【Aiden in English】
Gjirokastër, Albania. Wow. What a name! The city is just as obscure as its title. It's easy to assume none of you have heard about it, as it went the same for me. But because the cruise ship stopped at Sarandë in the Balkan region, Giro-Gyro-Gjro... Gjirokastër, of all places, would have to do. Gjirokastër, the town of a thousand steps, perhaps isn't as off the map as I thought. Not only did several battles occur in the area, but many communist influencers also originated from there. Enver Hoxha, the communistic dictator, and Ismail Kadare, the author who spoke out about communism and a Nobel nominee, both came from the exact origins, which was quite ironic. The famous story of Ascension on Death was also set and filmed here. Furthermore, looking at the city and surroundings, the effects of the lack of money were significant. As our tour guide, Ols, describes, many residential buildings remained half-finished due to the stoppage of funds, usually from family members outside the country. I found that somewhat skeptical, but then he explained his credentials, which included being the chief of Culture and Heritage for the president of Albania. Interestingly, there were 700,000 defensive bunks, equivalent to 1 bunk/4 people on average, constructed across the country during the Hoxha era. In the 40ish years before 1991, Albania had a love-and-hate relationship with Yugoslavia, the USSR, China, and Cuba. Ols led us on a slow trek up the Mali I Gjerë or Mount Wide slope to the city fortress over River Drino, built in the 4th century and used in WWI and WWII, as well as in the 1991 democratic revolution. Inside, the Natl. The Armory Museum featured some old artillery, submachine, and machine gun warfare types. From the current perspective, they were nothing special. It's hard to imagine fifty years down the road, we'll have a museum where a curator says to visitors: "Here is the nuclear bomb, a primitive weapon of mass destruction." Eventually, we weaved through the fortress, with the guide dropping useful facts and fun here and there. There was a plethora of information, including a Fiat tank, which looked like an actual Fiat car with metal plates glued to the windows. Most interesting of all probably would be the communist paintings. Never have I seen a more awkward smile in a picture. I understand I forced many painful smiles in the photos, but this was wildly unexpected. Take a painting of sailors standing tall in a V-formation on the deck of a ship ravaged by waves. I can't say if the sailors enjoyed getting sprayed by cold water, but they smiled brightly, with a communist Albanian symbol of a red star painted on the ship head. Although I felt as if the painting was pointless, this was the type of propaganda the dictators in communist countries imposed on people. It's almost laughable, and I don't get it. Artists who disagreed with their ideals were imprisoned, most likely as treason. Then again, in a communist society, why would an artist even try? This was the first spot with no world-renowned brand, which was a break. It also wasn't in the European Union, which was nice. Tomorrow brings around another famous town, Olympia, a unified member of the EU. It will be another visit to Greece, too. 【红霞译文】
欧尔斯带领大家从德里诺河畔慢慢沿宽山坡爬上银堡要塞,这座堡垒建造于公元四世纪,历经第一、二次世界大战以及1991年民主革命洗礼;里面设有国家军事博物馆,展示战争时期用过的大炮冲锋枪机关枪,用现代眼光来看,它们没啥特别,很难想象未来五十年博物馆解说员将对来访者介绍:“这是核弹,一种具有大规模杀伤性的原发武器”。 最终,我们转遍了整个要塞,导游东一句西一句,但凡打开话匣子便聊个没完没了,其中还涉及到菲亚特坦克,它的外表看上去好似菲亚特汽车,只不过车窗封上了金属板。最有趣的莫过于共产主义宣传画,我从未见过如此做作的笑容,虽然自己面对镜头也常常皮笑肉不笑,但万万不能反映到画面上。以再现水手的绘画为例,他们在甲板上排成V字型昂首挺胸顶风破浪,我吃不准各位是否喜欢冰水扑面,但个个笑容灿烂,船头上还点缀着一颗象征共产主义的红五星。
尽管作品本身并无多大意义,但这不失为共产党国家统帅领导民众的宣传方式,看似非常搞笑,愈发让我丈二和尚摸不着头脑,更何况凡是持有反对看法的艺术家都会锒铛入狱,极有可能被判成叛国罪,既然如此,为什么生活在共产主义社会的艺术家还要尝试呢? 银堡是第一个没有世界名牌产品的地方,正好消停一会;它尚未加入欧盟,日子也挺滋润。明天我们要被带到另一个被欧盟同化的名城:奥林匹亚,又将重访希腊。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Saranda & Blue Eye Spring, Albania(阿尔巴尼亚萨兰达与蓝眼泉) 2018: Gjirokaster, Home to Hoxha ALB(阿尔巴尼亚吉诺卡斯特·霍查家乡) 2016: Maeshowe in Orkney Is, UK(苏格兰奥克尼群岛·梅肖韦“坟地”古墓)
2016: Natural Habitat of Orkney Is, UK(苏格兰奥克尼群岛·天然生态) 2016: The Orkney Islands in Scotland, UK(苏格兰奥克尼群岛) 2016: Skaill House in Orkney Is, UK(苏格兰斯凯尔“厅堂”建筑) 2016: Skara Brae in Orkney Is, UK(苏格兰斯卡拉·布雷遗迹)
2016: Stenness Stones & Ring of Brodgar(苏格兰斯坦尼斯立石与布罗特盖石圈) 2016: Heart of Neolithic Orkney, UK(英国苏格兰·新石器奥克尼中心) 2014: GHCS Camp—First Day(光华营第一天) 2012: Drama Rehearsal(戏剧排练)
Panorama of Gjirokaster (银堡全景 07-14-2018)
Gjirokastër Castle Wall (银堡城·城堡围墙 07-14-2018)
Stage of the Gjirokastër National Folklore Festival (银堡城民族民俗节舞台 07-14-2018)
U.S.-American Lockheed T-33 Plane Forced to Land in 1957 (1957年被迫降落的美军洛克希德T-33飞机 07-14-2018)
Courtyard of Gjirokaster Fortress (银堡要塞·庭院 07-14-2018) Stone Archway (石拱 07-14-2018)
WWII Weapons Museum (第二次世界大战武器博物馆) WWII Weapons Museum (第二次世界大战武器博物馆)
WWII Weapons Museum (第二次世界大战武器博物馆 07-14-2018)
Fiat Tank in WWII Weapons Museum (第二次世界大战武器博物馆·菲亚特坦克)
Natl. Armory Museum (军械库博物馆 07-14-2018) Female Soldier in Natl. Armory Museum (军械库博物馆·女士兵 07-14-2018)
Ascension on Death Sculptured in Natl. Armory Museum (军械库博物馆·宁死不屈 07-14-2018)
Painting in Natl. Armory Museum (军械库博物馆·油画)
Stone Path Path towards the Castle (通往城堡的石板路 07-14-2018)
Albanian Good Luck Mercedes w/ Horseshoe (阿尔巴尼亚奔驰上挂着象征好运的马蹄铁 07-14-2018)
Old Bazaar (旧集市 07-14-2018)
Vendor (小摊 07-14-2018)
Bunkers (地堡) Crosslinks(相关博文): Albania(出游阿尔巴尼亚)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |