architect an unlimited budget for an ornate building like the best palace as much as possible. Assuming money can buy happiness, this architect packed as much joy into a house as possible. To start, the palace had to be significant. After getting an image in your head, double the size. Then double it again. Getting from one end of the property to the other required a lot of walking, enough to tire many people in our group out. The sightseeing was meant to be within "severe" walking distance. Now that the perimeter has been set imagine a regular stone house. Then, make every crease, joint, and ceiling carving in the wall gold and every chair, picture frame, and case covered in gems. Add mosaics of diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and world-renowned artwork. Finally, you have highly waxed floors that make everyone shaky and have the tourists wear disposable shoe coverings to make the entire thing seem ten times more expensive. Looking at the items, I still wonder why the palace ever asks for donations for restorations when you can pluck off a loose diamond or gold useless door handle and sell it for a few grand. If the idea that every gem was in the palace wasn't enough, they added an amber room. In case you didn't know, if made correctly, amber looks like a fire flickering in a glowing, translucent stone. Not only do the Russians like Peter’s, but they also like Catherine’s. Queen Catherine had the second grand palace of St. Petersburg, which matched Peterhof every inch of the way. Catherine was not supposed to be a ruler in the line of royals, but she led a revolution against her estranged empirical husband and claimed the throne at 34. As of German descent, Catherine the Great controlled Russia successfully and expanded its territory from the Baltic Region, which Peter the Great had overpowered, to the Black Sea for another 34-year rule until her death. The only significant difference between her palace and Peterhof was the outdoor garden. It is said, in rumors, that there are over 150 fountains in Peterhof. I disagree, but it just makes it sound much more mystical. The Peterhof garden is split by the Sea Channel, consisting of a row of fountains, each with perfect symmetry. The most dazzling one was in the center, featuring Samson prying open a lion's jaws and spaying out water cascading down the stepped terraces. It's very PG-13 if you ask me. The Russians loved to show off their wealth, and having their houses covered with money was one way to do it. Whether it makes the audience amazed, jealous, or hateful is another matter. It's kind of a waste, though, now that it has only become a museum. 【红霞译】
之所以道出上述旁白是因为今天我们要去参观彼得大帝离宫──磐石宮,享有“俄罗斯凡尔赛”之美誉,假如你登上皇帝宝座,难免想以各种形式名扬天下,譬如:不惜任何代价让建筑家为自己打造一座举世无双的宫殿,俨然摆出金钱可以买来幸福的姿态,于是这位大师尽其所能将所有代表幸福的元素全部融入使命当中。首先,宫殿必须 “大”,空间大小要比想象得成倍膨胀;第二,再使海大的奇葩翻番变成天大的极品,不让所有到访的游客从宫殿的一头走到另一头累个半死决不善罢甘休,正如游览简介上友情提示的那样,步行距离“艰苦卓绝”。好了,既然你对宫殿规模业已心中有数,那么就来联想一下正常的石屋构造,每面墙、每根梁、每块顶棚全部用纯金装饰;每把桌椅、每幅图画、每个镜框全部用宝石镶嵌;各件马赛克艺术品传世之作不是用钻石就是用祖母绿,或者用红宝石裱背起来;最后,磐石宮的地板统统打上油光锃亮的厚蜡,滑得大家步履维艰,而且个个事先必须武装齐备一次性鞋套,其费用消耗大有贵出十倍之势。留心盘算细目,我禁不住好奇磐石宮干吗还要收费集资以便开展修缮工作,何不就近摘取一颗散落的钻戒,哪怕一个完全派不上用场的金门手把,随便拿到市场上兜售,怎么也会捞回几个万来八千的,假如宝石还不够使,干脆典当点琥珀厅里的家什,万一你对之感觉丈二和尚摸不到头脑,不妨告诉你吧,质量好的琥珀是半透明的树脂化石,光亮如珍珠,色泽如玛瑙。
当然俄国佬不仅喜欢磐石宫,而且同样热衷圣洁宫,圣洁女王在圣彼得堡建造了第二座夏宫,比起前辈磐石富丽堂皇的宫殿有过之而无不及。当年在皇室成员中,圣洁女王本来轮不上出马当政,但她发动政变一举推翻离心离德的花心老公,于三十四岁那年如愿即位。作为日耳曼后裔,圣洁女王二世成功地统治俄罗斯长达三十四年,并把疆域从磐石三世把持的波罗的海地区扩张到黑海地区,直至六十八岁去世。圣洁宫和磐石宫之间主要区别在于外部花园,传说磐石宫一共有150座喷泉,我倒并不这么认为,但听起来如雷贯耳,令人感觉气贯长虹;磐石宫花园被一排喷泉组成的“海上通道”平分为二,双侧严格讲究对称,最迷人的要算中央大喷泉,太阳神力士用力拨开狮子口犬牙,水柱直冲云霄并沿阶梯式露台自上而下狂泻而去,要我说带有十三岁以下孩子的家长应格外当心自己的心肝宝贝千万别被吓坏。 俄国人喜爱炫富善长招摇,巴不得把钞票贴满自家豪宅,是否成心惹人羡慕嫉妒恨则另当别论,不过实在太过浪费,幸好现在被用作博物馆供世人欣赏。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Kotlin Island in St. Petersburg, RUS(俄罗斯圣彼得堡科特林岛) 2016: St. Petersburg—Leningrad, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡—列宁格勒) 2016: St. Petersburg—Venice of the North(俄罗斯圣彼得堡—北方的威尼斯) 2016: Pushkin in St. Petersburg, Russia(俄罗斯圣彼得堡皇村) 2015: Messina Strait, Italy(意大利墨西拿海峡) 2015: Messina in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛墨西拿) 2015: Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy(意大利西西里岛埃特纳火山) 2015: Taormina over Ionian Sea, Italy(意大利爱奥尼亚海畔的陶尔米纳) 2014: YMCA Basketball Camp(基督教青年会篮球营)
Façade of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·正面) Onion Domes of the Resurrection Church @ Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·复活教堂洋葱形圆顶)
Back of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·背面 07-02-2016)
Courtyard of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·庭院 07-02-2016)
Upper Bath Pavilion of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·上浴场亭 07-02-2016)
Ballroom of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·舞厅 07-02-2016)
Ante-Chamber w/ Delft Ceramic Heater @ Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·带有青白色陶瓷炉的前厅 07-02-2016)
Main Staircase of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·主楼梯 07-02-2016)
Crimson Pilaster Room of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·绯红色壁画室)
Amber Room of Catherine Palace (圣洁宫·琥珀厅)
Façade of Peterhof (磐石夏宫·外貌)
Onion Domes of Grand Palace Church, Peterhof (磐石夏宫·大宫殿教堂洋葱形圆顶)
Grand Cascade of Peterhof (磐石夏宫·大瀑布 07-02-2016)
Samson Fountain of Peterhof (磐石夏宫·太阳神力士喷泉)
Samson Fountain w/ Statue of Samson Rending the Lion's Jaws (磐石夏宫太阳神力士喷泉——太阳神力士撕裂狮子嘴)
The Samson Fountain & Sea Channel @ Peterhof (磐石夏宫·太阳神力士喷泉与通往航道)
Sea Channel towards Peterhof (磐石夏宫方向的航道 07-02-2016)
Center Court on Regal Princess (公主·富豪号游轮—中央球场 07-02-2016)
Cream of Wild Mushroom Soup (奶油野生蘑菇汤)
Russian Shchi (俄罗斯圆白菜汤)
Quail & Version Terrine (鹌鹑肉酱罐头)
Russian Salad w/ Salmon Roe (俄罗斯鲑鱼子酱沙拉)
Sautéed Orange Roughy w/ Tomato & Caper Dressing (炒橙鲷鱼配西红柿刺山柑酱)
Seared Diver Scallops (香煎新鲜扇贝)
Trilogy of Lamb Loin Chop, Veal Breast & Chicken Kebab (羊排扒牛胸肉和鸡肉串三部曲)
Vegetable Fried Rice Noodles (蔬菜炒面)
Sautéing of Beef Stroganoff (煸炒俄式牛柳)
Vanilla Sorbet w/ Strawberry Syrup (草莓糖浆浇草莓冰糕)
Triple Ice Creams (上色冰激凌) Crosslinks(相关博文): Russia(出游俄罗斯)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |