【Ode to the West Wind • I】 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792—1822) O wild West Wind, thou breathe of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,
Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariots to their dark wintry bed
The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow
Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odors plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear! —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《西风颂•之一》】 穿越山谷者•昏暗•雪莱(1792生—1822卒) 哦,狂野的西风,秋之实体的气息! 由于你无形无影的出现,万木萧疏, 似鬼魅逃避驱魔巫师,蔫黄,黢黑,
苍白,潮红,疫疠摧残的落叶无数, 四散飘舞;哦,你又把有翅的种籽 凌空运送到他们黑暗的越冬床圃;
仿佛是一具具僵卧在坟墓里的尸体, 他们将分别蛰伏,冷落而又凄凉, 直到阳春你蔚蓝的姐妹向梦中的大地 吹响她嘹亮的号角(如同牧放群羊 驱送香甜的花蕾到空气中觅食就饮) 给高山平原注满生命的色彩和芬芳。
不羁的精灵,你啊,你到处运行; 你破坏,你也保存,听,哦,听! Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Heart of Neolithic Orkney, Scotland(苏格兰新石器时代海豹岛屿中心)
2014: GHCS Camp—First Day(光华营第一天) 2012: Drama Rehearsal(戏剧排练)
A966, the Northern Coast Road on Orkney Mainland (海豹主岛北海岸路)
Replica Construction of A Prehistoric Hut (史前小屋复制品构造)
Europe's Most Complete Neolithic Village in 3180-2500 BC in Skara Brae (斯卡拉布雷“水边山坡住宅”——公元前3180年到2500年间欧洲最完整的新石器时代村庄)
Interior Layout (房内布局)
Interior Compartment (房内隔断)
Stone Bed (石床)
Doorway (门道)
Underground Passage of Sunken Houses (低洼房屋·地下通道)
Excavated Dwellings (挖掘出来的住宅) Main Passage Linked to 7 Clustered Houses (主道联通七间联立住宅)
Snug and Comfortable Refuge (舒适居所)
Stone Beds & Dresser (石床与梳妆台)
Reusing Refuge (公共场所)
Workshop (作坊)
Birth of Christ BC-AD (公元之交耶稣基督诞生)
Fall of Rome AD 476 (公元476年罗马帝国沦陷)
First Crusade AD 1095 (公元1095年第一次十字军东征)
American Declaration of Independence AD 1776
Telephone Invented AD 1876 (公元1876年发明电话)
Crosslinks(相关博文): UK(出游英国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |